Americano vs Espresso: What’s the Difference?

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Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with millions of cups consumed daily.

There are numerous types of coffee drinks, each with its own unique taste, strength, and preparation method.

In this article, we will be comparing two popular types of coffee: Americano vs Espresso.

An Americano is a coffee drink made by diluting an Espresso shot with hot water, while an Espresso is a strong coffee drink made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure.

Let’s dive into the details of each drink and compare their differences.

What is an Americano?

An Americano is a coffee drink that is made by adding hot water to a shot of Espresso. The water dilutes the Espresso, making it less strong and more similar to traditional drip coffee.

To make an Americano, a shot of Espresso is first brewed using an Espresso machine. Then, hot water is added to the Espresso shot to create a larger and less concentrated coffee drink.

The origin of the Americano is a bit unclear, but it is believed to have been created during World War II when American soldiers stationed in Italy found Espresso shots too strong for their liking.

To make the Espresso taste more similar to the coffee they were used to back home, they started adding hot water to it.

The drink became known as the “Americano” as it was popularized by American soldiers.

An Americano has a mild, smooth taste compared to an Espresso.

The water added to the Espresso shot dilutes the strong flavor, resulting in a milder and less intense coffee taste.

The drink is also typically larger in volume than an Espresso, making it a good option for those who prefer a larger cup of coffee.

Overall, an Americano is a great option for those who want a less intense coffee drink but still want to enjoy the rich flavor of Espresso.

What is an Espresso?

An Espresso is a concentrated coffee drink made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure.

It is typically served in small cups and has a strong, bold flavor with a layer of crema on top.

To make an Espresso, finely ground coffee beans are packed tightly into a portafilter and inserted into an Espresso machine.

Hot water is then forced through the grounds at high pressure, extracting the coffee’s intense flavor and aroma in a short amount of time.

The result is a concentrated shot of coffee with a thick layer of crema on top.

The origin of Espresso can be traced back to Italy in the early 20th century. It was first created as a way to quickly and easily serve coffee to customers in cafes.

The invention of the Espresso machine revolutionized the coffee industry and made it possible for cafes to serve high-quality coffee drinks quickly and efficiently.

An Espresso has a bold, intense flavor with a strong coffee taste and aroma.

It is typically served in small cups and consumed quickly, as the concentrated flavor can be overwhelming in larger amounts.

The crema on top of an Espresso adds a layer of richness and texture to the drink.

Overall, an Espresso is a great option for those who enjoy a strong and flavorful coffee experience.

Americano vs Espresso: Key Differences

While both Americano and Espresso are coffee drinks, they differ in their ingredients, preparation methods, taste, strength, and caffeine content.

Ingredients and Preparation

An Americano is made by diluting an Espresso shot with hot water, while an Espresso is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans at high pressure.

The main difference in their ingredients is the addition of hot water in an Americano.


A single shot of Espresso is made up of approximately 45ml of coffee or one fluid ounce.

To create a true Espresso, hot water is forced through finely ground coffee under high pressure, which extracts a highly concentrated amount of coffee from the beans.

This brewing process is typically done using an Espresso machine.

On the other hand, with an Americano, there is a slight variation in the brewing process.

Since Americanos are diluted with water, using a single shot of Espresso can result in a weak drink.

Therefore, most baristas prepare an Americano with two shots of Espresso, which means brewing 90ml or two fluid ounces of Espresso.

Afterward, the cup is filled to the brim with hot water to dilute the Espresso to the desired strength.

Taste and Strength

An Americano has a milder taste and is less strong than an Espresso due to the dilution with hot water.

An Espresso, on the other hand, has a bold and intense flavor with a strong coffee taste and aroma.

The strength of an Espresso comes from the high-pressure brewing method, which extracts a concentrated shot of coffee.

Caffeine Content

Espresso shots and single-shot Americanos typically contain the same amount of espresso and thus have similar total caffeine content.

However, when measured per ounce, a shot of espresso will have a higher concentration of caffeine than an Americano as it is less diluted.

When it comes to calories, a single shot of Espresso typically contains around 9 calories.

On the other hand, Americanos usually have around 18 calories due to the addition of an extra shot of Espresso.

However, despite being a larger drink, the added volume comes from hot water, which doesn’t contribute any extra calories.


When it comes to customizing the flavor, Americanos are more versatile.

They can be enhanced with cream, milk, or various flavors like caramel or cinnamon.

Additionally, Americanos can be served over ice, making them a refreshing option during hot weather.

