How Much Caffeine Is In Turkish Coffee? The Truth

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Ever wondered how much caffeine is hiding in that delightful cup of Turkish coffee?

Well, you’re in for a treat because we’re about to spill the beans (pun intended).

The short answer is that a single cup of Turkish coffee generally has around 150-165 mg of caffeine in it.

However, this is dependent on many factors which we will discuss throughout this post.

Join us as we embark on a caffeine-fueled journey, exploring the energy-packed secrets of Turkish coffee and its place in the caffeinated world.

Let’s dive in and uncover the buzz together!

How Much Caffeine Is In Turkish Coffee?

If you’re seeking that perfect morning jolt or a midday pick-me-up, Turkish coffee might be your flavorful answer. But just how much caffeine lurks within those finely brewed grounds?

When it comes to caffeine content, Turkish coffee can range from 50 to 165 mg per cup.

Averaging around 50 to 65 mg in a typical 2 to 5-ounce demitasse cup, Turkish coffee boasts a caffeine concentration nearly double that of your regular joe.

To put it into perspective, your average cup of coffee contains approximately 95 mg of caffeine.

Yet, here’s where the story gets a touch nuanced.

Some sources whisper that Turkish coffee’s caffeine might dip as low as 40 mg.

Intriguing, right? You see, the caffeine journey in Turkish coffee hinges on factors like bean type, preparation methods, and the sheer amount of coffee thrown into the mix.

These elements intertwine to make exact caffeine calculations a tad elusive.

If you’re a healthy adult aiming to stay within the caffeine limits, we recommend drinking around two and a half cups of Turkish coffee in a day to stay within the recommended daily caffeine intake, capped at 400 mg.

Turkish Coffee Caffeine Content vs Other Types Of Coffee

Let’s take a look at how the caffeine content in Turkish coffee compares to some of the other popular coffee choices.

Coffee TypeCaffeine Content per Cup
Turkish Coffee165 mg
Espresso64 mg
Drip Coffee65-120 mg
Cold Brew200 mg (16 oz / 473 mL)
Cappuccino173 mg (16 oz / 480 g)

Does Turkish Coffee Have More Caffeine Than Espresso?

Yes, Turkish coffee will typically have more caffeine compared to Espresso.

A cup of Turkish coffee boasts a caffeine content that varies between 50 and 165 mg, influenced by factors like preparation technique and coffee quantity.

In comparison, a standard shot of espresso typically holds around 63 to 80 mg of caffeine.

This suggests that Turkish coffee could potentially pack a stronger caffeine punch.

And while this may be true, delving into the world of espresso uncovers its own caffeine complexities.

The caffeine content within a shot of espresso is affected by variables including coffee bean type, brewing method, and serving size.

As such, espresso’s caffeine concentration can range pretty widely.

But, when considering a head-to-head caffeine competition ounce for ounce, espresso actually has more caffeine than Turkish coffee.

Is Turkish Coffee The Healthiest Coffee?

While Turkish coffee boasts an impressive lineup of health benefits, it doesn’t necessarily hold the crown for the healthiest coffee option.

That title belongs to plain black coffee – a simple drink without the addition of sugar, milk, or cream.

Nonetheless, Turkish coffee brings its own set of wellness advantages to the table.

This traditional delight can infuse your body with energy, sharpen mental acuity, and potentially lower the risk of specific chronic ailments.

Packed with antioxidants, it acts as a safeguard, shielding your cells from harm.

The caffeine it contains serves as a natural aid in heightening alertness and boosting memory.

Notably, Turkish coffee’s potential in regulating cholesterol levels can contribute to the vitality of your blood cells.

Astonishingly, indulging in two cups per day might reduce the risk of colon cancer and gallstones by a remarkable 45%.

Sporting yet more pluses, it’s associated with improved athletic performance, inflammation reduction, and assistance in blood sugar regulation – all significant aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

Yet, let’s not overlook the intensity of Turkish coffee.

This brew is bolder than many others, which could lead to unwelcome side effects if consumed excessively, such as insomnia, anxiety, or digestive issues.

How Much Turkish Coffee Can You Consume In A Day?

If you’re pondering the quantity of Turkish coffee you can savor in a day, a wise guideline is to check the FDA’s caffeine recommendations.

To stay within the safe caffeine threshold, which is set at 400mg per day, it’s advisable to drink Turkish coffee in moderation.

Aim to cap your intake at a maximum of 2 to 3 cups daily.

This way, you can relish the delightful flavors and potential benefits of Turkish coffee while ensuring a balanced and health-conscious approach to your daily caffeine consumption.

What Is Turkish Coffee?

