Coffee vs Energy Drinks: Which Drink Is Better?

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Coffee and energy drinks have become two of the most popular go-to beverages for people who need a quick energy boost to help them get through the day.

While both drinks offer caffeine, there are some key differences between the two.

In this blog post, we will compare coffee and energy drinks and discuss the pros and cons of each.

We’ll also take a closer look at the effects of caffeine on the body, as well as explore some of the other ingredients that are commonly found in energy drinks.

Whether you’re a coffee aficionado or an energy drink enthusiast, read on to find out which drink is the best choice for you.

In General, While both coffee and energy drinks can provide a quick energy boost, coffee is generally considered the healthier option due to its natural vitamins, antioxidants, and potential health benefits.

Energy drinks often contain added sugar and artificial sweeteners that can contribute to obesity and other health issues, while coffee offers sustained energy without these additives.

Caffeine Overview

Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant that belongs to the xanthine class of compounds.

It is most commonly found in coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans, and kola nuts.

Caffeine is widely used as a psychoactive drug and is the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world.

It works by stimulating the central nervous system, increasing alertness, and reducing fatigue.

Caffeine is also used in some medications to treat migraines and other conditions.

While caffeine is generally considered safe in moderation, excessive consumption can have negative side effects.

Coffee vs Energy Drinks: Caffeine Content

When it comes to caffeine content, coffee, and energy drinks differ in their amounts depending on the specific product.

On average, an 8oz cup of black coffee contains between 85-120 milligrams of caffeine, while an 8.4oz can of Red Bull has 80 mg of caffeine.

This means that coffee has slightly more caffeine per ounce than energy drinks.

However, it’s important to note that not all energy drinks are created equal, and the amount of caffeine can vary greatly depending on the brand.

The most common energy drinks found at gas stations and convenience stores have around 80 mg of caffeine per regular 8.4 fl oz can, which is similar to the caffeine content of a can of Red Bull.

On the other hand, some energy drinks can contain significantly more caffeine and sugar than coffee.

For instance, a bottle of regular-strength 5-Hour Energy contains a whopping 200 milligrams of caffeine, which is almost double the amount found in an average cup of coffee.

Therefore, it’s important to read labels and be aware of the caffeine content in any beverage consumed for an energy boost.

While coffee may have slightly more caffeine per ounce on average, some energy drinks can have significantly more caffeine and sugar, making them a less healthy option for an energy boost.

Coffee vs Energy Drinks: Calorie Content

When it comes to calorie content, coffee is generally the better choice compared to energy drinks.

Black coffee has zero calories, which means it won’t contribute to your daily calorie intake.

Coffee is a low-calorie beverage since it mainly consists of water.

In fact, a shot of espresso contains only 2 calories, while an average cup of coffee without any cream or sweeteners has around 5 calories.

Therefore, if you’re counting calories, coffee is a great option to consider.

On the other hand, energy drinks are typically high in calories, even the “low calorie” options.

This is because they often contain a lot of sugar, with one can of Red Bull containing 26 grams of sugar and a large can of Monster containing a whopping 54 grams of sugar.

This high sugar content can contribute significantly to your daily calorie intake, which may not be ideal for those looking to maintain a healthy diet.

Most 16oz cans of top brands such as Monster or Rockstar contain over 200 calories. It’s important to note that the majority of these calories come from added sugars.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 6-7% of an adult’s daily calorie intake in the United States comes from sugar-sweetened beverages, including energy drinks.

However, it’s important to note that the calorie content of coffee can increase if cream and sugar are added.

Adding a lot of cream and sugar to your coffee can add up to hundreds of extra calories, which can also contribute to weight gain over time.

So, if you’re trying to watch your calorie intake, it’s best to stick with black coffee or use alternative sweeteners like stevia or low-calorie creamers.

Coffee vs Energy Drinks: Health Benefits

When comparing coffee to energy drinks, many health experts consider coffee to be the healthier choice due to its natural vitamins and antioxidants.

