Best Decaf Cold Brew Coffee In 2024: Our 5 Best Picks

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For coffee lovers who want to savor the rich, smooth flavors of cold brew coffee without the jolt of caffeine, decaf cold brew is the perfect solution.

Decaffeinated cold brew coffee offers all the refreshing qualities of traditional cold brew without the sleep-disrupting effects of caffeine.

But with the growing popularity of cold brew, the market is flooded with options, making it challenging to choose the best decaf cold brew for your taste buds.

In this post, we’ll guide you through the world of decaffeinated cold brew coffee and share our top 5 picks to help narrow down your options.

5 Best Decaf Cold Brew Coffees: At A Glance

  1. Lifeboost Medium Roast Decaf: Best Overall
  2. Bizzy Decaf Blend Cold Brew Coarse Ground Coffee: Runner-Up
  3. Java House Cold Brew Coffee Decaf Liquid Pods: Best For Pod Machines
  4. Stack Street Decaf Cold Brew Coffee: Best Organic Option
  5. Javy Coffee Decaf 35X Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate: Best Instant Coffee

1. Lifeboost Medium Roast Decaf: Best Overall

Medium Roast Decaf

Lifeboost is one of our favorite coffee brands, and we often recommend it to our website visitors.

It’s no surprise that their Medium Roast Decaf beans have earned a top spot on our list.

If you’re thinking about making your next batch of decaf cold brew, consider using these premium organic beans.

Lifeboost’s Medium Roast Decaf is a single-origin, fair trade, and organic coffee.

It’s naturally low in acidity, making it gentle on your stomach.

They roast it in small batches, which brings out the rich flavor.

The coffee is decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Process, which means they use pure water, the right temperature, and time to remove the caffeine.

This medium roast is full-bodied with a well-rounded flavor profile.

It strikes a perfect balance of aroma, flavors, and acidity from the beginning to the end.

These 100% Arabica beans are expertly roasted to perfection, offering a richness with hints of chocolate and caramel.

What’s great is that you can get it as whole beans or pre-ground if you don’t have a grinder.

Now, we’ll be honest; Lifeboost coffee tends to be on the pricier side.

But remember, you’re paying for top-notch quality.

If you’re in the market for the best decaf cold brew coffee, this one is worth a try.


  • Premium organic coffee beans
  • 100% Arabica beans
  • Single-origin and fair trade
  • Naturally low acidity
  • Swiss Water Process decaffeination
  • Rich medium roast flavor with chocolate and caramel undertones
  • Available in both whole bean and ground form


  • Higher price point

2. Bizzy Decaf Blend Cold Brew Coarse Ground Coffee: Runner-Up


If you don’t own a coffee grinder and you’re in the market for great decaf cold brew, Bizzy Cold Brew is a strong contender, and it’s no wonder it’s our runner-up choice.

Bizzy Decaf Blend Cold Brew Coarse Ground Coffee is made from 100% Arabica beans, known for their high quality.

It’s water-processed and micro-sifted, and the coarse grind is perfect for cold brewing, ensuring a consistently smooth decaf cold brew.

The medium roast brings out toasted cocoa aromas, nutty chocolatey flavors, and a smooth finish.

It’s a well-balanced blend that’s both refreshing and delightful.

What sets it apart is the Swiss Water Process used for decaffeination, preserving the flavor.

Plus, you have the freedom to adjust the strength of your cold brew by adding more or less water.

This coffee is ethically sourced from Mexico’s northern Chiapas region, which is another plus.

However, there are a couple of downsides to consider.

While the flexibility in brewing strength is great, it can also leave room for error.

And, like some other premium brands, Bizzy Cold Brew is on the pricier side.

But if you’re after a delicious cold brew, it’s worth the investment.


  • Coarse ground for easy cold brewing
  • Water-processed and micro-sifted 100% Arabica coffee
  • Medium roast with cocoa and nutty chocolate flavors
  • Swiss Water Process for decaffeination
  • Ethically sourced from Mexico’s Chiapas region
  • Customizable strength by adjusting water
  • High-quality Arabica beans


  • Potential for brewing error due to water adjustments
  • Higher price point, similar to premium brands

3. Java House Cold Brew Coffee Decaf Liquid Pods: Best For Pod Machines


Java House Cold Brew Coffee Decaf Liquid Pods offer a hassle-free way to enjoy cold brew coffee at home or on the go.

