Blonde Espresso vs Regular: What Are Their Key Differences?

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When it comes to espresso, choosing the right roast can make all the difference in taste and flavor.

Two popular options are blonde espresso and regular espresso.

Blonde espresso is a lighter roast that has gained popularity in recent years, while regular espresso is a traditional darker roast that many people are familiar with.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between blonde and regular espresso, including their taste and flavor profiles, advantages and disadvantages, and which one you should choose based on your taste preferences.

Let’s dive in!

What is Blonde Espresso?

Blonde espresso is a lighter roast of espresso that has become increasingly popular in recent years.

It is made from the same coffee beans as regular espresso but is roasted for a shorter amount of time.

This results in a lighter color and a milder flavor compared to a regular espresso.

Blonde espresso has a unique set of characteristics that distinguish it from regular espresso. It has a lighter body and a more subtle flavor profile, with hints of fruit and acidity.

In contrast, regular espresso has a stronger, more robust flavor, with notes of chocolate and caramel.

One advantage of the blonde espresso is that it has less bitterness and acidity than regular espresso, making it more approachable for those who are new to espresso or who prefer a milder taste.

However, this lighter flavor profile may not be as appealing to those who enjoy the boldness and richness of traditional espresso.

Additionally, some espresso purists may argue that blonde espresso is not “true” espresso due to its lighter roast.

Overall, blonde espresso offers a different taste experience than regular espresso and is worth trying if you’re looking for something new or if you prefer a milder flavor profile.

What is Regular Espresso?

Regular espresso is the traditional, darker roast of espresso that has been around for centuries.

It is made from the same coffee beans as blonde espresso, but is roasted for a longer amount of time, resulting in a darker color and a stronger flavor.

Regular espresso has a strong, robust flavor with a full body and notes of chocolate and caramel.

It has a higher level of bitterness and acidity compared to blonde espresso, which some people find appealing.

One advantage of regular espresso is that it provides a classic espresso experience for those who enjoy the traditional flavor profile.

Regular espresso is also favored by many baristas and coffee enthusiasts who appreciate its complexity and versatility for use in various espresso-based drinks.

However, regular espresso may not be as approachable to those who are new to espresso or who prefer a milder taste.

Additionally, regular espresso can sometimes be too bitter or strong for some people’s taste preferences.

Overall, regular espresso offers a strong and bold taste experience that is enjoyed by many, but may not be the best fit for everyone’s taste preferences.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Taste and Flavor

The differences in taste and flavor between blonde and regular espresso can be attributed to several factors.

The most significant difference is the roast level. Blonde espresso is a lighter roast, while regular espresso is a darker roast.

This results in differences in the chemical composition of the beans, which affects the taste and flavor.

Blonde espresso has a milder flavor profile with subtle hints of fruit and acidity.

It has a lighter body and a smoother finish compared to a regular espresso.

In contrast, regular espresso has a stronger, more robust flavor with notes of chocolate and caramel. It has a full body and a slightly bitter finish.

The different taste profiles of blonde and regular espresso can also be attributed to the brewing process.

Blonde espresso typically has a shorter extraction time than regular espresso, which can result in less bitterness and acidity.

However, the brewing process can be adjusted to produce a stronger or milder taste for both blonde and regular espresso.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Caffeine Content

Although blonde and regular espresso have similar caffeine content per shot, it’s worth noting that lighter roasts tend to have slightly more caffeine than darker roasts.

This means that if the same type of coffee beans were used for both blonde and regular espresso, the blonde espresso would have slightly more caffeine due to its lighter roast.

The reason for this is that the caffeine content in coffee beans is more concentrated in the center of the bean.

When coffee beans are roasted, the heat causes the caffeine to migrate to the surface of the bean.

The longer the beans are roasted, the more caffeine is lost as it breaks down and evaporates.

This means that darker roasts have slightly less caffeine than lighter roasts, as they have been roasted for a longer time.

However, it’s worth noting that the difference in caffeine content between blonde and regular espresso is minimal, and is unlikely to be significant enough to have a noticeable effect on most people.

The caffeine content of blonde espresso is slightly higher compared to a regular espresso.

On average, a shot of blonde espresso contains around 85mg of caffeine, while a shot of regular espresso has approximately 75mg of caffeine.

