Iced Latte vs Iced Cappuccino: Which One to Choose?

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Iced latte and iced cappuccino are two popular coffee drinks that are enjoyed all over the world.

While they may seem similar at first glance, there are some key differences between them.

In this article, we’ll explore what sets these two drinks apart and help you decide which one to choose based on your preferences.

We’ll also take a look at the history of each drink and why this comparison is important for coffee lovers.

Whether you’re a die-hard latte fan or a cappuccino connoisseur, you won’t want to miss this breakdown of iced latte vs iced cappuccino.

Iced Latte

An Iced latte is a popular coffee beverage made with espresso and milk, served over ice.

Here are some key points to consider:

What is an Iced Latte?

An iced latte is a coffee drink that typically consists of espresso, cold milk, and ice.

It’s a refreshing and popular beverage during warm weather or for those who prefer their coffee cold.

How is it Made?

To make an iced latte, baristas start by pulling a shot or two of espresso, which is then combined with cold milk and poured over ice.

The amount of espresso and milk can be adjusted to suit personal preferences. Some people may also add flavor syrups or other ingredients to customize their drink.

Ingredients and Variations

The ingredients of an iced latte typically include espresso, milk, and ice, but there are many variations available.

Some coffee shops offer flavored syrups such as vanilla or caramel to add some sweetness to the drink.

Others may offer different types of milk, such as almond, soy, or oat milk for those who are lactose intolerant or vegan.

Pros and Cons of an Iced Latte


  • Refreshing and perfect for hot weather
  • Customizable with different milk options and flavors
  • A great option for those who prefer their coffee cold


  • Can be more expensive than regular coffee
  • May contain more calories than black coffee due to the milk and sweeteners

When to Choose an Iced Latte over Other Coffee Drinks

An iced latte is a great option when you want a refreshing, cold coffee beverage that isn’t too strong.

It’s perfect for sipping on a warm day or when you’re looking for something a little lighter than a traditional latte or cappuccino.

Milk Options

The milk used in an iced latte can vary depending on personal preference and dietary restrictions.

Here are some common options:

Dairy Milk

Dairy milk is the most traditional milk option for an iced latte.

It adds a creamy texture and richness to the drink.

However, it may not be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy.

Plant-based Milk Alternatives

There are many plant-based milk alternatives available that can be used in an iced latte.

Some popular options include almond, soy, and oat milk.

These milk alternatives offer a different flavor and texture than dairy milk, and they’re a great choice for those who are lactose intolerant or vegan.


Sweeteners can be added to an iced latte to enhance the flavor.

Here are some common options:

Types of Sweeteners to Add to an Iced Latte

  • Sugar
  • Honey
  • Syrups (vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, etc.)

Pros and Cons of Adding Sweeteners to an Iced Latte


  • Adds flavor and sweetness to the drink
  • Can be customized to personal taste


  • May add extra calories to the drink
  • Can mask the natural flavors of the coffee

Serving Styles

An iced latte can be served in a variety of ways, depending on personal preference.

Here are some common serving styles:

Traditional Iced Latte

A traditional iced latte is served in a clear glass or plastic cup with ice, espresso, and milk.

It’s a simple and classic way to enjoy this refreshing drink.

Blended Iced Latte

A blended iced latte is similar to a frappuccino and is made by blending espresso, milk, ice, and flavorings together to create a smooth, icy texture.

It’s a great option for those who want a thicker and creamier texture to their drink.

Iced Latte with Whipped Cream

For those who want to add an extra touch of sweetness and indulgence to their iced latte, a dollop of whipped cream can be added on top.

It’s a popular choice for those who want to elevate their drink and make it feel like a special treat.

Iced Cappuccino

Iced cappuccino is another popular coffee beverage that has a distinct taste and texture compared to an iced latte.

What is an Iced Cappuccino?

An iced cappuccino is a cold coffee beverage that typically consists of espresso, cold milk, and foam.

It’s a refreshing and creamy drink that’s perfect for those hot summer days.

How is it made?

An iced cappuccino is typically made by brewing a shot of espresso and allowing it to cool. Once cooled, cold milk is added to the espresso and mixed together.

Foam is then added to the top of the drink, giving it its characteristic layered look.

Ingredients and Variations

The ingredients of an iced cappuccino are simple and straightforward, consisting of espresso, cold milk, and foam.

However, there are variations that can be made to customize the drink.

Flavored syrups, such as vanilla or caramel, can be added to the drink to give it a unique taste.

Additionally, some people may choose to add chocolate syrup or powder to the drink for an extra touch of sweetness.

Pros and Cons of an Iced Cappuccino

One of the main benefits of an iced cappuccino is its rich and creamy texture.

The foam adds an extra layer of creaminess to the drink, which can be satisfying for those who enjoy a thicker texture in their beverages.