Coffee has been linked to several potential health benefits, including reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and certain types of cancer.

In contrast, energy drinks are often loaded with added sugars and artificial sweeteners that can contribute to obesity, diabetes, and other health issues.

Another advantage of coffee over energy drinks is the sustained energy boost it provides.

Energy drinks can provide a quick energy boost due to their high caffeine content, but this effect is often short-lived.

In contrast, coffee is typically sipped, meaning the caffeine’s effects are spread out over a longer period, providing a better-sustained energy boost without the added sugar and artificial sweeteners found in many energy drinks.

Additionally, coffee has been more extensively researched than energy drinks, with numerous studies conducted on its potential health benefits and effects on the body.

This research has led to many health experts recommending moderate coffee consumption as part of a healthy diet.

Coffee vs Energy Drinks: Side Effects

Caffeine is a key ingredient in both coffee and energy drinks, and it can cause several side effects in some individuals.

Caffeine sensitivity varies from person to person, but common side effects can include jitteriness, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, irritability, and panic attacks.

Excessive caffeine intake, typically more than 400 milligrams per day, can cause palpitations, tremors, agitation, and gastrointestinal upset.

Long-term, heavy caffeine use may lead to physical and psychological dependence, and people may experience withdrawal symptoms if caffeine intake is abruptly stopped.

Studies show that energy drinks can have more significant effects on heart rhythm and blood pressure than coffee alone.

While these changes are not worrisome for healthy individuals, people with certain heart conditions may need to exercise caution when consuming energy drinks.

Energy drinks often contain high levels of added sugar or other sweeteners, as well as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbal supplements like ginseng and guarana.

These ingredients may be used to boost energy and mental focus, but they can also cause side effects or interact with medications.

In contrast, coffee contains natural vitamins and antioxidants that can provide potential health benefits, such as lowering the risk of liver diseases, depression, and suicide, and increasing metabolism.

Coffee drinkers can also control the number of additives they consume, such as cream and sugar, compared to energy drinks that often have a set amount of added sugar.

Overall, both coffee and energy drinks can have side effects due to their caffeine content and other additives.

However, coffee is generally considered the healthier choice due to its natural vitamins and potential health benefits, as well as the ability to restrict the number of additives when compared to energy drinks.

The Verdict: Coffee Wins Hands Down!

Here are a few reasons why coffee is considered a better choice than energy drinks for a morning or midday pick-me-up.

From its natural ingredients to its taste and long history, coffee has several advantages over energy drinks that make it a healthier and more satisfying choice.

Health benefits

Coffee contains natural vitamins and antioxidants that can provide potential health benefits such as lowering the risk of liver diseases, depression, and suicide, and increasing metabolism.

Energy drinks, on the other hand, are often loaded with sugar and artificial sweeteners that can contribute to obesity and other health issues like diabetes.

Additionally, the effects of coffee have been researched more than those of energy drinks, and coffee is typically sipped, while energy drinks are consumed quicker, meaning the caffeine’s effects hit quicker.

Overall, coffee is considered a better choice for potential health benefits.

Natural source of energy

Coffee provides a natural source of energy due to its caffeine content, which can help to improve alertness and focus.

While energy drinks can also provide a quick energy boost, they are often loaded with sugar and other artificial ingredients that can cause crashes or energy crashes later in the day.

Coffee provides a more sustained energy boost without the added sugar and artificial sweeteners found in many energy drinks.

Low calorie

Coffee is generally low in calories, with a cup of black coffee containing almost no calories.

In contrast, energy drinks are often high in calories, even the “low calorie” options.

Energy drinks can contain a lot of sugar, with one can of Red Bull containing 26 grams of sugar and a large can of Monster containing 54 grams.

Coffee is the better choice for those looking to avoid excess calories and sugar.


Coffee can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, from a simple cup of black coffee to elaborate coffee drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

This versatility allows for customization and personalization to suit individual preferences.

