Copycat Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Syrup Easy Recipe

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Are you craving the sweet, spiced flavor of Starbucks’ Cinnamon Dolce Syrup?

The good news is that you don’t have to leave home to enjoy it.

Making your own is simple, cost-effective, and allows you to customize it to your taste.

This post will guide you through an easy recipe, offering tips to ensure you always get the perfect syrup.

Plus, it’s a healthier option with no artificial ingredients.

How To Make Cinnamon Dolce Syrup: At A Glance

  • Step 1: Prepare Ingredients
  • Step 2: Combine and Simmer
  • Step 3: Cool and Strain
  • Step 4: Store and Serve

What is Cinnamon Dolce Syrup?

Cinnamon Dolce Syrup is a sweet, cinnamon-flavored syrup inspired by the popular Starbucks flavor.

“Dolce” means “sweet” in Italian, perfectly capturing the syrup’s warm, comforting taste.

This syrup combines the richness of brown sugar and the aromatic spice of cinnamon to create a versatile addition to your kitchen.

Created by Starbucks to enhance lattes, it quickly became a favorite for its ability to add a touch of sweetness and spice to a variety of drinks and desserts.

Whether stirred into coffee, drizzled over pancakes, or mixed into hot chocolate, Cinnamon Dolce Syrup brings a cozy, flavorful warmth to every sip or bite.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Making your own Cinnamon Dolce Syrup at home comes with plenty of perks.

First, you get to control the ingredients, ensuring a pure and fresh syrup without any artificial additives or preservatives.

This means better flavor and a healthier option compared to store-bought versions.

Plus, it’s significantly cheaper to make your own, saving you money while delivering the same, if not better, quality.

The syrup is incredibly versatile, too.

You can add it to your morning coffee, mix it into lattes, drizzle it over desserts, or even use it as a sweetener in oatmeal or yogurt.

The homemade version allows you to adjust the sweetness and spice to your preference, making it a perfect fit for your taste buds.

Ingredients Needed

To make your own Cinnamon Dolce Syrup, you’ll need just a few simple ingredients, all of which you likely already have in your pantry.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar: This provides the primary sweetness in the syrup, balancing the spice of the cinnamon.
  • ½ cup Brown Sugar: Adds a rich, molasses-like depth to the syrup, complementing the granulated sugar.
  • 1 ½ cups Water: Acts as the base for the syrup, helping to dissolve the sugars and extract the flavor from the cinnamon.
  • 4 Cinnamon Sticks or 1 ½ teaspoons Ground Cinnamon: Cinnamon sticks offer a more subtle, aromatic flavor, while ground cinnamon provides a stronger, more intense spice.
  • 1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract: Adds a warm, smooth undertone that enhances the overall flavor profile of the syrup.

Optional Variations

  • Ceylon Cinnamon: If you prefer a more delicate, less spicy flavor, opt for Ceylon cinnamon sticks instead of the more common Cassia variety.
  • Sugar Substitutes: For a low-carb or sugar-free version, you can replace the granulated and brown sugars with one-to-one sugar alternatives like erythritol or monk fruit sweetener. These substitutes will maintain the sweetness without the added carbs or calories.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare Ingredients

Start by gathering all your ingredients.

When choosing cinnamon, opt for Ceylon cinnamon sticks if you prefer a milder, more floral flavor.

If you like a stronger, spicier kick, Cassia cinnamon or ground cinnamon will work well.

For the vanilla extract, use a high-quality, pure extract for the best flavor.

The quality of your ingredients will directly impact the taste of your syrup, so it’s worth investing in good ones.

Step 2: Combine and Simmer

In a medium-sized saucepan, combine 1 cup of granulated sugar, ½ cup of brown sugar, and 1 ½ cups of water.

Stir the mixture over medium heat until the sugars have fully dissolved.

Next, add your cinnamon—either 4 cinnamon sticks or 1 ½ teaspoons of ground cinnamon.

If using cinnamon sticks, crushing them slightly before adding will help release more flavor.

Bring the mixture to a gentle boil, then reduce the heat to low.

Let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes.

This simmering process allows the flavors to meld together beautifully, and if you’re using cinnamon sticks, it gives the syrup time to absorb that warm, spiced flavor fully.

Step 3: Cool and Strain

Once the syrup has finished simmering, remove it from the heat and let it cool at room temperature for about 10 minutes.