Additionally, an iced cappuccino typically has a stronger coffee flavor compared to an iced latte, which can be a pro for those who enjoy a bold and strong taste.

On the other hand, one of the downsides of an iced cappuccino is that it can be more expensive compared to other coffee beverages.

Additionally, the foam can take up a significant portion of the drink, which may be a con for those who prefer a more balanced ratio of espresso and milk.

When to Choose an Iced Cappuccino over Other Coffee Drinks

An iced cappuccino is a great option for those who want a creamy and indulgent coffee beverage.

It’s perfect for those who prefer a stronger coffee flavor and enjoy a thicker texture to their drinks.

It can also be a great choice for those who want to switch up their regular coffee routine and try something new.

Milk Options

Similar to an iced latte, various milk options can be used in an iced cappuccino.

Dairy Milk

Dairy milk is the traditional milk option used in an iced cappuccino.

It provides a creamy texture and a slightly sweet taste to the drink.

Plant-based Milk Alternatives

For those who are lactose intolerant or prefer plant-based milk options, several alternatives can be used in an iced cappuccino.

Some popular options include almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk.

These milk alternatives can provide a unique taste and texture to the drink.


Similar to an iced latte, sweeteners can be added to an iced cappuccino to enhance the flavor.

Types of Sweeteners to Add to an Iced Cappuccino

Some common sweeteners that can be added to an iced cappuccino include flavored syrups, such as vanilla or caramel, and natural sweeteners, such as honey or agave nectar.

Pros and Cons of Adding Sweeteners to an Iced Cappuccino

Adding sweeteners to an iced cappuccino can enhance the flavor and provide an extra touch of sweetness to the drink.

However, it can also add extra calories and sugar to the beverage, which may be a con for those who want to enjoy their coffee without any added flavors.

However, some people may find the taste of an iced latte too mild, especially if they prefer stronger coffee flavors.

In this case, an iced cappuccino might be a better choice as it has a more intense coffee flavor due to the espresso and less milk used in its preparation.

Additionally, an iced cappuccino can be a great option for those who want a lighter and frothier drink than a traditional iced latte.

The texture of a cappuccino is creamier and thicker due to the frothed milk on top, which adds a luxurious and indulgent feel to the drink.

Serving Styles

Similar to an iced latte, an iced cappuccino can be served in different styles, such as a traditional iced cappuccino, a blended iced cappuccino, or an iced cappuccino with whipped cream.

A traditional iced cappuccino is made with espresso, milk, and ice, while a blended iced cappuccino is made by blending the ingredients with ice until smooth.

An iced cappuccino with whipped cream is a luxurious variation of the drink, where whipped cream is added on top of the frothed milk, creating a creamy and decadent drink.

Iced Latte vs Iced Cappuccino Comparison

When it comes to comparing iced lattes and iced cappuccinos, there are a few key differences that are worth noting.

First and foremost, the primary difference between the two drinks is the ratio of milk to espresso.

An iced latte typically contains more milk and less espresso, resulting in a creamier and milder taste.

On the other hand, an iced cappuccino has a higher espresso-to-milk ratio, which results in a stronger and more intense taste.

Additionally, the texture of the two drinks is also different due to the milk and espresso ratio.

An iced latte has a smoother and creamier texture, while an iced cappuccino has a frothier and thicker texture.

In terms of which drink is better for different situations and preferences, it ultimately comes down to personal taste.

Those who prefer a milder and creamier taste may opt for an iced latte, while those who prefer a stronger and bolder taste may prefer an iced cappuccino.

Iced Latte vs Iced Cappuccino: Caffeine Content

An iced cappuccino typically contains more caffeine than an iced latte due to the way it’s prepared.

Cappuccinos are traditionally made with a shot of espresso, which is a highly concentrated form of coffee.

In contrast, an iced latte is made with espresso and milk, which dilutes the coffee’s strength.

Additionally, cappuccinos typically have less milk than lattes, so there is less milk to dilute the caffeine in the cappuccino.

As a result, the caffeine in an iced cappuccino is generally more concentrated than in an iced latte.

Iced Latte vs Iced Cappuccino: Nutritional Value

The calorie content of an iced cappuccino differs from that of an iced latte due to the amount of milk used in each.

The iced cappuccino contains less milk than the iced latte, resulting in fewer calories for the former.

In contrast, the iced latte requires more milk, thereby increasing its calorie count.

Assuming that no additional ingredients are included, the calorie count of each drink per serving is as follows: the iced cappuccino contains 61 calories, while the iced latte has 92 calories.

However, depending on the cafe you patronize, the calorie content may be higher as most cafes add coffee syrup to their iced coffees.

