Common Coffee Roasting Myths Debunked: What To Know

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Coffee roasting is an essential part of the coffee-making process, where green coffee beans are transformed into the rich, aromatic brew that we all know and love.

However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding coffee roasting that can lead to confusion for coffee enthusiasts.

These myths can range from the belief that dark roasts are stronger to the idea that coffee should be stored in the freezer.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common coffee roasting myths and provide accurate information to help you make the best cup of coffee possible.

Our goal is to debunk these myths and provide you with a better understanding of the coffee roasting process so that you can brew the perfect cup every time.

Myth 1: Dark Roasts Are Stronger

Myth 1 surrounding coffee roasting is the belief that dark roasts are stronger.

This myth suggests that the longer coffee beans are roasted, the more caffeine and flavor they will have, leading to a bolder and more robust cup of coffee.

However, this is not entirely accurate.

In fact, lighter roasts can have a higher caffeine content than darker roasts because caffeine is lost during the roasting process.

Additionally, the flavor of coffee is not solely determined by the roast level.

Different coffee beans from different regions can have varying flavor profiles, and the roast level can enhance or mask these flavors.

A dark roast can lead to a smoky, charred flavor, while a lighter roast can bring out the fruity or floral notes of the beans.

Myth 2: Light Roasts Are Too Sour

Myth 2 surrounding coffee roasting is the belief that light roasts are too sour.

This myth suggests that lighter roasts, which are typically associated with higher acidity, are unpalatable and overly tart.

However, this is not necessarily true.

While light roasts do tend to have higher acidity than darker roasts, this doesn’t automatically mean that they are too sour.

In fact, the acidity in coffee can contribute to its complexity and depth of flavor, adding bright, fruity, or floral notes that can enhance the overall taste.

Additionally, the perceived sourness of coffee can be influenced by other factors such as the brew method and the type of bean being used.

Myth 3: Freshly Roasted Coffee Needs to Rest

The next myth in coffee roasting is the belief that freshly roasted coffee needs to rest before brewing.

This myth suggests that coffee needs to wait a few days after roasting to allow for degassing, where carbon dioxide is released from the beans.

However, this is not entirely accurate.

Although degassing occurs naturally after roasting, it doesn’t necessarily mean that coffee needs to rest before brewing.

In fact, some experts believe that coffee is at its freshest and most flavorful within a few days of roasting.

Degassing can impact the flavor of coffee, but its extent varies based on factors such as the roast level and brewing method.

Additionally, modern coffee roasting techniques can mitigate the effects of degassing, enabling fresher coffee to be brewed sooner after roasting.

Myth 4: Coffee Should Be Stored in the Freezer

Myth 4 surrounding coffee roasting is the belief that coffee should be stored in the freezer to maintain its freshness.

This myth suggests that freezing coffee helps to preserve its flavor and aroma by slowing down the oxidation process.

However, this is not the best way to store coffee for freshness.

While it’s true that oxygen is one of the main culprits behind coffee’s loss of freshness, storing coffee in the freezer can actually have a negative impact on its flavor.

Freezing can cause moisture to form on the beans, leading to a loss of flavor and aroma.

Additionally, freezing and thawing coffee repeatedly can cause the beans to deteriorate more quickly.

The best way to store coffee for freshness is to keep it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and heat sources.

Oxygen, moisture, light, and heat are all factors that can negatively impact the flavor and aroma of the coffee, so it’s important to protect the beans from these elements.

Myth 5: Roasting Coffee Is Simple

Myth 5 in coffee roasting is the belief that roasting coffee is a simple and easy process.

This myth suggests that anyone can roast coffee at home with minimal knowledge or experience.

However, this is not entirely true.

Roasting coffee is a complex process that requires a great deal of skill and knowledge.

Roasting involves carefully monitoring the beans as they go through a series of chemical reactions that determine the coffee’s flavor and aroma.

Different roast levels and profiles can drastically change the flavor of the coffee, and it takes experience and expertise to know how to achieve the desired results.

Additionally, coffee roasting involves many variables, including bean origin, roast level, and brewing method, that can impact the final product’s taste and quality.

Without the proper knowledge and expertise, it can be challenging to produce high-quality, consistent coffee.

While it’s true that coffee roasting can be done at home with the right equipment, it’s important to understand the skill and knowledge required to produce high-quality coffee.

