Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Infuser: Full Comparison

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Choosing the perfect espresso machine can be a daunting task, especially with the abundance of options available in the market.

In this blog post, we’ll compare two popular contenders, the Breville Duo Temp Pro, and the Infuser, to help you make an informed decision.

We prefer the Breville Infuser due to its advanced features, including programmable PID technology for precise temperature control, a dedicated hot water spout, and included accessories for easier maintenance.

Its versatile interface and superior value for money make it a top choice for coffee enthusiasts seeking a customizable and convenient espresso experience.

Discover the key features, differences, and performance of these machines to find out which one suits your espresso needs best.

SpecificationBreville Duo Temp ProBreville Infuser
TypeSemi-Automatic Semi-Automatic
PID ControlInternalProgrammable
Hot Water SpoutSteam WandYes
Water Tank Capacity61 oz61 oz
Weight18.7 lbs17 lbs
Dimensions11.0″W x 10.0″D x 13.0″H12.3″ x 10.1″ x 13.1″
Included AccessoriesCleaning tablets, cleaning disc, brush, coffee scoop
Value for MoneyAffordableExcellent value with added features
InterfaceSimple with one turn-knobProgrammable espresso buttons, pressure gauge

Breville Duo Temp Pro: An Entry-Level Espresso Marvel

Founded in Sydney in 1932, Breville has earned its reputation as a leading brand in the realm of kitchen appliances.

Among their impressive lineup, the Breville Duo Temp Pro stands out as a fantastic option for coffee enthusiasts who are just beginning their espresso journey but aspire to elevate their coffee game over time.

Boasting user-friendly controls, this machine welcomes beginners with open arms while ensuring a quality shot with its advanced pre-infusion technology and auto-purge feature.

One of the standout features of the Breville Duo Temp Pro is its 1600-watt Thermocoil-integrated stainless steel water path, which basically makes it a great water heater.

This ensures that your coffee is brewed at the ideal temperature, guaranteeing a delightful and satisfying cup every time.

However, it’s important to note that the Duo Temp Pro does not come with a built-in grinder, which means users will have to invest in a separate grinder if they desire freshly ground beans.


  • Rich and bold espresso with a nice crema
  • Easy to use and ready to go within minutes of turning on
  • Budget-friendly option
  • Large 61 oz water tank
  • High-powered steam wand for frothing milk
  • Pre-infusion technology enhances the flavor
  • Automatic purging feature for optimal brewing


  • Requires a separate grinder investment
  • Lacks extensive additional features

Breville Infuser: Optimal Flavor, Semi-Automatic Brilliance

Crafted to deliver an exceptional espresso experience, the Breville Infuser takes pride in its semi-automatic design, ensuring each cup brims with optimal flavor.

One of its key features is the pre-infusion process, where ground coffee is gently infused with low, steady water pressure before the extraction phase.

This unique approach allows the grinds to expand gradually before the machine applies higher pressure, resulting in a remarkably even extraction and a perfectly balanced espresso flavor.

An ideal choice for those seeking an affordable yet potent semi-automatic espresso machine, the Breville Infuser caters to coffee enthusiasts who crave a step up from basic models without breaking the bank.

Aspiring baristas and coffee aficionados alike will appreciate the Infuser’s ability to consistently deliver satisfying espresso shots without requiring extensive manual skills.

While the Breville Infuser excels in many aspects, it shares a common drawback with the Duo Temp Pro—it lacks a built-in grinder.

Consequently, users looking for freshly ground beans will need to invest in a separate grinder.

Despite this minor inconvenience, the Breville Infuser remains a standout option, offering an impressive array of features and the promise of delicious, well-balanced espresso with every brew.


  • PID-controlled and adjustable water temperature
  • Pre-infusion function for crema-rich shots
  • Auto-purge function for quick transition between milk steaming and shot extraction
  • Manual overrides for precise brewing control
  • Fast warm-up time
  • Dry puck feature for easy disposal of used coffee grounds


  • No built-in grinder
  • Extensive programmable settings may be overwhelming for beginners

The Showdown: Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Breville Infuser

While both machines boast impressive features and deliver exceptional espresso, they each bring unique qualities to the table.

