Can You Make Hot Chocolate In A Coffee Maker?

Are you craving a delicious cup of hot chocolate but don’t have a stove or microwave to heat up milk? Look no further than your trusty coffee maker!

While it may seem unconventional, making hot chocolate in a coffee maker is not only possible but also easy and convenient.

So Yes, you can make hot chocolate in a coffee maker. However, it is important to note that not all coffee makers are suitable for making hot chocolate, and the method may vary depending on the type of coffee maker you have.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to make rich and creamy hot chocolate using your coffee maker. So, grab your favorite mug, and let’s get started!

How To Make Hot Chocolate In A Coffee Maker

Hot cocoa mix mainly consists of cocoa powder, which is made by roasting cocoa beans and grinding them.

Manufacturers then add ingredients such as sugar and dairy products to create hot chocolate powder.

If you don’t have a hot chocolate machine, you can still make hot chocolate in a drip coffee maker or a single-serve coffee maker that offers hot chocolate powder options.

Drip coffee makers are versatile and capable of producing many coffee drinks, including espresso made with regular coffee makers.

An insider tip: to keep your coffee hot without burning it, opt for a thermal carafe instead of a hot plate.

Here Are The Different Ways To Make Hot Chocolate With A Coffee Maker

Method #1: Using a Drip Coffee Maker

If you’re looking to make hot chocolate without a stove or microwave, your drip coffee maker can do the trick.

Here are the detailed steps to make delicious and creamy hot chocolate using your drip coffee maker.


  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract


  • Drip coffee maker
  • Coffee filter
  • Measuring spoons
  • Mixing spoon
  • Mug

Step 1: Prepare the coffee maker

First, make sure to clean your coffee maker and remove any leftover coffee grounds. Then, place a coffee filter in the basket and turn on the machine.

Let some hot water run through the filter and into the carafe to warm it up.

Step 2: Mix the ingredients

In a separate container, mix together the milk, cocoa powder, sugar, salt, and vanilla extract.

Stir well until all ingredients are fully incorporated.

Step 3: Brew the hot chocolate

Pour the mixture into the coffee maker’s carafe, and start the brewing process.

The hot water will mix with the hot chocolate mixture, creating a creamy and frothy hot chocolate.

Step 4: Serve and enjoy

Once the brewing process is complete, pour the hot chocolate into a mug and enjoy it while it’s still hot.


  • Adjust the amount of cocoa powder and sugar to your liking.
  • For a richer hot chocolate, use whole milk or add a splash of heavy cream.
  • Top with whipped cream or marshmallows for an extra indulgent treat.

Method #2: Using a Capsule Coffee Machine

If you have a capsule coffee machine that can make hot chocolate, you can enjoy a quick and easy cup of hot chocolate in just a few minutes.

Here are the detailed steps to make hot chocolate using your capsule coffee machine.


  • Hot chocolate capsules (compatible with your capsule coffee machine)
  • Milk (as per the instructions on the hot chocolate capsule)


  • Capsule coffee machine
  • Milk frother (optional)
  • Mug

Step 1: Prepare the machine

Make sure your capsule coffee machine is clean and ready to use.

Fill the water tank with fresh water and turn the machine on to preheat.

Step 2: Insert the hot chocolate capsule

Insert the hot chocolate capsule into the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure it is securely in place.

Step 3: Prepare the milk

Pour the milk into the designated area on the machine, following the instructions on the hot chocolate capsule.

If your machine does not have a milk frother, you can heat the milk in a separate container and froth it with a handheld frother or a whisk.

Step 4: Brew the hot chocolate

Press the button on the machine to start the brewing process.

The hot water will mix with the hot chocolate capsule and the milk, creating a creamy and delicious hot chocolate.

Step 5: Serve and enjoy

Once the brewing process is complete, pour the hot chocolate into a mug and enjoy it while it’s still hot.


  • Choose a hot chocolate capsule that matches your taste preferences, such as dark chocolate or flavored hot chocolate.
  • Use a milk frother or handheld whisk to froth the milk for a creamier texture.
  • Top with whipped cream or marshmallows for an extra indulgent treat.