The beauty of these Java House decaf coffee pods lies in their sheer convenience.

No need for tamping or dealing with messy coffee grounds.

These pods are crafted from 100% Arabica coffee beans and cold water, steeped for a lengthy 12 hours to extract that distinctive flavor.

The result? A bold, rich coffee taste without the usual bitterness.

While these are decaf pods, it’s worth noting they contain 5-15 mg of caffeine per serving, catering to those who crave the cold brew flavor without the caffeine buzz.

What’s great is the range of pack sizes available, from 6 to 48 pods.

Plus, they’re compatible with most single-serve pod coffee brewers, including Keurig.

Customers appreciate the convenience, great taste, and ease of preparation.

However, there are a couple of things to consider.

Even though it’s labeled as decaf, as mentioned earlier, these pods do contain a small amount of caffeine (5-15mg).

Additionally, some find it slightly lacking in the aromatic department.


  • Convenient for making cold brew
  • 100% Arabica coffee beans
  • 12-hour steeping for rich flavor
  • A variety of pack sizes is available
  • Compatible with most single-serve pod coffee brewers


  • Contains 5-15mg of caffeine despite being decaf
  • The aromatic profile may be somewhat limited

4. Stack Street Decaf Cold Brew Coffee: Best Organic Option


Stack Street Decaf Cold Brew Coffee is another solid choice that stands out in this list.

These are coarse ground coffee beans, made from 100% Arabica single-origin beans, which gives it a bit of that fancy edge.

What’s impressive is that it’s all-natural and USDA organic certified, meaning no synthetic fertilizers or chemicals were used, resulting in cleaner beans and a cleaner planet.

It’s decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Process, so no chemicals there either.

What truly makes it special is the handcrafted, micro-roasted, and direct trade approach.

Plus, the packaging is a win – a 3-layer PE and aluminum foil bag with a one-way valve to keep the grounds fresh and maintain that delightful aroma.

Skilled artisans take care of packing these grounds.

Now, for the not-so-great aspects.

Some users find the grounds to be more medium than coarse, which might lead to a bit of mess with a French Press, and over-extraction if you’re not careful.

It’s also worth noting that a few customers felt the flavor was a tad weak.


  • 100% Arabica single-origin beans
  • USDA organic and all-natural
  • Swiss Water Process for decaffeination
  • Handcrafted and direct trade
  • Effective packaging to keep grounds fresh
  • Micro-roasted for quality


  • Possible over-extraction if not careful
  • Some users find the flavor a bit weak

5. Javy Coffee Decaf 35X Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate: Best Instant Coffee


The Javy Coffee Decaf 35X Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate is a potent coffee elixir that packs a punch in a little bottle.

Made from 100% Arabica coffee and filtered water, it’s a game-changer.

This instant cold brew decaf coffee is a product of the Swiss Water Process, meaning it’s decaffeinated without any fuss.

It’s unsweetened and sugar-free, making it versatile for crafting instant iced coffee, cold-brewed delights, and even a steaming hot cup of joe.

But what sets Javy apart is its commitment to quality.

All coffee beans come from dependable small farmers, ensuring you’re getting nothing but the best organic ingredients.

Brewing a cup couldn’t be easier – just pour 1-2 teaspoons of Javy into water or milk, and you’ve got yourself a cup of coffee within seconds.

Here’s where it gets impressive – each bottle offers up to 35 servings, which is three times more than Javy’s competitors.

And trust us, this coffee concentrate is as smooth as it is delicious.

It’s perfect for those who want to savor the taste of coffee without the caffeine buzz.

While Javy is a versatile choice for various coffee drinks, customers love it for Cold Brew.

In fact, it was originally designed to create a delicious and convenient Cold Brew experience.