Roasting is a craft that takes time and practice to master, and it’s essential to have a deep understanding of the process to create a great-tasting cup of coffee.


This blog post has debunked some of the most common myths surrounding coffee roasting.

We’ve shown that dark roasts aren’t necessarily stronger than light roasts, and that light roasts can have balanced flavors.

We’ve also demonstrated that freshly roasted coffee doesn’t need to rest and that storing coffee in the freezer can actually harm its flavor.

It’s important to have accurate information when it comes to coffee roasting, as myths can lead to misinformation and ultimately harm the quality of the coffee.

By understanding the role of roast level in coffee strength and flavor, the impact of roast level on acidity and flavor, and the best way to store coffee for freshness, coffee enthusiasts can make informed decisions about their coffee brewing.

We encourage readers to share this accurate information and help debunk myths in the coffee community.


Q: What are the issues of roasting coffee?

A: Roasting coffee beans can create various issues such as smoke, chaff, and carbon dioxide gas.

Additionally, if the beans are roasted too quickly or at too high a temperature, it can lead to uneven roasting and a lack of flavor complexity.

Q: What is the theory of coffee roasting?

A: The theory of coffee roasting involves applying heat to raw coffee beans to transform their chemical and physical properties.

During roasting, the beans undergo chemical reactions that change their color, aroma, and flavor.

Q: Is roasting coffee beans carcinogenic?

A: Roasting coffee beans does produce a substance called acrylamide, which is a potential carcinogen.

However, the levels of acrylamide produced during coffee roasting are generally considered to be safe for consumption.

Q: What are the disadvantages of coffee roasting?

A: The disadvantages of coffee roasting include the production of smoke and carbon dioxide, which can be harmful if not properly ventilated.

Additionally, over-roasting or roasting at too high a temperature can result in beans that lack complexity and have a burnt taste.

Q: What is the biggest problem with the coffee industry?

A: One of the biggest problems with the coffee industry is the lack of transparency and fair pricing for farmers.

Many coffee farmers are paid very low wages for their labor, while the final price of coffee for consumers can be quite high.

Q: What are the 3 disadvantages of coffee?

A: Three disadvantages of coffee include its potential to cause acid reflux and stomach irritation, its high caffeine content which can lead to anxiety and insomnia, and the potential for addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

Q: What happens if you roast coffee too long?

A: If coffee beans are roasted for too long, they can become burnt and bitter.

The oils in the beans can also begin to break down, resulting in a loss of aroma and flavor complexity.

Q: Is coffee roasting smoke bad for you?

A: Coffee roasting smoke can be harmful if not properly ventilated.

It can contain particulate matter and volatile organic compounds which can be irritating to the lungs and cause respiratory issues.

Q: Is coffee roasting sustainable?

A: Coffee roasting can be sustainable if the beans are sourced from sustainable and ethical sources, and if the roasting process is done in an environmentally responsible way.

Many coffee roasters prioritize sustainable practices such as using energy-efficient roasting equipment and reducing waste.

Q: Does it matter when coffee was roasted?

A: Yes, it does matter when coffee was roasted.

Coffee is at its freshest and most flavorful within a few weeks of roasting.

After that time, the flavor and aroma of the coffee begin to degrade.

Q: Why wait after roasting coffee?

A: Waiting after roasting coffee allows the beans to degas, or release carbon dioxide gas that is created during roasting.

If the beans are brewed too soon after roasting, the excess gas can interfere with the extraction process and lead to uneven extraction and off-flavors.

Q: What causes tipping in coffee roasting?

A: Tipping in coffee roasting is caused by uneven heat distribution during roasting.

The parts of the beans that are exposed to higher heat can become scorched and burnt, resulting in a characteristic tip on the end of the bean.

Q: When should roasting of coffee stop?

A: The roasting of coffee should stop when the beans have reached the desired level of roast, as determined by the roaster’s preference and the desired flavor profile.

Typically, roasting stops when the beans have reached a certain temperature or color, or when the desired flavor and aroma characteristics have been achieved.

Q: Can you drink coffee without roasting?

A: Technically, coffee can be brewed from unroasted or “green” coffee beans, but the resulting flavor would be quite different from what most people associate with coffee.

Green coffee beans have a grassy and vegetal taste that lacks the complexity and aroma of roasted coffee.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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