How To Clean A Bunn Coffee Maker: A Quick And Easy Guide

In the world of coffee lovers, there’s nothing quite like starting the day with a freshly brewed cup of java.

If you’re a proud owner of a BUNN coffee maker, you know the importance of consistently delicious coffee.

However, to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your beloved machine, regular cleaning is essential.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through a simple and effective step-by-step process to clean your BUNN coffee maker, keeping it in top shape and guaranteeing a perfect cup every time.

Cleaning Your BUNN Coffee Maker: A Step-by-Step Guide

Bunn coffee makers have gained a reputation for their durability and reliability, but like any coffee maker, they require regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your Bunn coffee maker in top shape:

1. Turn off and unplug the machine

Before embarking on the cleaning process, it’s crucial to turn off the machine and unplug it from the electrical outlet.

This precautionary step ensures your safety by preventing any risk of electric shock.

2. Clean the exterior

Using a soft cloth dampened with warm water and mild soap, gently clean the exterior surfaces of your Bunn coffee maker.

Once you’ve wiped away any dirt or residue, rinse the cloth with warm water only and use it to remove any remaining soap.

Finally, dry off the machine with a dry cloth to prevent water spots.

3. Remove coffee grounds and filter

Dispose of any leftover coffee grounds and remove the coffee filter from the brew basket.

This step ensures a clean starting point for the next brewing cycle.

4. Clean and soak the carafe

Clean the carafe with warm, soapy water, thoroughly rinsing away any residue.

For a more thorough clean, prepare a mixture of one part vinegar to two parts distilled water and pour it into the carafe.

Let the mixture sit for approximately 30 minutes to dissolve any stubborn stains or deposits.

Afterward, rinse the carafe thoroughly to remove any remaining vinegar solution.

5. Clean the spray nozzle and tube

For Bunn coffee makers equipped with a cleaning tool, remove the brew funnel and spray nozzle.

Insert the provided cleaning tool or a soft-bristled toothbrush into the spray tube, and gently brush back and forth while rotating it.

Ensure all deposits are removed from the brew funnel.

Once cleaned, reassemble the brew funnel and attach the spray nozzle securely.

6. Descaling the machine

Over time, mineral deposits known as scale can accumulate inside your Bunn coffee maker, especially in areas with hard water.

Neglecting to remove these deposits can lead to clogs and affect the machine’s performance.

To descale your Bunn coffee maker effectively, refer to the next section for detailed instructions.

Descaling Your BUNN Coffee Maker: A Vital Step for Optimal Performance

Descaling your BUNN coffee maker is an essential process to eliminate mineral and hard water deposits that can accumulate over time and impact the flavor of your coffee.

Follow these steps to effectively descale your BUNN coffee maker:

1. Prepare the descaling solution

In a bowl, mix equal parts white vinegar and distilled water.

The specific ratio may vary depending on your BUNN brewer model, but a general guideline is 1/3 vinegar to 2/3 distilled water.

This solution will effectively dissolve the mineral deposits.

2. Pour the descaling solution

Carefully pour the descaling solution into the water reservoir of your BUNN coffee maker.

Ensure that the solution is distributed evenly throughout the reservoir.

3. Run a brewing cycle

Start a brewing cycle on your BUNN coffee maker, allowing the descaling solution to run through the machine.

This process helps to dislodge and remove the mineral deposits that have accumulated inside.

4. Let the solution sit

Once the brewing cycle is complete, allow the descaling solution to sit inside the coffee maker for at least 15 minutes.

This idle time enables the solution to effectively break down any remaining mineral deposits.

5. Rinse with clean water

After the recommended sitting period, run several cycles of clean water through your BUNN coffee maker to thoroughly rinse out any traces of the descaling solution.

This step ensures that no unpleasant taste lingers in your future brews.

6. Wipe and dry the machine

Using a damp cloth, wipe down the exterior surfaces of the coffee maker to remove any residue or descaling solution.

Finally, dry the machine thoroughly with a clean cloth to prevent water spots or damage.

Important To Note

If you prefer an alternative to vinegar, there are descaling solutions available in the market specifically designed for BUNN coffee makers.

Follow the instructions provided with the chosen descaling solution carefully, and remember to rinse the machine thoroughly with clean water afterward to prevent any unwanted flavors from affecting your coffee.

How Often Should You Descale Your Bunn Coffee Maker?

The frequency of descaling depends on the usage and the hardness of the water in your area. The hardness of water can vary significantly from one region to another.

Areas with hard water contain higher mineral content, which can lead to faster mineral deposits in coffee makers.