If you’re at home, you can also quickly make your own coffee syrups to elevate your iced coffee game.

However, it’s important to note that this addition will increase the calorie count of your drink.

Iced Latte vs Iced Cappuccino: Price

When it comes to price, the average cost of an iced latte is usually higher than that of an iced cappuccino.

This is mainly due to the higher milk content and larger serving size of an iced latte.

On average, an iced latte can cost anywhere from $3 to $6, while an iced cappuccino can cost anywhere from $2 to $5.

Overall, both drinks have their pros and cons, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Those who prefer a milder and creamier taste may opt for an iced latte, while those who prefer a stronger and bolder taste may prefer an iced cappuccino.

However, it’s important to keep in mind the caffeine content, nutritional value, and price when deciding between the two drinks.

How to Make Iced Latte and Iced Cappuccino at Home

Equipment needed

To begin with, let’s take a look at the equipment you’ll need.

For both of these drinks, you’ll need a blender or milk frother, as well as a container to hold your finished drink.

You’ll also need a way to brew your coffee – this can be done using an espresso machine, a French press, or a drip coffee maker, depending on your preference.

Ingredients and proportions

Moving on to ingredients, you’ll need coffee, milk, ice, and any additional flavorings or sweeteners you’d like to add.

The proportions will vary based on your desired strength and sweetness level, but as a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to use about one part coffee to two parts milk for an iced latte, and equal parts coffee and milk for an iced cappuccino.

Step-by-step instructions for making each drink

Once you have your equipment and ingredients ready, it’s time to start making your drinks! For an iced latte, you’ll start by brewing your coffee and allowing it to cool.

Then, you’ll blend the coffee, milk, ice, and any additional flavorings or sweeteners in a blender or milk frother until smooth.

Pour the mixture into a glass, and enjoy!

For an iced cappuccino, you’ll start by frothing your milk using a milk frother or a handheld whisk.

Then, you’ll brew your coffee and allow it to cool. Pour the coffee into a glass, and add the frothed milk on top.

Finish with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon, if desired.

Tips and tricks for perfecting the drinks

To perfect your drinks, there are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind.

For a creamier texture, use whole milk or a milk alternative that is designed to froth well, such as oat milk.

To add sweetness, try adding flavored syrup or honey instead of granulated sugar.

And don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavor combinations – vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut are all popular choices!


In conclusion, we have discussed the key differences between an iced latte and iced cappuccino, including their taste, texture, caffeine content, nutritional value, and price.

We have also provided a guide on how to make these drinks at home with the right equipment, ingredients, and proportions, as well as some tips and tricks for perfecting the drinks.

Based on different situations and preferences, our personal recommendation is that iced lattes are better for those who prefer a sweeter and creamier coffee beverage, while iced cappuccinos are better for those who prefer a stronger and less sweet coffee flavor.

Both drinks are great options for a refreshing and energizing pick-me-up, whether you’re working from home or enjoying a sunny day outdoors.

Ultimately, the choice between the two drinks depends on your personal taste and preferences.


What’s the difference between an iced latte and an iced cappuccino?

The main difference between an iced latte and an iced cappuccino is the ratio of milk to espresso.

An iced latte typically has more milk and less espresso than an iced cappuccino.

Additionally, an iced cappuccino is usually topped with a layer of frothed milk, while an iced latte does not have any frothed milk.

Which is stronger a latte or a cappuccino?

The strength of a latte or cappuccino depends on the amount of espresso used.

Generally, a cappuccino has a stronger coffee flavor because it has a higher concentration of espresso per ounce than a latte.

However, if the same amount of espresso is used in both drinks, then they would have a similar strength.

Is iced cappuccino sweet?

An iced cappuccino is not typically sweetened unless requested by the customer.

The flavor of the drink comes from espresso and milk, so it is not inherently sweet.

What is the difference between an iced latte and a cappuccino and macchiato?

An iced latte and an iced cappuccino both contain espresso and milk, but the ratio of milk to espresso and the presence of frothed milk differ.

An iced macchiato, on the other hand, is typically made by adding a shot of espresso to a glass of milk or milk foam, resulting in a layered drink.

What is the point of an iced latte?

The point of an iced latte is to enjoy the rich flavor of espresso with the refreshing addition of milk and ice.

It’s a popular drink during hot weather or as an alternative to a hot latte.

Is iced coffee sweeter or iced latte?

An iced latte is typically sweeter than iced coffee because it contains milk, which adds natural sweetness.

However, if sugar or syrup is added to either drink, then the level of sweetness can be adjusted to personal preference.

Is an iced latte just poured over ice?

No, an iced latte is not just poured over ice.

The espresso is first brewed and then combined with milk before being poured over ice.

The ice helps to cool down the drink and dilute the espresso for a refreshing taste.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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