Ants in Keurig Coffee Makers: How To Get Rid Of Them

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Picture this: it’s the crack of dawn, and you’re eagerly anticipating that first sip of hot, aromatic coffee to kickstart your day.

But as you groggily approach your beloved Keurig coffee maker, something catches your eye—a tiny trail of ants making their way in and out of the machine.

Suddenly, your morning routine takes an unexpected turn as you find yourself face-to-face with an infestation in an unlikely place: your trusty coffee companion.

Ants, the diligent and resourceful creatures they are, can find their way into the most unexpected corners of our lives.

While you may have encountered them in your kitchen, pantry, or even your bathroom, discovering them in your Keurig coffee maker can leave you scratching your head in disbelief.

After all, how did these tiny intruders manage to infiltrate a device designed to deliver your daily dose of caffeinated bliss?

In this blog post, we delve into the curious phenomenon of ants in Keurig coffee makers.

We’ll explore the reasons behind their attraction to these appliances, the potential risks they pose, and most importantly, how to rid your beloved Keurig of these unwelcome guests.

So grab your cup of joe and join us as we uncover the secrets behind this peculiar invasion and find the perfect solution to safeguard your morning ritual.

Why Are There Ants in My Keurig? Unveiling the Attraction and Infiltration Factors

Discovering a swarm of ants infiltrating your Keurig coffee maker can be a disconcerting experience, comparable to stumbling upon weevils in your rice or moths in your closet.

The intricate design of Keurigs, with their numerous crevices and openings, offers the perfect hiding spots for ants, making it incredibly challenging to eliminate every last intruder.

Keurig models, although meticulously engineered, are not entirely sealed, leaving room for ants to exploit even the tiniest cracks and find their way into your cherished coffee maker.

Eradicating the current ant presence is only half the battle, as you must also prevent future invasions to enjoy an ant-free brewing experience.

But why are ants so irresistibly drawn to Keurig coffee makers? In this subsection, we delve into the various factors that contribute to this infestation phenomenon, shedding light on the enticing elements that lure ants into your caffeine haven.

A Warm and Dark Refuge

Ants seek shelter in Keurig coffee makers due to the warm and dark environment they provide. These machines, with their constant heat supply, become cozy nooks for these curious critters.

Additionally, the absence of natural light inside the device creates an inviting sanctuary for ant colonies to establish nests.

Water, a Vital Attraction

Keurig coffee makers also offer a regular supply of water, which is crucial for ants’ survival. These resourceful insects can endure extended periods without food but require a constant source of water to thrive.

Even when the water reservoir appears empty, there may still be residual water in the inner components, providing an appealing oasis for thirsty ants.

The Scent of Coffee

The aromatic allure of coffee grounds acts as a potent magnet for ants. The smell emanating from the Keurig’s brewing system entices these tiny explorers, enticing them to venture inside through the machine’s cracks and openings.

It is advisable to refrain from leaving used coffee grounds inside the coffee maker, as this practice can further attract ants and fruit flies.

Electrical Warmth

Some ant species possess a remarkable ability to detect magnetic waves emitted by electric cables, drawing them towards warmth-emitting appliances.

This becomes particularly prominent during colder weather conditions, making your Keurig an unintentional target for ant activity.

Furthermore, ants’ presence in and around electrical devices can pose risks, potentially leading to wiring damage and even short circuits.

Negligent Cleaning Habits

Poor cleaning habits can contribute to ant infestations in your Keurig. If your coffee maker is located in a bustling kitchen or handled with unwashed hands, food particles can easily find their way into the machine’s inner workings.

Ant colonies thrive in dark, warm spaces adorned with food residue, turning your neglected Keurig into an enticing haven.

Calcified Temptation

Using tap water in your Keurig can be an additional draw for ants. Over time, the calcium deposits that accumulate in the machine become attractive targets for these opportunistic pests. Regularly descaling your Keurig to eliminate the deposits can help deter ant activity.

Understanding the factors that entice ants into your Keurig is crucial to combatting this pesky invasion.

In the following sections, we will explore effective strategies to rid your coffee maker of ants and implement preventive measures to safeguard your morning ritual from these unwelcome guests.

How to Get Rid of Ants in a Keurig Coffee Maker: Effective Cleaning Methods

Once you’ve discovered ants in your Keurig coffee maker, taking swift action is crucial to eliminate the infestation and prevent future ant invasions.

In this subsection, we will guide you through effective cleaning methods to ensure your Keurig is free from these unwelcome guests.