In this section, we’ll compare and contrast these two models, providing you with valuable insights to help you make the best choice for your coffee journey.

Programming And Interface: Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Breville Infuser

When it comes to semi-automatic espresso machines like the Breville Duo Temp Pro and Breville Infuser, the user experience plays a vital role in shaping your coffee journey.

One of the most prominent distinctions between these two models lies in their interfaces.

The Breville Infuser stands out with its programmable espresso buttons and iconic pressure gauge, offering an array of customization options.

In contrast, the Breville Duo Temp Pro adopts a cleaner and more straightforward approach, utilizing a single turn-knob to control all aspects of your espresso preparation.

The Breville Infuser’s interface includes extra buttons for volumetric control, allowing you to program the precise amount of espresso extracted from each button.

This level of customization empowers users to consistently pull the same volume of espresso with each use, ensuring a tailored coffee experience.

Furthermore, the Infuser features a self-cleaning button, simplifying the maintenance process.

On the other hand, the Breville Duo Temp Pro’s interface presents a sleek and minimalist design, offering an effortless brewing experience.

With its single turn-knob, users can easily regulate the machine’s settings without the complexity of multiple controls.

This streamlined interface enhances user-friendliness, making it an attractive option for those seeking simplicity in their espresso-making process.

While the Breville Infuser’s interface boasts advanced programmability, the Duo Temp Pro’s more straightforward approach sacrifices some customization options.

Nonetheless, this trade-off grants the Duo Temp Pro an advantage in ease of use, appealing to beginners and those who prefer a fuss-free experience.

Temperature Control: Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Breville Infuser

Both the Breville Duo Temp Pro and Breville Infuser come equipped with the cutting-edge PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) temperature control—a modern alternative to the traditional thermostat or pressure stat found in espresso machines.

The PID technology ensures precise regulation of the water temperature passing through the group head, maintaining a constant and optimal temperature required for brewing creamy, high-quality espresso.

Despite sharing PID temperature control, there are notable distinctions in the level of temperature manipulation between the two machines.

The Breville Infuser features a programmable PID that permits temperature adjustments ranging from 196ºF to 204ºF.

With the Infuser’s built-in temperature settings capped at 205 degrees Fahrenheit, users can still tweak the temperature within this range to fine-tune their espresso brewing process.

This added flexibility grants enthusiasts greater control over their espresso extraction, empowering them to enhance the flavor profile of their shots.

For instance, increasing the temperature can mitigate sourness, especially if the machine is not used frequently and requires additional shots to heat up the group head.

On the other hand, while the Breville Duo Temp Pro also boasts PID temperature control, it lacks an external adjustment mechanism for users.

The temperature control in the Duo Temp Pro is internal and not accessible for manual changes.

This limitation means users have a more hands-off approach to temperature adjustments, relying on the machine’s default settings for consistent brewing.

Cleaning: Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Breville Infuser

When it comes to maintenance and cleaning, both the Breville Infuser and Duo Temp Pro excel with their removable water tanks, ensuring hassle-free cleaning and refilling.

However, a notable difference lies in the cleaning experience between the two machines—one that sets the Breville Infuser apart.

The Breville Infuser boasts a convenient “clean me” indicator, which proves to be a valuable asset for users.

This indicator illuminates when it’s time to clean the machine, typically when excessive residual oils and coffee grinds accumulate around the brew head.

This subtle yet effective feature comes in handy, reminding users to perform regular cleaning tasks for optimal machine performance.

While it may seem like a minor advantage, it plays a significant role in ensuring consistent and efficient operation.

After all, even the finest coffee machines require periodic cleaning to maintain their peak performance.

On the other hand, the Breville Duo Temp Pro does not include an automatic cleaning indicator.

As a result, users must rely on their memory and schedule for routine cleaning, which may be less convenient compared to the Infuser’s automatic reminder.

In addition to the “clean me” indicator, the Breville Infuser comes equipped with additional accessories that simplify the cleaning process.