This can be attributed to the lighter roast of blonde espresso, which retains more caffeine compared to the darker roast of regular espresso.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Appearance & Color

Coffee beans start out green before they are roasted, and their final color will depend on the duration of roasting. Regular espresso beans are dark brown or nearly black, with an oily appearance that results from longer roasting times that cause them to crack open and release their oils.

In contrast, blonde espresso beans are roasted just before they crack open, resulting in a dry, matte appearance with a light brown or beige color.

The oils present in regular espresso beans are responsible for the distinctive creamy foam that forms when preparing a shot of espresso, which is not as prominent in blonde espresso shots.

Understanding the appearance and characteristics of different types of espresso beans can help coffee drinkers select the best option for their personal taste preferences.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Bean Type & Origin

The flavor of coffee is greatly influenced by the origin of the coffee bean.

The growing conditions and climate in regions like Latin America, India, Africa, and the Middle East yield excellent coffee, but the taste varies depending on the region.

The growing conditions can also affect the caffeine content of the beans.

Standard espresso blends usually consist of a mix of arabica and robusta beans, which complement each other to create a unique flavor profile.

These beans often originate from Latin America or Africa, giving them acidic and caramel notes.

Starbucks blonde espresso, on the other hand, is made from Latin American and East African coffee beans, resulting in a smoother taste with hints of citrus like lemon or orange undertones.

Whether one is better than the other is subjective and depends on personal preference.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Pricing

Blonde and regular espresso has a similar price whether you purchase them as a beverage from a coffee shop or as coffee grounds from a grocery store.

Therefore, choosing between the two is primarily a matter of taste.

Nowadays, most coffee shops offer blonde espresso, and you can typically ask the barista to replace regular espresso shots with blonde ones at no additional cost.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Acidity Levels

Blonde espresso beverages have a higher level of acidity compared to regular espresso drinks, with a pH level of around 4.5, while traditional espresso’s pH level ranges from 5.5 to 6.

If you have a sensitive stomach or experience digestive issues, it is advisable to avoid blonde espresso due to its high acidity, which may cause irritation.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Health Benefits

Defining what makes coffee beans healthy is not an easy task.

The cultivation and roasting process of blonde espresso beans differ from regular espresso beans, thus affecting their impact on the body.

Regarding calorie content, there is no significant difference between blonde espresso, dark roast coffee, and regular espresso.

They all contain negligible calories, so opting for a light roast espresso won’t aid in weight loss.

Blonde espresso-based drinks have a higher caffeine content than regular espresso drinks due to their roasting levels, which may make them slightly less healthy in general.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Best Use Cases

Regular espresso is typically used in macchiatos, lattes, and other sweet beverages.

Its rich, bitter, and caramel-sweet taste profile cuts through the dairy component in these drinks.

Blonde espresso, on the other hand, is better suited for cold brews and drinks that contain non-dairy milk or vanilla flavors.

Non-pressure coffee-making methods, such as pour over or cold brew, require more extended extraction periods.

Lightly roasted beans, like blonde espresso, are more suitable for these methods, as their mild and gentle flavor won’t overwhelm the drink and make it too bitter or sour.

Blonde espresso shots pair well with drinks containing vanilla and almond milk, such as vanilla lattes and macchiatos made with non-dairy milk.

However, grinding blonde espresso beans can be more challenging and time-consuming since they are denser and harder than dark roasted beans.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Which Espresso Is Best For Beginners?

A blonde espresso is a great option for beginners who are not accustomed to coffee.

It has a more subtle taste and provides a less intense drinking experience, making it more suitable for those new to coffee.

Regular espresso shots can be too strong for beginners, particularly if they are consumed neat or in an Americano.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular: Which Should You Choose?

When it comes to choosing between blonde espresso and regular espresso, the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference and individual needs.

Blonde espresso may be a better option for those who are new to coffee or have a more sensitive palate, as it provides a milder taste and a less intense drinking experience.

It also works well in cold brews and drinks that contain vanilla or non-dairy milk.

On the other hand, regular espresso may be more suitable for those who enjoy a bolder, richer taste profile and are accustomed to the more intense flavor of the coffee.

It’s also a good choice for those with sensitive stomachs, as its low acidity levels make it easier on the digestive system.

In the end, it’s important to consider your taste preferences and any potential health concerns when choosing between blonde and regular espresso.

Why Regular Espresso Is Still Favoured By Most People

Regular espresso is still generally considered the favorite of many coffee enthusiasts because of its strong and bold taste.

The dark roast and higher temperature used to make regular espresso extract the natural oils from the beans, resulting in a richer and more complex flavor profile.