From flushing and disinfecting to disassembling and descaling, each step plays a vital role in eradicating ants and safeguarding your coffee brewing experience.

Flushing the Keurig

To begin the cleaning process, it’s important to flush out the Keurig thoroughly. Merely cleaning the exterior is not enough, as ants may have already found their way inside the machine.

Start by emptying the tank and inner reservoir, ensuring there are no coffee grounds, beans, or pods left behind.

Next, move the Keurig to a sink or an area away from the ants. To repel the ants, you can use a natural spray made from a mixture of vinegar and water.

Alternatively, consider employing ingredients such as peppermint oil, cinnamon, lemon juice, cayenne, or black pepper, as ants dislike these natural deterrents.

Avoid using standard ant sprays, as the chemicals can be harmful, and the strong odor may overpower your coffee.

If needed, another option is to seal the Keurig in a bag and place it in the freezer. After four to five days, the ants should become inactive, making their removal less troublesome.

Disassembling the Keurig

For a more thorough approach, you can choose to disassemble the Keurig. If you’re comfortable with unscrewing a few parts, using a screwdriver, dismantle the machine into as many pieces as possible.

Rinse each component under soap and water, optionally incorporating white vinegar or apple cider vinegar for a deeper clean.

Once the parts are clean, reassemble the coffee maker, ensuring everything fits back together correctly.

Descaling the Keurig

To eliminate any remaining ants hiding in hard-to-reach crevices, descaling the Keurig is essential. You can opt for Keurig’s descaling solution or create a mixture of white vinegar and water.

Begin by removing the filter from the water reservoir and filling it with the descaling solution or vinegar.

Select the large cup setting on the Keurig and run it until it signals the need for more water. Allow the Keurig to sit idle for at least 15-30 minutes to allow the vinegar to work its magic.

Once this is done, empty any remaining vinegar from the reservoir and refill it with water.

Run the Keurig on the large cup setting again, using two reservoirs’ worth of water to thoroughly flush out any traces of vinegar or ants.

When the cycle is complete, dry the entire machine, including the reservoir, to prevent moisture buildup.

Preventing Ants from Invading Your Keurig Coffee Maker: Effective Strategies

After successfully cleaning your Keurig coffee maker and eliminating the ants, it’s crucial to take preventive measures to ensure they don’t return.

In this subsection, we will discuss various strategies to prevent ants from invading your Keurig again.

From natural deterrents to creating barriers and addressing the ant source, these measures will help safeguard your coffee brewing experience and maintain an ant-free environment in your kitchen or office.

Natural Deterrents

Cinnamon, cayenne, or black pepper can be effective natural deterrents against ants. Placing a bowl of cinnamon or cayenne beside your Keurig or sprinkling black pepper around its perimeter can help keep ants away from the machine.

Additionally, using a solution of lemon juice and vinegar to clean your Keurig and its surroundings and spraying it around the coffee maker can further deter ants.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Maintaining a clean Keurig is key to preventing ants from finding a food source. Clean your Keurig regularly with a mild detergent and water, ensuring you remove any leftover coffee grounds immediately after brewing.

Wipe down the surface of the machine after each use and lift it up to clean the counter underneath and around it using a water and vinegar or lemon juice solution.

Borax and Sugar Solution

For areas where ants are frequently spotted, create a solution by soaking cotton balls in warm water mixed with sugar and borax.

Place these cotton balls near the ant activity, such as near the dishwasher, to attract and eliminate ants.

Make Your Keurig Hard to Reach

Elevating your Keurig on a platform can make it more challenging for ants to access the machine.

Drawing a circle of chalk around the Keurig on the counter or the bottom of the machine itself can also deter ants, as they dislike the scent of chalk and it disrupts their pheromone trails.

Additionally, investing in coffee pod drawers can further reduce potential entry points for ants.

Locate and Address the Ant Source

If the ant problem persists, it’s essential to locate and address the source of the infestation.

Follow ant trails to identify possible entry points and seal them or lightly dust them with diatomaceous earth.

You can also use bait stations with boric acid strategically placed around your kitchen to target the ant nest.

This method is more effective than spraying ant trails, as the bait will be carried back to the nest, affecting the entire colony.

Remove Food Sources and Maintain Cleanliness

To prevent ants from returning, remove all food sources from your kitchen or office. Look for ant trails and gaps in your baseboards, sealing them or using diatomaceous earth as a deterrent.

Keep your kitchen area clean and dry, promptly cleaning up food spills and crumbs. Routinely dispose of garbage and ensure the garbage can is sealed properly, eliminating water and food sources that attract ants.