Included with the machine are cleaning tablets, a cleaning disc, a brush, and a coffee scoop, providing users with the necessary tools to keep their Infuser in pristine condition effortlessly.

Hot Water Spout: Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Breville Infuser

The Breville Infuser stands out with its dedicated hot water spout, providing a convenient feature for preparing a variety of hot beverages without the need for a separate kettle.

On the other hand, the Breville Duo Temp Pro lacks a dedicated hot water spout but compensates with a versatile steam wand that can be used for hot water as well.

The Breville Infuser’s hot water spout adds a level of convenience and versatility to the espresso machine, enabling users to effortlessly prepare Americanos, hot chocolate, tea, and other hot beverages.

The presence of a dedicated spout ensures a more powerful and efficient hot water delivery, making it ideal for those who frequently enjoy hot drinks alongside their espresso.

In contrast, the Breville Duo Temp Pro utilizes its steam wand for hot water dispensing.

While this does allow for the preparation of Americanos or tea, it’s worth noting that the steam wand is not as powerful as a dedicated hot water spout.

As a result, the process of dispensing hot water through the steam wand can be slower and less efficient compared to the Infuser’s dedicated spout.

Furthermore, to switch between steam and hot water on the Duo Temp Pro, users need to manually press a button, adding an extra step to the process.

In comparison, the dedicated hot water spout on the Infuser streamlines the process a bit more.

Design: Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Breville Infuser

In terms of design, the Breville Duo Temp Pro and Breville Infuser share striking similarities, showcasing sleek and modern aesthetics crafted from quality materials.

Both machines feature an elegant stainless steel design that exudes sophistication and durability, making them attractive additions to any kitchen countertop.

While their overall design is nearly identical, there are subtle differences worth noting.

The Breville Infuser holds a slight advantage in weight, being marginally lighter than the Duo Temp Pro.

Weighing in at 17 pounds compared to the Duo Temp Pro’s 18.7 pounds, the Infuser offers a slightly more manageable option for those seeking a lighter espresso machine.

Moreover, when it comes to dimensions, the Breville Infuser measures 12.3″ x 10.1″ x 13.1″, while the Duo Temp Pro has slightly more compact dimensions at 11.0″W x 10.0″D x 13.0″H.

Although both machines are relatively small and fit well on most countertops, the Infuser’s slightly larger size might be a consideration for those who prioritize space-saving solutions.

In terms of water tank capacity, both the Breville Duo Temp Pro and Breville Infuser share the same capacity of 61 ounces, ensuring ample water supply for your espresso-making needs.

Value For Money: Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Breville Infuser

Both the Breville Duo Temp Pro and Breville Infuser are attractively priced, delivering exceptional performance and convenience.

Equipped with large-capacity water tanks, auto-purge functions, high-quality portafilters, and magnetic tampers, both machines ensure a delightful espresso experience.

Additionally, their thermoblock systems ensure quick heating of the water, allowing users to enjoy their coffee without unnecessary waiting.

While the Duo Temp Pro emerges as the more budget-friendly option, costing a little less than the Infuser, the Infuser offers more in terms of value for money.

For just a slightly higher price, the Breville Infuser provides additional accessories, including cleaning tablets, a cleaning disc, a brush, and a coffee scoop, which simplify and enhance the cleaning process, ensuring the machine stays in top-notch condition.

Moreover, the Infuser’s interface with programmable buttons grants users greater control over their espresso preparation, offering an easier and more customized brewing experience.

This added convenience and versatility, combined with the supplementary accessories, contribute to the Infuser’s superior value proposition.

Key Similarities: Breville Duo Temp Pro vs Breville Infuser

Not we’ve gone over some of the key differences between these two machines, let’s quickly go over some of the similarities between them.

Steam Wand

Both the Breville Duo Temp Pro and Breville Infuser are equipped with steam wands that excel in creating a perfectly creamy microform.

The steam wand on the Duo Temp Pro is user-friendly and capable of producing results akin to a professional cafe setting.

Similarly, the Infuser’s steam wand achieves high-quality microfoam, ensuring a delightful frothing experience.