Regular espresso also has a lower acidity level than blonde espresso, making it a more suitable choice for those with sensitive stomachs.

Additionally, regular espresso is the base for many popular coffee drinks like cappuccinos and lattes, which are enjoyed by millions of people around the world.

While blonde espresso has gained popularity in recent years for its milder taste and citrusy notes, regular espresso remains the go-to for those who enjoy a more robust and intense coffee experience.


Choosing between regular and blonde espresso ultimately comes down to personal preference and the type of drink you want to make.

Regular espresso offers a bold, rich taste that complements sweet beverages like lattes and mochas, while blonde espresso provides a milder flavor that works well in cold brews and drinks with vanilla or non-dairy milk.

Both types of espresso have their unique qualities and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Additionally, it’s important to consider factors like caffeine levels and acidity when choosing between the two.

Whether you’re a beginner or a coffee connoisseur, experimenting with different types of espresso can lead to discovering new and exciting flavor profiles.


Is blonde espresso stronger than espresso?

Blonde espresso is stronger than regular espresso in terms of caffeine content, and it can be stronger in flavor due to the higher acidity levels.

However, it is generally considered milder and smoother than regular espresso.

Is blonde espresso sweeter than regular?

Blonde espresso is not inherently sweeter than regular espresso.

However, its lighter roast can bring out different flavor notes that may be perceived as sweeter by some people.

What’s the difference between blonde espresso and regular?

The main difference between blonde espresso and regular espresso is the roast level.

Blonde espresso is lightly roasted, resulting in a milder flavor with higher acidity levels, while regular espresso is darker roasted, resulting in a bolder flavor with lower acidity levels.

Does blonde espresso taste better?

The taste preference between blonde espresso and regular espresso is subjective and depends on personal preference.

Some people may prefer the milder and smoother taste of blonde espresso, while others may prefer the bolder taste of regular espresso.

What espresso is strongest?

In terms of caffeine content, blonde espresso typically has the highest concentration per serving size.

However, other factors such as roast level and brewing method can also impact the perceived strength of the espresso.

Is blonde espresso unhealthy?

Blonde espresso is not inherently unhealthy, but its higher acidity levels may cause digestive discomfort for some people with sensitive stomachs.

As with all coffee beverages, moderation is key to maintaining a healthy diet.

Is blonde espresso less bitter?

Blonde espresso is generally considered less bitter than regular espresso due to its lighter roast level.

However, bitterness can still be present depending on the specific brewing method and the individual’s taste preferences.

How much caffeine is in 4 shots of blonde espresso?

The amount of caffeine in 4 shots of blonde espresso can vary depending on factors such as the type of bean used, the brewing method, and the serving size.

On average, a single shot of espresso contains around 63 mg of caffeine, so 4 shots of blonde espresso would contain around 252 mg of caffeine.

Which type of espresso has the most caffeine?

Blonde espresso typically has the highest caffeine content per serving size.

However, other factors such as the type of bean used, the roast level, and the brewing method can also impact the caffeine content.

What is blonde espresso good for?

Blonde espresso is good for those who prefer a milder and smoother taste in their coffee beverages.

It can also be a good option for those with sensitive stomachs who experience digestive discomfort with regular espresso.

Is blonde espresso smooth?

Blonde espresso is generally considered smoother than regular espresso due to its lighter roast level.

This can result in a less bitter and more balanced flavor profile.

Is blonde espresso more acidic?

Blonde espresso is typically more acidic than regular espresso due to its lighter roast level.

The higher acidity levels can bring out different flavor notes and contribute to a brighter, fruitier taste profile.

However, the higher acidity levels may cause digestive discomfort for some individuals with sensitive stomachs.

Does Blonde Or Regular Espresso Have More Antioxidants?

If you’re looking to boost your antioxidant intake, blonde espresso may be the way to go.

Thanks to its shorter roasting time, this type of espresso contains more antioxidants than regular espresso.

These antioxidants can help protect your body from harmful free radicals.

Which Espresso Is Better for Weight Loss?

Blonde and regular espresso are low in calories when consumed without added cream, sugar, or coffee syrup.

Opting for blonde espresso drinks could be a more favorable choice for weight loss, as the lighter taste may require less cream and sugar to be added to the coffee.

Additionally, the sweet and bright flavors of blonde espresso may appeal to those who prefer a less bitter taste in their coffee.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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