Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: The Pour-Over Showdown

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In the world of coffee enthusiasts and aficionados, the debate over brewing methods can be as passionate as any rivalry.

Two popular pour-over coffee makers, the Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave, have each garnered their own loyal followings.

Both promise an excellent cup of coffee, but they employ slightly different techniques and designs.

In this post, we will explore and compare the Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave pour-over coffee makers, including their unique features, brewing processes, and resulting flavors.

Hario V60 Overview


The Hario V60 is a beloved choice among coffee fans and pros and stands out as an excellent pour-over coffee maker.

What sets it apart is its clever cone-shaped design, which lets you pile up coffee grounds more effectively.

With spiral ridges and no flow restrictions, it gives you the flexibility to pour water fast for a milder taste or slowly for a bolder flavor.

You’ve got options with the V60 – it’s available in various materials like plastic, ceramic, glass, and metal, not to mention different sizes.

This coffee buddy boasts top-notch craftsmanship, durability, and an easy-to-clean design, making it a keeper in your coffee arsenal.

However, be prepared, the V60 doesn’t cut you any slack.

It’s a bit demanding and wants you to put in the effort for that perfect brew.

This one’s for the dedicated coffee aficionado, someone who’s got the experience, patience, and hunger to learn.

If you’re up for it, the V60 lets you fine-tune every aspect of your brew with precision.


  • Well-designed and durable
  • Easy to use and clean
  • Open-source with various product options
  • Quick brew time
  • Even extraction for a balanced cup
  • Affordable option
  • Enhances citrus flavors in coffee


  • Requires additional equipment like a gooseneck kettle
  • Steep learning curve
  • Demands attention for the perfect brew
  • Limited capacity for larger groups

Kalita Wave Overview


The Kalita Wave is a unique pour-over coffee dripper with a design that puts you in control.

It’s different from the V60 in its basket-like shape, sporting a flat bottom, three small holes, and some circular ribs inside.

Thanks to its flat bottom, the coffee grounds sit nice and even, giving you a well-balanced flavor extraction.

You’ve got options when it comes to the Kalita Wave, with models like ceramic, Tsubame steel, sandstone/Sagan, glass, and stainless steel.

Plus, it comes in two sizes: the single-serving #155 and the larger #185.

Here’s the good news – the Kalita Wave consistently serves up delicious, well-balanced coffee, making it a standout choice in the world of pour-over drippers.

It’s built to last, easy to carry around, and simple to use, making it a top pick for both beginners and coffee pros.


  • Consistently good coffee, even for beginners
  • Compact and easy to clean
  • Flat bottom design for even extraction
  • Forgiving and consistent
  • Affordable and available in various materials


  • Heavy for travel
  • The stainless steel version is really slow
  • Small, less ergonomic handle
  • Limited for larger volumes
  • Filters can be expensive and hard to find

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: The Showdown

Now that you know a bit more about each pour-over dripper, let’s pit them against each other in a head-to-head battle.

Let’s find out who reigns supreme!

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: The Taste

Coffee preferences can be quite personal, with everyone having their own take on the perfect cup.

But one thing most folks agree on is that the Hario V60 and Kalita Wave can both whip up a tasty brew.

The Hario V60’s forte balances flavor clarity and body, creating a well-rounded and delicious cup.

It’s forgiving, so even if you’re not using top-tier beans or the fanciest grinder, you can still savor a complex and flavorful coffee.

That’s why it’s a go-to for many specialty coffee shops and home baristas.

On the other hand, the Kalita Wave serves up a clean and bright coffee, ideal for showcasing the nuances of specialty beans.

But the V60 has a neat trick up its sleeve – it offers more flexibility.

Even if you’re not a pro with the grinder or your pouring technique, you can still achieve intriguing results.

Tweak your brew by changing your pouring pattern and flow rate – it’s a bit harder to do that with the Wave.

With the Kalita Wave, you’ll generally get more consistent, clear, and elegant cups.

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: The Design

When it comes to design, the Hario V60 sports a V-shaped conical dripper at a 60° angle, while the Kalita Wave goes for a flat bottom with three small holes and wavy sides.

The Hario V60 channels water through a central point, creating a unique flavor extraction as it drips coffee.

In contrast, the Kalita Wave’s flat bottom spreads coffee grounds evenly over a wider space, reducing the risk of uneven channeling.

Both have angled sides and a flat plate around the edge, making them a snug fit for mugs or carafes.

Now, the material of your pour-over dripper matters more than just for looks and feel; it affects your coffee.

The Kalita Wave’s stainless steel model is a crowd-pleaser, while plastic and ceramic V60s are more common.