By implementing these preventive strategies, you can effectively keep ants at bay and protect your Keurig coffee maker from future infestations.

Using natural deterrents, maintaining cleanliness, addressing the ant source, and removing food sources will significantly reduce the risk of ants returning to your Keurig.

The Truth About Ants and Coffee: Are Ants Attracted to Coffee?

While it may seem logical to assume that ants are attracted to coffee, the reality is quite different.

In this subsection, we will explore whether ants are actually attracted to coffee and understand the real reasons behind their infestation in coffee makers.

Dispelling the misconception, we’ll discover the true factors that draw ants to Keurig coffee makers and why diligent cleaning is crucial in preventing their intrusion.

Ants and Coffee Grounds

Contrary to popular belief, ants are not attracted to coffee grounds. In fact, they cannot consume coffee grounds due to their sensitivity to caffeine.

Therefore, the presence of coffee grounds alone is not the main reason for ant infestation in coffee makers.

Sugars and Additives

Instead of the coffee itself, ants are attracted to the residual sugars that Keurig coffee makers can leave behind.

When coffee is brewed, small amounts of sugar can remain in the machine, especially if spills or drips occur during the brewing process.

These residual sugars act as a food source for ants, attracting them to the coffee maker. Additionally, any sweet additives near the Keurig, such as honey or syrups, can also draw ants.

Importance of Cleaning

Given that ants are primarily attracted to residual sugars, proper cleaning of the coffee maker becomes essential in preventing ant infestation.

Even the smallest drop of sugar or honey can serve as bait for ants.

Therefore, it is crucial to promptly clean up any spills or drips that may occur during the brewing process.

Regularly wiping down the machine’s surfaces, removing coffee residue, and maintaining a clean environment around the coffee maker are effective measures to deter ants.

Utilizing Glue Traps

If you find ants persistently drawn to your coffee maker, you can set up glue traps nearby. Placing these traps in areas where ant activity happens can help capture and control the ant population.

However, it is important to note that glue traps should be used as a supplementary measure alongside proper cleaning and preventive techniques.


Ants in Keurig coffee makers can be a frustrating and unappetizing problem to deal with. However, with the right knowledge and proactive measures, you can successfully get rid of them and prevent their return.

By understanding why ants are attracted to Keurig coffee makers and taking appropriate steps to deep clean the machine, you can eliminate their presence and enjoy your coffee without any unwelcome guests.

Remember to flush the Keurig thoroughly, clean the tank and inner reservoir, and use natural repellents like vinegar and peppermint to keep ants at bay.

Disassembling the machine for a more thorough cleaning and descaling it regularly will help ensure that any hidden ants or remnants are eliminated.

Taking preventative measures, such as making the machine less accessible to ants, using chalk barriers, and sealing entry points, will discourage their return.

Additionally, maintaining a clean environment, removing food sources, and addressing any ant colonies or entryways in your kitchen will further prevent infestations. Regular cleaning, proper storage of food, and a dry kitchen will make your Keurig less appealing to ants.

While ants may not be attracted to the coffee itself, their presence can be a nuisance and compromise the cleanliness of your brewing process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively address ant infestations and ensure a pest-free coffee experience.

Remember, persistence and consistency are key when dealing with ants. Stay vigilant, be proactive, and take the necessary steps to keep your Keurig coffee maker ant-free.

With a clean machine and a pest-free kitchen, you can once again enjoy your favorite cup of coffee without the unwanted company of ants.


How do I get rid of bugs in my Keurig?

When it comes to getting rid of bugs in your Keurig coffee maker, prevention is the best approach.

By taking proactive measures, such as keeping your Keurig clean and dry, and storing it in a dry location when not in use, you can minimize the chances of bugs infesting your machine.

It’s also important to avoid leaving food or drinks near the Keurig, as this can attract bugs and create an inviting environment for them.

Is it safe to run vinegar through my Keurig?

Yes! Running vinegar through your Keurig is perfectly safe. White vinegar has the right amount of acidity to effectively clean your machine without causing any damage to its mechanisms.

In fact, vinegar is a widely recommended and commonly used cleaning solution for Keurigs, particularly for descaling the machine.

Does salt stop ants?

While salt can be used as a natural treatment for ants, it may not be the most effective method to control ant infestations.

While salt may deter ants to some extent, there are other natural treatments and chemical-based methods that can be more effective in effectively managing and controlling ant infestations.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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