Cooling is essential as it helps the syrup thicken slightly and allows the flavors to settle.

If you used cinnamon sticks, this is the point where you can strain the syrup.

Use a mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth to catch any small particles, ensuring a smooth, clear syrup.

If you used ground cinnamon, straining is optional, but it will give you a more refined texture.

Step 4: Store and Serve

After cooling and straining, pour the syrup into a clean, airtight container like a mason jar.

Store it in the refrigerator, where it will last for up to a month.

This homemade Cinnamon Dolce Syrup is now ready to use whenever you want to add a sweet, spiced touch to your coffee, lattes, or desserts.

For best freshness, always ensure the lid is tightly sealed, and give the syrup a quick stir before each use, especially if it’s been sitting for a while.

Tips for the Best Cinnamon Dolce Syrup

Creating the perfect Cinnamon Dolce Syrup is all about fine-tuning the recipe to suit your taste.

Here’s how you can make adjustments and substitutions to craft a syrup that’s just right for you.

Adjusting Sweetness and Cinnamon Intensity

If you prefer your syrup on the sweeter side, you can easily increase the amount of granulated or brown sugar.

Start by adding an extra ¼ cup of sugar and taste as you go.

On the other hand, if you find the syrup too sweet, try reducing the sugar by the same amount.

The intensity of the cinnamon flavor can also be adjusted.

For a stronger cinnamon kick, increase the amount of ground cinnamon by an extra ½ teaspoon, or let the cinnamon sticks steep in the syrup for a longer period.

If you prefer a more subtle hint of spice, simply shorten the simmering time or use a milder cinnamon, such as Ceylon.

Enhancing Flavor: Adding Spices or Extracts

For a more complex and richer flavor, consider adding other spices or extracts.

A pinch of nutmeg can add warmth and depth, complementing the cinnamon perfectly.

You might also try a splash of maple extract to create a fall-inspired syrup with a sweet, woody note.

Another variation is to use a combination of cinnamon and cloves or allspice, which adds a slightly spicier edge to the syrup.

Variations and Customizations

Creating your own Cinnamon Dolce Syrup at home means you have the freedom to tailor it exactly to your liking.

Here are a few popular variations and customizations to try:

Low-Carb/Sugar-Free Cinnamon Dolce Syrup

For those following a keto or low-carb diet, you can easily adapt the recipe to be sugar-free.

Substitute the granulated and brown sugar with keto-friendly sweeteners like erythritol or monk fruit sweetener, using them in a one-to-one ratio.

These alternatives provide the sweetness you love without the carbs or calories.

The process remains the same: combine the sweeteners with water, cinnamon, and vanilla extract, and simmer until well-blended.

The result is a deliciously sweet and spiced syrup that perfectly complements your low-carb lattes and desserts.

Cinnamon Maple Syrup Variation

If you’re in the mood for a fall-inspired twist, try adding a touch of maple extract to your syrup.

Follow the original recipe but reduce the vanilla extract by half and replace the other half with maple extract.

The combination of cinnamon and maple creates a warm, cozy flavor that’s perfect for autumn.

This variation is excellent for drizzling over pancakes, waffles, or even adding to your morning coffee for a seasonal treat.

The maple-cinnamon blend brings a rich, comforting sweetness that pairs beautifully with all your favorite fall recipes.

Thickened Syrup for Desserts

For a thicker, more decadent syrup ideal for pouring over pancakes, waffles, or ice cream, you can double the sugar content.

Use 2 cups of granulated sugar and 1 cup of brown sugar, while keeping the amount of water the same.

As the syrup simmers, it will reduce and thicken, resulting in a rich, caramel-like consistency.

This thicker syrup is perfect for when you want a more substantial topping that sticks to your desserts, providing an extra layer of sweetness and spice.

How to Use Cinnamon Dolce Syrup

Cinnamon Dolce Syrup is a versatile addition to your kitchen, enhancing a wide variety of drinks and dishes with its sweet, spiced flavor.

Here are some of the best ways to use this homemade syrup:

In Beverages

Cinnamon Dolce Syrup shines in a range of beverages.

Add a couple of tablespoons to your morning latte for a cozy, spiced drink that rivals anything from a coffee shop.

It’s also fantastic in iced coffee, adding a sweet kick without overwhelming the cold brew’s flavor.