  • Highly concentrated coffee in a small bottle
  • Made from 100% Arabica coffee and filtered water
  • Uses Swiss Water Process for decaffeination
  • Unsweetened and sugar-free
  • Sourced from small reliable farmers for organic ingredients
  • Each bottle provides up to 35 servings


  • Some customers find the decaf version lacking in flavor
  • Considered a more expensive option

Buyer’s Guide: Finding the Best Decaf Cold Brew Coffee

If you’re on the quest for the perfect decaf cold brew coffee, there are several key factors to consider.

This guide will help you navigate the options and make an informed choice that aligns with your preferences.

Coffee Beans and Roast Level

The foundation of any coffee is the beans, and this is especially important when choosing decaf cold brew.

Look for beans that match your taste preferences.

Arabica beans are known for their smooth, mellow flavor, while Robusta beans tend to be stronger and slightly bitter.

As for the roast level, medium roasts are a popular choice for cold brew, offering a balance of flavor.

However, if you prefer a bolder taste, you might opt for a dark roast.

Ensure the coffee you select uses high-quality beans that align with your taste.

Decaffeination Process

Understanding the decaffeination process is crucial.

There are various methods to remove caffeine from coffee, with the Swiss Water Process and the CO2 method being some of the preferred choices.

These methods are known for preserving the flavor and aroma of the beans.

Be sure to check if the decaffeination process used aligns with your preference for a clean and flavorful cup.

Flavor Profile

Each decaf cold brew can offer a unique flavor profile, influenced by the coffee beans and the roast.

Some may have chocolatey undertones, while others might lean towards nutty or fruity notes.

Read product descriptions and reviews to get an idea of what to expect, and choose a flavor profile that suits your taste buds.

Brewing Convenience

Consider how convenient the coffee is to brew.

Some decaf cold brew options come in the form of concentrates or pods, making preparation a breeze.

Others may require more time and effort, like coarse ground beans that you’ll steep for several hours.

Your choice should align with your preferred level of convenience and time commitment.

Packaging and Freshness

Proper packaging is vital to keep your decaf cold brew fresh.

Look for options that use airtight, resealable, or vacuum-sealed bags or containers.

Some products even come with one-way valves to release built-up gases while preventing air from entering.

This helps preserve the quality and aroma of your coffee, ensuring that it tastes as fresh as possible.

Price and Value

While high-quality decaf cold brew is an investment in great taste, it’s essential to consider your budget.

Prices can vary significantly, so weigh the cost against the quantity and quality you’re receiving.

Often, a slightly higher price may be justified for exceptional flavor and convenience.

Customer Reviews

Before making your final decision, it’s wise to read customer reviews.

These can provide insights into the actual taste, aroma, and convenience of a product.

Pay attention to reviews from individuals who have similar preferences to yours to gauge how well a specific decaf cold brew aligns with your expectations.

Can Decaf Coffee Be Cold Brewed?

Certainly, you can indeed make cold brew coffee using decaffeinated coffee beans.

To prepare a decaf cold brew, you’ll follow a similar method as you would with a regular cold brew.

Coarsely ground decaf coffee is combined with water and left to steep for an extended period, typically around 12 to 24 hours.

After this steeping process, you’ll strain the mixture, resulting in a concentrated decaf cold brew.

This concentrate can then be adjusted to your preferred strength by diluting it with water or milk.

Decaf cold brew coffee boasts the advantage of being less acidic compared to its caffeinated counterpart, making it an excellent choice for those who need to steer clear of caffeine but still crave that cool and refreshing coffee experience.

Creating a decaf cold brew at home is a straightforward process that requires just a few essential ingredients and tools.

If you prefer convenience, you can also find ready-made decaf cold brew coffee concentrate available for purchase online or in local stores.

We’ve highlighted some options earlier in this article to help you get started on your decaf cold brew journey.

Does Cold Brew Decaf Have More Caffeine?

Cold brew decaf coffee typically has significantly less caffeine compared to regular cold brew coffee.

The decaffeination process is designed to remove most of the caffeine from the coffee beans, making decaf coffee a suitable choice for individuals who want to avoid or limit their caffeine intake.