For durability, the plastic V60 is a champ – it can survive a fall or two.

The Kalita Wave’s glass version is our glassy favorite, but it’s delicate, so we recommend the ceramic one if you’re a bit rough.

It might need a touch more preheating, but it delivers delicious coffee.

Ultimately, it’s a matter of personal preference.

Lighter materials like stainless steel and plastic steal less heat during extraction compared to ceramic and glass.

Ceramic, however, keeps a more consistent temperature.

If you’re planning to hit the road, plastic and metal drippers are great for durability.

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: Filters

One of the key differences between these two coffee makers isn’t immediately obvious just by looking at the brewers themselves – it’s the type of filters they use.

The Hario V60 uses conical filters made from 100% oxygen-bleached paper pulp.

You can also find natural brown Misarashi filters.

These filters come in bleached or unbleached options and can be found with or without tabs.

Many brands produce these filters, which makes them affordable and widely available.

The Kalita Wave gets its name from its unique wave-shaped filters.

These filters are made from premium thick paper stock and are also oxygen-bleached for environmental sustainability.

They’re designed to work seamlessly with Kalita Wave drippers, creating a water pool on top of the coffee bed that helps control agitation, ensuring a consistent extraction without too much turbulence.

Additionally, these filters are crafted to push the brew bed away from the sides of the dripper, aiding in thermal retention.

This feature is especially useful when using materials with low thermal mass, such as the popular stainless steel Kalita Wave.

However, it’s worth noting that Kalita filters can be a bit harder to find, as fewer brands produce this specific type.

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: Size Variety

Both the Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave offer different sizes to suit your brewing needs.

The Hario V60 gives you three choices: 01 for single servings, 02 – the crowd favorite – for two to four cups, and 03 for larger batches of up to six cups.

On the other hand, the Kalita Wave offers two sizes: 155 and 185.

In this department, the Hario V60 provides more size options than the Kalita Wave.

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: Ease Of Use

This is where the Kalita Wave truly shines.

With its three small holes instead of one large one, it’s designed for a restricted flow rate.

What does this mean for you? Well, it’s a lot less picky about your pouring skills.

That’s why many folks recommend it to newcomers to the world of pour-over coffee.

You can practice that perfect pour, but even if you slip up a bit in the morning, you’ll still get a nice, even extraction without ruining your coffee.

Now, there’s a small catch – the flow rate isn’t consistent across all Kalita Wave models, unlike the Hario V60.

The Wave’s flat bottom comes with three holes and some circular ribs to keep the filter from sticking to the sides.

However, these ribs aren’t foolproof.

Especially with the stainless steel Wave, some folks find that the filter can clog one or more of the holes, which can mess with your brew.

To complicate things further, there are various Kalita Wave versions, each with slight differences.

If we’re talking about all the Kalita Wave models except the stainless steel one, they’re generally quite consistent.

But with the stainless-steel version, it’s not easy to say it’s more reliable than the V60.

The Hario V60 is more consistent across all its materials.

So if you switch from a ceramic V60 to a plastic one, you might need to tweak your brewing technique a bit.

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: Brewing Time

If you’re in a hurry, the brewing time is something you’ll want to consider when using these pour-over drippers.

Keep in mind that, as you experiment, Kalita Wave recipes tend to take about 15-20 seconds longer than Hario V60 recipes.

This is because the Wave’s horizontal ridges and flat bottom slow down the flow of water, making the brewing process a tad longer.

On the other hand, the V60’s steep sides and mostly vertical ridges allow water to flow a little quicker.

Both the Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave have plenty of specific brewing recipes available, and part of the joy of using them is experimenting to perfect your own technique.

So don’t hesitate to have some fun while fine-tuning your coffee-making skills with these manual pour-over models.

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: Grind Size

The brewing time affects the grind setting for these pour-over brewers.

With the Kalita Wave, go for a slightly coarser grind since the grounds spend more time in contact with water.

On the other hand, for the Hario V60, opt for a slightly finer grind because water passes through the grounds quickly.

These adjustments help ensure a more even extraction despite the varying brew times.

These basic guidelines are handy for getting your technique just right, and they’re especially useful when you’re trying out different recipes on both brewers.

So, experiment away, and don’t be afraid to switch between them to find your perfect cup of coffee.

Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave: Price

The Hario V60 and Kalita Wave come in various materials, sizes, and prices.

Hario V60s typically range from $10 to $40, while Kalita Waves tend to be a bit pricier, falling between $25 and $45.