For something more indulgent, stir it into hot chocolate or use it as a base for a homemade frappuccino.

In Desserts

This syrup isn’t just for drinks—it’s also a wonderful topping for desserts.

Drizzle it over pancakes or waffles for a breakfast treat that’s hard to resist.

It’s equally delicious on oatmeal, adding a bit of sweetness and spice to start your day off right.

For dessert, try pouring it over ice cream or yogurt.

The syrup adds a rich, spiced flavor that complements both creamy and fruity dishes, making it a versatile topping for any sweet treat.

In Baking

Incorporating Cinnamon Dolce Syrup into your baking is a great way to infuse your treats with cinnamon sweetness.

You can add it directly to cake or muffin batters to create a subtly spiced base.

It’s especially good in cinnamon rolls, where you can use it as a topping or even mix it into the filling for an extra burst of flavor.

The syrup’s rich, sweet profile enhances baked goods, making them even more delicious and aromatic.

In Cocktails

Cinnamon Dolce Syrup isn’t just for coffee and desserts—it’s also a fantastic addition to cocktails.

Try adding a splash to whiskey or rum-based drinks for a warm, spiced twist.

It pairs particularly well with dark spirits, where the cinnamon complements the deep, smoky notes of the alcohol.

Storage and Shelf Life

Proper storage is key to ensuring your Cinnamon Dolce Syrup stays fresh and flavorful for as long as possible.

Here’s how to store it, recognize when it’s time to discard, and even tips on freezing.

How to Properly Store the Syrup

After making your syrup, allow it to cool completely before transferring it to an airtight container, such as a mason jar or a glass bottle with a secure lid.

Store the container in the refrigerator to keep the syrup fresh.

When refrigerated, your Cinnamon Dolce Syrup should last for up to one month.

Be sure to always use a clean spoon when serving the syrup to avoid introducing any contaminants that could shorten its shelf life.

Signs of Spoilage and When to Discard

Although this syrup is made with sugar, which acts as a natural preservative, it’s still important to check for signs of spoilage.

If you notice any mold growth, cloudiness, or a sour smell, it’s time to discard the syrup.

Additionally, if the syrup has separated and doesn’t come back together with a good shake, this could also indicate it’s past its prime.

Always trust your senses—if something seems off, it’s better to be safe and make a fresh batch.

Can It Be Frozen? Tips for Freezing in Small Portions

Yes, you can freeze Cinnamon Dolce Syrup to extend its shelf life.

Freezing is especially useful if you’ve made a large batch or want to have some on hand for future use.

To freeze, pour the syrup into small, freezer-safe containers or even ice cube trays.

Once frozen, transfer the cubes to a zip-top freezer bag for easy storage.

When you’re ready to use the syrup, simply thaw a cube or portion in the refrigerator or warm it gently on the stove.

Freezing in small portions allows you to thaw just what you need without having to defrost the entire batch.


Making your own Cinnamon Dolce Syrup is easy, cost-effective, and customizable.

You control the ingredients, ensuring a fresh, flavorful syrup that’s perfect for a variety of drinks and desserts.

Give this recipe a try and experience the difference homemade can make.

Don’t forget to share your results and let us know how you used it!

If you enjoyed this, explore more homemade coffee syrup recipes on the blog to keep your coffee game strong.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use ground cinnamon instead of cinnamon sticks?

Yes, you can use ground cinnamon instead of cinnamon sticks.

Ground cinnamon will give the syrup a stronger, more intense flavor.

If you prefer a smoother syrup, you may want to strain it after cooking to remove any grit.

How long does homemade Cinnamon Dolce Syrup last?

When stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, homemade Cinnamon Dolce Syrup can last up to one month.

Be sure to check for signs of spoilage before each use.

What’s the difference between Ceylon and Cassia cinnamon?

Ceylon cinnamon, often called “true cinnamon,” has a milder, sweeter flavor with floral notes.

Cassia cinnamon, which is more commonly found in stores, has a stronger, spicier taste.

Can I make a larger batch and store it?

Absolutely! You can easily double or triple the recipe to make a larger batch.

Store it in multiple smaller containers or freeze portions if you don’t plan to use it all within a month.

Is this syrup vegan/gluten-free?

Yes, this Cinnamon Dolce Syrup is both vegan and gluten-free.

It’s made with simple ingredients that don’t include any animal products or gluten, making it a great option for those with dietary restrictions.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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