How To Balance The Quantities Effectively

Here are some tips for balancing quantities when making hot chocolate with a coffee maker:

  • Use the right amount of cocoa powder: The amount of cocoa powder you use can affect the taste and consistency of your hot chocolate. Follow the recipe or package instructions to ensure you’re using the right amount.
  • Measure the milk carefully: The amount of milk you use can also affect the consistency and sweetness of your hot chocolate. Use a measuring cup to measure the milk accurately.
  • Adjust the sugar to your taste: If the hot chocolate is not sweet enough for your taste, add a little more sugar. But be careful not to add too much, as it can make the hot chocolate overly sweet.
  • Use the right size coffee maker: If you’re making hot chocolate with a drip coffee maker, use the right size for the amount of hot chocolate you want to make. Using a smaller coffee maker for a larger amount of hot chocolate can result in an unbalanced recipe.
  • Stir well: When making hot chocolate with a coffee maker, make sure to stir the mixture well to ensure that all the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  • Taste and adjust as needed: Taste the hot chocolate as you go and adjust the quantities of cocoa powder, milk, and sugar as needed to achieve the desired taste and consistency.

By following these tips, you can balance the quantities of ingredients when making hot chocolate with a coffee maker and create a delicious and satisfying drink.

Final Words

Making hot chocolate in a coffee maker can be a convenient and easy way to enjoy this delicious treat at home.

While the method may vary depending on the type of coffee maker you have, there are several options available that can produce a rich, creamy hot chocolate with minimal effort.

Just remember to balance the quantities of ingredients carefully and avoid putting milk directly in a hot coffee maker to prevent scorching or burning.

With these tips in mind, you can enjoy a delicious and satisfying cup of hot chocolate anytime.


How to make hot chocolate with milk in a coffee maker?

To make hot chocolate with milk in a coffee maker, follow these steps:

  • Add milk to the coffee maker’s carafe.
  • Add cocoa powder and sugar to the milk and stir well.
  • Turn on the coffee maker and let it brew the hot chocolate mixture.
  • Once the hot chocolate is ready, pour it into a mug and enjoy.

Note that some coffee makers may have specific instructions for making hot chocolate, so be sure to consult the manufacturer’s instructions.

Can I put hot cocoa powder in a coffee maker?

Yes, you can put hot cocoa powder in a coffee maker to make hot chocolate.

Simply add the cocoa powder and other ingredients to the coffee maker’s carafe and let it brew.

Can you use chocolate milk in a coffee machine?

Yes, you can use chocolate milk in a coffee machine to make hot chocolate.

Simply add the chocolate milk to the coffee maker’s carafe and follow the same steps as you would for making hot chocolate with regular milk.

Can you make hot chocolate in a bean-to-cup coffee machine?

Yes, you can make hot chocolate in a bean-to-cup coffee machine.

Simply add the cocoa powder and other ingredients to the coffee machine’s hopper and let it brew.

Some bean-to-cup coffee machines may also have a specific hot chocolate setting or instructions for making hot chocolate.

What machine can make hot chocolate?

Many types of machines can make hot chocolate, including drip coffee makers, capsule coffee machines, bean-to-cup coffee machines, and hot chocolate machines.

Some single-serve coffee makers also have a hot chocolate option.

The type of machine you use will depend on your preference and the ingredients you have on hand.

Should You Put Milk In A Hot Coffee Maker?

No, it is not a good idea to put milk in a hot coffee maker.

Coffee makers are designed to brew coffee by heating water and passing it through ground coffee beans.

While some coffee makers have a steam wand or milk frother attachment, they are specifically designed for steaming or frothing milk, not for brewing hot chocolate or heating milk.

If you put milk in a hot coffee maker, it could scorch or burn the milk, creating a burnt taste and potentially damaging the coffee maker.

Additionally, the milk could clog the machine’s internal components, causing it to malfunction or break down.

To heat milk for hot chocolate, it is better to use a separate pot or microwave-safe container and heat it gently over low heat or in short bursts in the microwave, stirring frequently to prevent scorching.

Once the milk is heated, it can be mixed with cocoa powder and other ingredients to make hot chocolate.

Photo of author

Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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