Energy drinks, on the other hand, have a limited range of flavors and are often consumed straight from the can.


Coffee is generally more cost-effective than energy drinks.

A bag of coffee beans can provide many cups of coffee at a fraction of the cost of a single energy drink.

Additionally, many workplaces provide coffee for free or at a reduced cost, making it an accessible and affordable choice for those looking for a caffeine boost.

The Taste

Coffee has a rich and diverse flavor profile, with different varieties of beans and brewing methods producing distinct taste characteristics.

From the bright and citrusy notes of a light roast Ethiopian coffee to the chocolatey and nutty flavors of a dark roast Colombian coffee, coffee can offer a wide range of taste experiences.

In contrast, energy drinks often have a one-dimensional flavor profile that is often overly sweet and artificial, which can become monotonous and unappealing over time.

Additionally, coffee can be customized to individual tastes with the addition of milk, cream, or alternative sweeteners, allowing for greater personalization and enjoyment of the beverage.


Both coffee and energy drinks have their pros and cons. While energy drinks may provide a quick energy boost, they are often high in added sugars and artificial sweeteners, and their long-term effects on health are still not fully understood.

On the other hand, coffee offers potential health benefits, a more sustained energy boost, and a wide range of taste profiles to explore.

Ultimately, the choice between coffee and energy drinks comes down to personal preference, caffeine tolerance, and health considerations.

Moderation is key when it comes to caffeine consumption, and it is important to be mindful of the potential side effects and to listen to your body’s signals.

As with any dietary choice, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine what works best for your individual needs and goals.


Is coffee better than Red Bull?

It depends on what you mean by “better.” Coffee and Red Bull are two different types of drinks that can serve different purposes.

Coffee is a natural beverage that is often consumed for its taste and potential health benefits, while Red Bull is an energy drink that is marketed for its ability to provide a quick energy boost.

In terms of health, coffee is generally considered the better option as it is a natural source of vitamins and antioxidants that can provide potential health benefits, such as lowering the risk of liver diseases, depression, and suicide, and increasing metabolism.

Red Bull, on the other hand, is typically high in sugar and artificial sweeteners, which can contribute to obesity and other health issues like diabetes.

However, if you need a quick energy boost, Red Bull may be a better option as it contains a fair bit of caffeine and other additives like taurine and B vitamins that can provide a temporary energy boost.

Coffee, on the other hand, provides a more sustained energy boost without the added sugar and artificial sweeteners found in many energy drinks.

Is it better to drink coffee or an energy drink?

The choice between drinking coffee or energy drinks depends on individual preferences, needs, and circumstances.

Both beverages contain caffeine, which can provide an energy boost, but they differ in terms of calorie content, additives, and potential health benefits and risks.

Coffee is generally considered the healthier choice due to its natural vitamins and antioxidants, potential health benefits, and lack of added sugar and artificial sweeteners.

On the other hand, energy drinks may provide a quicker energy boost, contain additional ingredients like vitamins, amino acids, and herbal supplements, and may be more convenient for those who are on the go.

Ultimately, it’s up to individuals to make informed decisions about their beverage choices based on their personal needs and goals.

How many cups of coffee equal an energy drink?

A typical can of Monster Energy contains about 170 milligrams of caffeine, which is approximately equivalent to two shots of espresso or slightly more than three cups of regular coffee.

In comparison, a 12-ounce cup of coffee typically contains between 95 to 200 milligrams of caffeine, depending on the brew strength and type of coffee beans used.

What are the 10 benefits of coffee?

  • Can boost physical performance
  • Contains essential nutrients
  • Can reduce the risk of liver diseases
  • Can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • May help protect against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
  • Can improve mood and brain function
  • May lower the risk of depression and suicide
  • Can reduce the risk of some types of cancer
  • Can aid in weight loss and metabolism
  • May improve overall longevity and reduce the risk of premature death

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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