While the steam wands take approximately 15 seconds to reach full power and 60-90 seconds to steam milk, this slightly slower process provides novice baristas with ample time to aerate the milk, making it beginner-friendly.

Water Tank

Both machines feature removable water tanks with a capacity of 61 ounces.

Refilling the water tank is effortless, as users can detach it from the machine and conveniently fill it directly in the sink.

With this sizable 61-ounce tank, both the Breville Duo Temp Pro and Breville Infuser enable users to create at least 9 cups of espresso or a dozen cups of lattes, catering to a range of brewing preferences.


Both the Duo Temp Pro and Infuser come equipped with two types of portafilters: pressurized and non-pressurized.

The pressurized portafilter baskets are beginner-friendly and forgiving, making them suitable for those using pre-ground coffee or just starting their espresso journey.

On the other hand, the non-pressurized portafilter baskets require precision and a high-quality grinder but offer a superior espresso flavor, making them an excellent choice for those grinding their own coffee beans.


Both machines feature an auto-purge function, adjusting the water temperature automatically after steaming to ensure optimal espresso extraction temperature.

This seamless transition from brewing to steaming and vice versa makes the process smooth and efficient.

The auto-purge functionality guarantees a quicker turnaround for your espresso shots.


Both the Breville Duo Temp Pro and Breville Infuser are equipped with a powerful 15-bar Italian pump, ensuring high-pressure coffee extraction.

This elevated pressure contributes to creating creamy, sweet espresso shots with a rich crema and exceptional flavor profiles.

PID Technology

Both machines incorporate built-in PID controls to monitor the boiler temperature accurately.

While the Breville Infuser features a programmable PID, offering more user control, both machines benefit from the PID technology, maintaining precise temperature regulation for consistent and outstanding espresso results.

The Verdict: There’s A Clear Winner

The Breville Infuser emerges as the preferred choice over the Breville Duo Temp Pro for those seeking enhanced customization, convenience, and value for money.

With its programmable PID technology, the Infuser grants users greater control over their espresso experience, enabling precise temperature adjustments and a more tailored brewing process.

Additionally, the “clean me” indicator and the array of included accessories streamline the maintenance process, ensuring the machine remains in top-notch condition effortlessly.

Furthermore, the Infuser’s dedicated hot water spout provides added versatility, allowing users to prepare a variety of hot beverages without the need for a separate kettle.

The convenience of programmable buttons on the Infuser’s interface also simplifies the espresso-making process, making it an excellent choice for users of all skill levels.

Overall, the Breville Infuser’s combination of advanced features, added accessories, and enhanced user control justifies its slightly higher price, offering exceptional value for money and a superior espresso experience.

Who Should Choose the Breville Duo Temp Pro?

The Breville Duo Temp Pro remains an excellent option for those seeking an entry-level semi-automatic espresso machine with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.

Its straightforward interface, comprising a single turn-knob for control, appeals to beginners or individuals who prefer a fuss-free brewing process without the need for extensive customization.

If you prioritize budget-friendly options and do not require the additional features provided by the Infuser, the Duo Temp Pro offers a reliable and satisfying espresso experience without compromising on quality.

Its powerful steam wand, 15-bar Italian pump, and PID temperature control (although not externally adjustable) ensure a delightful coffee experience for espresso enthusiasts.

While the Breville Infuser takes the spotlight for its advanced features, customization options, and superior value for money, the Breville Duo Temp Pro remains a solid choice for those seeking a more straightforward and budget-conscious espresso machine.

Both machines deliver high-quality results and are worthy additions to any coffee lover’s kitchen.


Does Breville Duo Temp Pro have a dual boiler?

The Breville Duo Temp Pro is a single boiler machine. It does not have a dual boiler system that allows for simultaneous brewing and steaming.

What is the temperature of the Breville Duo temp pro?

During a demo of the machine, the temperature was measured to be around 135°F (57°C) when frothing milk.

How long does it take for the duo temp pro to heat up?

The Breville Duo-Temp Pro espresso machine heats up relatively quickly. It takes only a few seconds for the machine to heat up and generate sufficient steam pressure.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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