In contrast, Espresso shots are typically served hot and are rarely altered with added flavors.

Best Suited for Different Situations and Preferences

An Americano is a good option for those who want a milder coffee taste and a larger cup of coffee.

It is also a good choice for those who want to reduce the intensity of an Espresso shot without sacrificing its flavor.

On the other hand, an Espresso is best suited for those who prefer a strong and intense coffee experience in a small cup.

It is also a good option for those who want to enjoy the full flavor and aroma of high-quality coffee.

Overall, the choice between Americano and Espresso depends on personal preferences and the situation.

An Americano is a good option for those who want a milder coffee taste and a larger cup of coffee, while an Espresso is best suited for those who prefer a strong and intense coffee experience in a small cup.

Americano vs Espresso: Key Similarities

Although there are several differences between Americano and Espresso, they also share some similarities.

Both drinks are made from high-quality coffee beans and require precision in their preparation.

They are also served in small cups, emphasizing the concentrated nature of the drinks. Both drinks can be enjoyed with a variety of accompaniments, such as pastries, biscuits, or croissants.

Furthermore, they are both popular choices for coffee lovers and can be found in most coffee shops worldwide.

Despite the differences in their taste and strength, Americano and Espresso have common origins, with Americano being a derivative of Espresso.

Both drinks are great options for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the unique flavors and aromas of high-quality coffee.

Americano vs Espresso: Which Should You Choose?

The choice between Americano and Espresso ultimately depends on individual preferences and circumstances.

An Americano is a good option for those who prefer a milder coffee taste, a larger cup of coffee or want to add cream, milk, or flavors to their coffee.

It is also an ideal choice for those who want to enjoy the full flavor of high-quality coffee without the intensity of a straight Espresso shot.

On the other hand, an Espresso is best suited for those who enjoy a strong and intense coffee experience in a small cup.

It is also a great option for those who appreciate the full-bodied flavor and aroma of high-quality coffee.

Both drinks are great choices for those who need a caffeine boost to start their day, as they provide an instant and concentrated source of caffeine.

They are also ideal options for those who enjoy sipping coffee while socializing with friends or colleagues.


Americano and Espresso are two popular coffee drinks with distinct differences in their taste, strength, and preparation.

Americanos are milder and larger, while Espresso shots are stronger and smaller.

Both drinks have unique characteristics that cater to different preferences and situations.

For those who prefer a milder coffee taste and want to customize their coffee with milk, cream, or flavors, Americano is a great option.

On the other hand, Espresso is best suited for those who enjoy a strong and intense coffee experience in a small cup.

For coffee lovers, knowing the difference between Americano and Espresso is important, as it allows them to choose the right coffee drink that suits their preferences and needs.

In conclusion, whether you’re a fan of Americano or Espresso, there’s a coffee drink that can cater to your coffee preferences.

So the next time you order your coffee, you can confidently choose the one that suits your taste and mood.

We hope you enjoyed this Americano vs Espresso comparison and if you have any questions then please do let us know!


Is Americano stronger than espresso?

No, Americano is not stronger than espresso.

While Americano is made with espresso and hot water, it is less concentrated than a shot of espresso, which means it has a milder taste and less caffeine.

Is Americano just espresso with water?

Yes, an Americano is made by adding hot water to a shot of espresso, which dilutes the espresso and makes it milder.

Is an Americano a double shot?

Not necessarily. An Americano can be made with a single shot of espresso or a double shot, depending on the preference of the drinker.

Is Americano healthier than coffee?

In terms of health benefits, both Americano and coffee offer similar benefits, such as providing an energy boost, improving focus, and reducing the risk of certain diseases.

However, the health benefits of coffee depend on the quality and type of coffee beans used.

Why would anyone drink an Americano?

People drink Americano because they enjoy the taste of coffee but prefer a milder taste than a straight Espresso shot.

It’s also a great option for those who want to enjoy the full flavor of high-quality coffee without the intensity of a straight Espresso shot.

Why is Americano the best coffee?

There is no one “best” coffee, as it depends on individual preferences and circumstances.

Americano is a great coffee option for those who prefer a milder coffee taste and want to customize their coffee with milk, cream, or flavors.

It is also an ideal choice for those who want to enjoy the full flavor of high-quality coffee without the intensity of a straight Espresso shot.

Is Americano less bitter?

It generally is. Americano is made by diluting a shot of espresso with hot water, which makes it milder and less bitter than a straight Espresso shot.

However, the bitterness of Americano also depends on the quality and type of coffee beans used, as well as the brewing method.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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