If you reside in an area with hard water, descaling your BUNN coffee maker more frequently is recommended.

You can check with your local water supplier or use water testing kits to determine the hardness of your water.

To combat the effects of hard water, it is generally advisable to descale your BUNN coffee maker at least once a week if you live in an area with hard water.

This regular descaling helps prevent the buildup of mineral deposits and ensures the machine functions optimally.

The frequency of descaling can also depend on how often you use your BUNN coffee maker.

If you use it daily or multiple times a day, the chances of mineral deposits accumulating faster increase.

In such cases, more frequent descaling may be necessary to maintain the machine’s performance and the quality of your brewed coffee.

In addition to regular descaling, it is important to perform a thorough cleaning of your BUNN coffee maker every three months.

This comprehensive cleaning involves not only descaling but also cleaning the exterior, removing coffee grounds and filters, and cleaning the spray nozzle and tube.

By doing so, you ensure that any accumulated residue or buildup is effectively removed, maintaining the overall hygiene and performance of the machine.

Unveiling the Hidden Menace: Germs in Your Coffee Maker

Coffee makers, despite being a source of our daily caffeinated delights, can harbor a surprising number of germs in various areas.

From the water reservoir to the coffee pod compartment, and even the spout and tray, these seemingly innocuous parts can become breeding grounds for bacteria.

However, one particular area stands out as the germiest: the handle of the coffee pot.

Interestingly, single-use machines tend to accumulate the highest concentration of germs on their tops.

In a study conducted by a Loyola University microbiologist, bacteria such as Staphylococcus and E. coli were discovered in coffee machines, lurking in unexpected places.

Surprisingly, these bacteria were found not only in the water reservoir and the cup containing coffee grounds but also underneath where the coffee dispenses.

Furthermore, the water reservoirs themselves were found to contain a staggering 1,000 times more germs than toilet seats, with the presence of the bacteria coliform being detected.

In addition to the aforementioned bacteria, other microorganisms like Bacillus cereus have been identified in coffee makers, further highlighting the need for proper cleaning and maintenance.

To eliminate germs and mold, it is crucial to keep coffee makers dry and clean.

Regular cleaning routines are essential to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and ensure a hygienic coffee-brewing environment.

Maintaining a Germ-Free Coffee Maker: Effective Prevention Tips

To ensure a safe and hygienic brewing experience, it’s important to take preventive measures to keep your coffee maker free from germs.

Follow these practices to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria:

1. Regular cleaning routine

Make it a habit to clean all removable parts of your coffee maker regularly.

Whether you own a drip machine, a single-serve brewer, a percolator, or a French press, cleaning with soap and water after each use is crucial.

Additionally, you can also clean these parts in the dishwasher if they are dishwasher-safe.

Regular cleaning eliminates any potential residue or buildup that can harbor bacteria or mold.

2. Thoroughly dry all parts

After each use and cleaning session, ensure that all parts of your coffee maker are thoroughly dried.

Moisture creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and mold.

By completely drying the parts, you prevent the growth and proliferation of these unwanted microorganisms.

3. Regular filter replacement

If your coffee maker has a filter, make it a practice to replace it regularly.

Over time, filters can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, compromising the cleanliness of your brew.

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for filter replacement to maintain optimal cleanliness and prevent any buildup.

4. Opt for filtered water

Using filtered water in your coffee maker can contribute to preventing the accumulation of mineral deposits.

These deposits not only affect the taste of your coffee but can also create an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria and mold.

By using filtered water, you minimize the risk of mineral buildup, ensuring a cleaner and healthier brewing process.

5. Avoid leaving coffee in the pot

Leaving coffee in the pot for an extended period can create an environment that promotes the growth of bacteria and mold.

It is advisable to empty the pot promptly after each brewing session.

Additionally, cleaning the pot after each use helps maintain a sanitary environment and prevents any residue from becoming a potential breeding ground for germs.


Regularly cleaning your BUNN coffee maker is the key to maintaining its performance, extending its lifespan, and ensuring a delicious cup of coffee every time.

By following the simple and effective cleaning steps outlined in this guide, you can keep your BUNN coffee maker in optimal condition.

Remember to clean the exterior, remove coffee grounds and filters, soak the carafe, clean the spray nozzle and tube, and descale the machine when necessary.

Additionally, incorporating preventive measures like drying the parts, replacing filters, using filtered water, and avoiding leaving coffee in the pot for too long can further enhance cleanliness.

With a clean and well-maintained BUNN coffee maker, you can enjoy the perfect cup of coffee with peace of mind.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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