However, it’s important to note that “decaffeinated” doesn’t mean “caffeine-free.”

Some trace amounts of caffeine may remain in decaffeinated coffee, including decaf cold brew, but the levels are minimal.

The exact amount of caffeine can vary depending on the decaffeination method and the specific brand or product you choose.

In general, if you’re looking for a coffee with very low caffeine content, decaf cold brew is a good option.

It’s especially popular for those who enjoy the cold brew flavor but want to avoid the stimulating effects of caffeine.

Which Decaf Coffee Has The Least Caffeine?

When it comes to decaffeinated coffee with the lowest caffeine content, the Swiss Water Decaf Process takes the lead as it is certified to be 99.9% caffeine-free.

In general, an 8-ounce cup of brewed decaf coffee typically contains only 2 to 12 milligrams of caffeine, whereas a regular cup of coffee of the same size contains 95 to 200 milligrams of caffeine.

However, as mentioned earlier, it’s crucial to understand that decaf coffee is not entirely devoid of caffeine.

Even with the decaffeination process effectively removing at least 97% of caffeine, virtually all decaf coffees will still have some residual caffeine present.

Crafting Your Unique Decaf Cold Brew

If you’re looking for a simple and rewarding way to savor decaf coffee at home, cold brewing is the answer.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your own decaf cold brew coffee:

Ingredients and Tools

  • Medium-coarse ground decaf coffee beans (You can grind them yourself or purchase pre-ground coffee.)
  • Water
  • A jar or container for steeping
  • A fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth for straining

Step 1: Grinding and Mixing

Grind your decaf coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency.

Then, in a jar or container, mix the coffee grounds and water in a ratio of 1/4 cup of coffee to 1 cup of water.

Feel free to adjust this ratio to tailor the coffee’s strength to your liking.

Step 2: Stir and Steep

Give the mixture a good stir, ensuring the coffee grounds are well-saturated.

Now, let it steep.

You can choose to steep your brew for 12 to 24 hours at room temperature for a standard approach.

Alternatively, if you prefer a colder brew from the start, steep it in the fridge.

Step 3: Straining

Once the steeping time is up, it’s time to separate the coffee from the grounds.

Use a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to strain your brew, ensuring that no stray grounds make their way into your concentrate.

Step 4: Adjusting Strength

Now that you have your coffee concentrate, it’s time to tweak the strength to match your preferences.

Dilute the concentrate with water or milk until you reach your desired taste.

Step 5: Sip and Savor

Your decaf cold brew is ready to be enjoyed.

Pour it over ice, kick back, and savor the rich, smooth flavors.

Things To Note

It’s essential to remember that everyone’s taste is unique.

If it tastes too strong, simply add more milk or water.

If you crave a bolder brew next time, adjust the cold brew ratio to your liking.

The beauty of cold brewing lies in its adaptability, allowing you to make it precisely as you desire.

The Verdict: What Is The Best Decaf Coffee For Cold Brew?

In our quest for the best decaf cold brew coffee, Lifeboost’s Medium Roast Decaf took the crown for its premium organic beans, Swiss Water Process decaffeination, and rich, balanced flavors.

As our runner-up, Bizzy Decaf Blend Cold Brew impressed us with its convenience, high-quality Arabica beans, and excellent taste.

If you’re a fan of pod machines and prioritize convenience, then the Cold Brew Coffee Decaf Liquid Pods by Java House is a great option!


How long should I steep decaf cold brew coffee?

Decaf cold brew coffee should be steeped for about 12 to 24 hours at room temperature or in the fridge, depending on your preference for strength.

What is the difference between decaf cold brew and iced decaf coffee?

Decaf cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, resulting in a smooth, less acidic taste.

Iced decaf coffee, on the other hand, is brewed hot and then chilled with ice.

Is there any caffeine in decaf cold brew coffee?

Yes, there is some residual caffeine in decaf cold brew coffee, but it’s significantly less compared to regular coffee.

The exact amount can vary depending on the brand and decaffeination process.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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