At the crossroads of history and taste, Turkish coffee stands as an emblem of rich heritage and distinct flavor.

Originating within the realm of the Ottoman Empire, Turkish coffee is a unique concoction prepared with an artistic touch and a reverence for tradition.

Crafted from Arabica coffee beans sourced from the fertile lands of Central and South America, Turkish coffee’s journey begins with a harmonious blend and careful roasting.

These beans are ground to an exquisite fineness, setting the stage for a brewing process that is nothing short of an art form.

The brewing ritual takes place in a “cezve,” the vessel of choice for Turkish coffee preparation.

Here, finely ground coffee is introduced to water, accompanied by the precise measure of sugar to suit individual preferences.

Over a gentle heat, the concoction simmers, revealing its true essence through a slow, deliberate boil.

This pivotal moment, when the coffee reaches its boiling point, is a hallmark of the brewing process, adding to the complexity of flavors.

Served in small cups that mirror the intimacy of the experience, Turkish coffee is more than a mere beverage; it’s a journey of the senses.

Upon serving, the coffee ground must be left to sit for a short time, allowing the coffee grounds to gracefully settle at the cup’s base.

The allure of Turkish coffee goes beyond taste alone.

Its froth, aroma, and presentation hold a mirror to the culture from which it hails.

A symbol of hospitality, friendship, refinement, and entertainment, Turkish coffee is woven into the tapestry of everyday life, transcending social boundaries and bringing people together.

What Is The Traditional Way To Prepare Turkish Coffee?

Immersing yourself in the world of Turkish coffee means embarking on a journey of time-honored preparation, culminating in a robust and flavorful brew.

Here’s a glimpse into the steps that encompass the traditional Turkish coffee-making process:

  1. Use a special wide-bottomed pot called a cezve, usually made of copper.
  2. Add one heaping tablespoon of finely ground Turkish coffee per each cup of water to the cezve.
  3. Add sugar to the cezve if desired, stirring the mixture until combined.
  4. Pour cold water into the cezve, about 50 milliliters (1.7 oz) per cup of coffee desired.
  5. Place the cezve on the stove and heat it slowly over low heat, stirring occasionally until the coffee starts to foam.
  6. Remove the cezve from the heat just before it boils over.
  7. Pour the coffee into Turkish coffee cups at an angle, allowing the foam to settle on top.
  8. Allow the coffee to settle for at least one minute before serving it with a glass of water and a small sweet treat like Turkish delight.

Fun Facts About Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a traditional beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries.

Here are some fun facts about Turkish coffee:


Despite its name, Turkish coffee actually originated in Yemen and was brought to Turkey in the 16th century by Syrian traders.

Foam and Quality

A good cup of Turkish coffee is characterized by its foam, which is formed by the coffee’s natural oils.

The foam is an indicator of the coffee’s quality and freshness.

Importance of Water

Turkish coffee is always served with water, which is used to cleanse the palate before drinking the coffee.

This allows the drinker to fully appreciate the coffee’s taste.

Introduction of Coffee to Europe

Turkish coffee was introduced to Europe by Turkish merchants who sold coffee beans in places like Venice.

The first Italian coffeehouse, Caffe Florian, was founded in Venice in 1720.

Role of Turkish Delight

Turkish delight is often served with Turkish coffee as a sweet treat.


In the realm of caffeinated indulgence, Turkish coffee reigns as a robust contender, delivering a caffeine experience that both delights and energizes.

With caffeine content ranging from 50 to 165 mg per cup, this cherished brew holds the power to invigorate your senses and elevate your day.

As you relish the rich flavors and cultural heritage woven into each velvety sip, remember that moderation is key.

Aligning with recommended daily caffeine limits ensures you can fully appreciate the benefits of Turkish coffee without risking your well-being.

So, whether you find yourself enchanted by its traditional preparation or captivated by its boldness, Turkish coffee invites you to embark on a journey where caffeine, culture, and flavor unite in perfect harmony.


Is Turkish coffee the strongest coffee?

While Turkish coffee is not the strongest coffee, it can be stronger than a single shot of espresso.

The strength of Turkish coffee can vary depending on how it is made, the type of beans used, and the brewing method.

Do you add milk to Turkish coffee?

Yes, you can add milk to Turkish coffee.

While it is not a traditional way of serving Turkish coffee, some people prefer to add milk to their coffee to mellow out the strong flavor. 

Do you drink the sediment in Turkish Coffee?

It is not recommended to drink the sediment or sludge at the bottom of Turkish coffee.

The sediment contains concentrated chemicals like caffeine, cafestol, and kahweol, which can potentially cause health problems if consumed.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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