Now, the difference of around $15 in price shouldn’t be a deciding factor, especially considering how long you’ll likely use either model.

If saving that $15 is a big deal, you might consider skipping one bag of specialty coffee to save up for the brewer that suits you best.

Your coffee experience is worth the investment.

Key Similarities

Both the Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave, while distinct in their own right, share some common ground that makes them excellent pour-over coffee makers.

Manual Brewing

First and foremost, both the Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave are manual pour-over coffee makers.

This means that you have full control over the brewing process, from the water temperature and pouring technique to the grind size and brew time.

Manual brewing allows you to tailor your coffee to your preferences and experiment with various parameters to achieve that perfect cup.

High-Quality Materials

Both these brewers are available in a range of materials, including plastic, ceramic, glass, and metal.

Regardless of your material choice, they are built with quality in mind.

You can expect durability and longevity from both the Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave, making them worthwhile investments for your coffee journey.


Both models offer a variety of sizes to suit your needs, whether you’re brewing a single cup or serving a small group.

This adaptability ensures that you can use them in various settings, from solo coffee moments to gatherings with friends and family.

Brew Recipes and Community

The Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave have amassed dedicated followings over the years.

This popularity means that there is a wealth of brew recipes, tips, and a thriving community of coffee enthusiasts who are more than willing to share their knowledge and experience.

You can easily find a multitude of brewing methods and recipes, allowing you to experiment and refine your technique with these brewers.

Verdict: Choosing the Right Pour-Over Brewer

When it comes to choosing between the Hario V60 and the Kalita Wave, it ultimately comes down to your personal preferences and brewing style.

Each of these pour-over coffee makers has its unique characteristics and strengths, making them suitable for different coffee enthusiasts.

Hario V60 – The Artistic Explorer


If you’re the type of coffee enthusiast who enjoys the art of manual brewing, loves to experiment, and seeks absolute control over your coffee, the Hario V60 might be your perfect match.

This brewer is forgiving and versatile, making it accessible to both beginners and seasoned baristas.

Its conical design allows for quick water flow, making it ideal for those who appreciate a faster extraction.

If you’re passionate about exploring the nuances of coffee and enjoy tinkering with various variables, the Hario V60 is the brewer for you.

Kalita Wave – The Consistency Enthusiast


On the other hand, if you prioritize consistency and ease of use, the Kalita Wave could be your go-to choice.

This brewer excels at producing consistently flavorful cups of coffee, making it a top pick for those who want a reliable, no-fuss brewing experience.

Its flat-bottom design and wave-shaped filters ensure even extraction without the need for extensive experimentation.

Beginners will appreciate its forgiving nature, while coffee lovers who cherish the subtleties of specialty beans will find the Wave to be an excellent platform for showcasing those flavors.

If you prefer a more simplistic approach to brewing and value consistent results with minimal effort, the Kalita Wave is the ideal choice.


Can I use a Kalita filter in a V60?

Certainly! Kalita filters can be used with a Hario V60.

Specifically, the Kalita Wave 185 filters are an ideal fit for the V60-02.

It’s worth mentioning that Kalita filters can be a bit pricier compared to cone filters, and you should ensure you’re using the correct size of Kalita filter with your V60 for a seamless fit.

Is the Kalita Wave easier to use than the Hario V60?

Yes, the Kalita Wave is generally considered easier to use than the Hario V60, especially for beginners.

The Kalita Wave’s flat-bottom design and three small holes allow for a more forgiving brewing process, resulting in a consistent extraction.

The Hario V60, while versatile, demands a bit more precision in pouring technique and grind size, making it a bit trickier for newcomers.

However, the ease of use can vary depending on your brewing preferences and experience level, so it’s essential to choose the one that aligns with your specific coffee-making goals.

What is the main difference between pour-over and immersion brewing?

The main difference between pour-over and immersion brewing is the way the coffee grounds and water interact.

Pour-over offers more control and a cleaner cup, while immersion brewing provides a simpler, more hands-off approach and can result in a bolder flavor.

What country invented the Hario V60?

The Hario V60 pour-over coffee maker was invented in Japan.

Hario is a Japanese company known for its high-quality glass and coffee equipment, and the V60 is one of their well-known innovations in the coffee brewing world.

Do you pour Hario V60 clockwise or counterclockwise?

It is recommended to pour the Hario V60 counterclockwise.

This method creates additional turbulence within the coffee bed, leading to a more effective extraction of flavors.

How much coffee can you make with a Hario V60?

The amount of coffee you can make with a Hario V60 depends on your dripper’s size, and it can range from a single cup to several cups, depending on your specific V60 model.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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