Troubleshooting Guide: Breville Duo Temp Pro Problems

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If you’re a proud owner of the Breville Duo Temp Pro espresso machine, you know the joy it brings with every perfectly brewed cup of coffee. However, like any appliance, you may encounter some issues along the way.

In this blog post, we present a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help you address common problems that you may face with your Breville Duo Temp Pro.

Whether it’s an issue with temperature control, inconsistent pressure, or other concerns, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s dive in and learn how to overcome these challenges and keep your espresso experience smooth and satisfying.

Troubleshooting Guide

Problem 1: Channeling

Channeling occurs when pressurized water does not evenly flow through the coffee puck, resulting in an uneven extraction and undesirable taste. Fortunately, there are solutions to address this problem.

Solution 1: Clean the shower screen

Regularly cleaning the shower screen is crucial for maintaining your Breville Duo Temp Pro. Follow these steps to clean the shower screen effectively:

  1. Remove the portafilter and filter basket from the group head.
  2. Use a brush to remove any loose coffee grounds from the shower screen.
  3. Soak the shower screen in a solution of hot water and espresso machine cleaner for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Scrub the shower screen with a brush to remove any remaining coffee oils or residue.
  5. Rinse the shower screen thoroughly with hot water.
  6. Reassemble the portafilter and filter basket, and run water through the group head to flush out any remaining cleaner.

It is recommended to clean the shower screen once a week to prevent the buildup of coffee oils and residue, which can impact the quality of your espresso.

Solution 2: Change your tamping technique

Proper tamping is essential for achieving an even extraction. Follow these tips for correct tamping:

  1. Even out your grounds: Ensure the coffee is level before applying pressure to avoid uneven extraction.
  2. Use good form: Position your body correctly, keeping your wrist straight and elbow at a 90-degree angle to maintain control while tamping.
  3. Use a tamper: Hold the tamper like a doorknob, with your thumb and index finger touching the base for stability.
  4. Tamp with light pressure: Apply a light amount of pressure to compact the grounds slightly, then let the puck rest momentarily. Tamp again with around 8lbs of force.
  5. Use a downward twisting motion: As you lift the tamper, twist it in a downward motion to further compact the coffee.

By following these techniques, you can ensure appropriate pressure on the coffee and achieve a proper extraction.

Solution 3: Adjust your grind

The grind size of the coffee beans plays a significant role in the extraction process. If channeling occurs, try adjusting to a slightly coarser grind. It may take some trial and error to find the perfect grind size, but the end result will be worth the effort.

Problem 2: Pump failing or blockage

The Duo Temp Pro utilizes a vibratory pump that can eventually fail or become blocked. Here’s how to diagnose and potentially resolve this issue.

To check if a pump is failing or not we need to check the pump pressurization. Use a blind portafilter to test if the pump pressurizes to 9 bar.

If it reaches the desired pressure, the pump is likely not failing. If it fails to reach the pressure, it may be time to replace the pump.

Problem 3: Slow coffee flow

If your espresso machine produces a weak dribble of espresso or no flow at all, there are a few potential culprits to address.

Dosing and tamping: Ensure that the coffee is dosed and tamped correctly. Too much coffee or excessive tamping pressure can restrict water flow. Try using less coffee and tamping more lightly to allow for proper water flow.

Clogged filter basket: Check the small holes in the filter basket for clogs. Use a pin to clear any blockages, and then run water through the basket to ensure unobstructed flow.

For stubborn coffee residue, you can soak the filter basket overnight in hot water and a cleaning tablet solution.

Problem 4: Steam wand issues

If the steam wand fails to produce steam or create quality milk foam, try the following steps.

Check dial and water supply: Ensure that the steam dial is turned to the “steam” position and that there is sufficient water in the tank.

Clear blockages: Use the cleaning tool’s pin to clear any blockages in the steam wand’s tip. If the issue persists, remove the wand’s tip with a wrench and clean it according to the user manual’s instructions.

By addressing these common issues and implementing the suggested solutions, you can enhance your Breville Duo Temp Pro experience and enjoy consistently delicious espresso at home.


The Breville Duo Temp Pro is a fantastic espresso machine that can elevate your coffee experience. However, encountering issues with any appliance is not uncommon.

In this troubleshooting guide, we have explored common problems faced by Breville Duo Temp Pro users and provided practical solutions.

From addressing channeling issues to diagnosing pump failures, slow coffee flow, and steam wand problems, we have covered a range of potential concerns.

By following the recommended solutions, such as maintaining a clean shower screen, adjusting tamping techniques, fine-tuning grind settings, checking pump pressurization, clearing blockages, and ensuring proper steam wand operation, you can overcome these challenges and optimize the performance of your machine.

Remember, a little troubleshooting can go a long way in keeping your Breville Duo Temp Pro running smoothly, enabling you to enjoy consistently great-tasting espresso.

With these tips in hand, you’re well-equipped to tackle any issues that may arise and savor the rich flavors of a perfectly brewed cup of coffee.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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