Cortado vs Latte: A Guide to Choosing Your Perfect Coffee Drink

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Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, enjoyed by millions of people every day.

With so many different types of coffee drinks available, it can be overwhelming to know the differences between them and choose the perfect one for your taste and preferences.

In this article, we will explore the differences between cortado and latte, two popular coffee drinks that are often confused with each other.

By understanding the unique characteristics of each drink, you can make an informed decision and find your perfect cup of coffee.

What is a Cortado?

A cortado is a Spanish-origin coffee drink that consists of espresso mixed with a small amount of steamed milk.

The name “cortado” comes from the Spanish word “cortar,” which means “to cut,” referring to the way that the steamed milk “cuts” the espresso’s acidity.

History and Origin of Cortado

Cortado originated in Spain and is a popular coffee drink in many Spanish-speaking countries.

It is believed to have been created in the Basque Country, a region that spans the border between Spain and France.

How Cortado is Made

To make a cortado, a shot of espresso is poured into a small glass, and a small amount of steamed milk is added to the espresso.

The ratio of espresso to milk is typically 1:1 or 1:2.

The milk is heated until it reaches a temperature of around 130-150°F, creating a velvety texture.

Characteristics of Cortado

Cortado is a small, strong coffee drink with a smooth and creamy texture.

It has a rich espresso flavor with a slight sweetness from the steamed milk.

The milk also helps to mellow out the acidity of the espresso, resulting in a balanced and nuanced flavor profile.

Cortado is typically served in a small glass and is a popular choice for those who want a strong coffee without the bitterness of a straight espresso shot.

What is a Latte?

A latte, also known as a café latte, is a popular coffee drink that originated in Italy.

It consists of a shot of espresso mixed with steamed milk and topped with a small layer of frothed milk.

History and Origin of Latte

The latte is believed to have originated in Italy in the 17th century, where it was known as “caffè latte.”

It became popular in coffee shops in the United States in the 1980s and has since become one of the most popular coffee drinks in the world.

How Latte is Made

To make a latte, a shot of espresso is poured into a cup, and steamed milk is added to the espresso, typically in a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio.

The top layer of the milk is then frothed to create a thin layer of foam, which is poured over the top of the latte.

Characteristics of Latte

A latte is a creamy, smooth coffee drink with a mild espresso flavor.

The steamed milk creates a velvety texture and adds a slightly sweet flavor to the drink.

The foam layer on top of the latte adds a decorative touch and enhances the flavor of the espresso.

Latte is typically served in a large cup and is a popular choice for those who prefer a milder coffee flavor.

Cortado vs Latte: Comparing Taste and Flavor

Both cortado and latte are espresso-based coffee drinks, but they have distinct differences in taste and flavor.

Cortado Taste and Flavor

Cortado has a strong espresso flavor that is slightly sweetened by steamed milk.

The small amount of milk used in a cortado provides a creamy texture without overpowering the espresso’s taste.

Cortado has a smooth and balanced flavor profile, with a noticeable acidity that is mellowed out by the milk.

Latte Taste and Flavor

Latte has a milder espresso flavor compared to cortado, with a creamy and sweet taste from the steamed milk.

The frothed milk on top of the latte adds a slight texture to the drink and enhances the flavor of the espresso.

Latte has a less pronounced acidity compared to cortado, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a milder coffee flavor.

Comparison of the Taste and Flavor of Cortado and Latte

In comparison, cortado has a stronger espresso flavor and a more pronounced acidity, while latte has a milder espresso flavor and a sweeter taste.

Cortado has a thicker texture due to the smaller amount of milk used, while latte has a creamier texture due to the larger amount of steamed milk.

The foam layer on top of a latte adds a decorative touch and enhances the flavor of the espresso, which is not present in a cortado.

Cortado vs Latte: Milk to Coffee Ratio

The milk-to-coffee ratio is an important factor that affects the taste and texture of coffee drinks.

Here’s a comparison of the milk-to-coffee ratio in cortado and latte.

Explanation of Milk to Coffee Ratio in Cortado

Cortado has a higher coffee-to-milk ratio compared to other milk-based coffee drinks, such as cappuccino or latte.

Typically, a cortado is made with a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio of espresso to milk, which results in a strong espresso flavor with a small amount of steamed milk.

Explanation of Milk to Coffee Ratio in Latte

In contrast, the latte has a higher milk-to-coffee ratio compared to the cortado.

A latte is typically made with a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio of espresso to milk, which results in a milder espresso flavor with a larger amount of steamed milk.

Comparison of Milk to Coffee Ratio in Cortado and Latte

In comparison, cortado has a higher coffee-to-milk ratio, which results in a stronger espresso flavor and a thicker texture.

Latte has a higher milk-to-coffee ratio, which results in a milder espresso flavor and a creamier texture.

The smaller amount of milk used in cortado allows the espresso’s taste to shine through, while the larger amount of milk used in latte provides a sweeter taste and a smoother texture.

Cortado vs Latte: Milk Texture and Consistency

The texture and consistency of milk in a coffee drink is an important aspect that can affect the overall taste and mouthfeel.

Here’s a comparison of the milk texture and consistency in cortado and latte.

Explanation of Milk Texture and Consistency in Cortado

Cortado has a thicker milk texture and consistency compared to other milk-based coffee drinks.

The small amount of milk used in a cortado is steamed to a velvety texture, which provides a creamy and smooth mouthfeel.

The milk in a cortado is less frothy than in other espresso drinks, such as cappuccino, which results in a more subtle texture.

Explanation of Milk Texture and Consistency in Latte

In contrast, the latte has a lighter and creamier milk texture and consistency.

The larger amount of steamed milk used in the latte creates a thick and creamy layer of frothed milk on top of the drink, which adds to the overall texture and mouthfeel.

The milk in the latte is also slightly sweeter than in the cortado due to the larger milk-to-coffee ratio.

Comparison of Milk Texture and Consistency in Cortado and Latte

In comparison, cortado has a thicker and smoother milk texture, while latte has a creamier and frothier texture.

The milk in a cortado is steamed to a velvety texture that complements the espresso’s strong flavor, while the milk in a latte is frothed to a thicker consistency that enhances the drink’s sweetness and creaminess.

The different milk textures and consistencies in cortado and latte can appeal to different preferences, with cortado being a good choice for those who prefer a subtle and smooth mouthfeel, and latte is a good choice for those who prefer a creamy and frothy texture.

Cortado vs Latte: Caffeine Content

The caffeine content of a coffee drink is an important factor to consider when choosing between a cortado and a latte.

Here’s a comparison of the caffeine content in cortado and latte.

Explanation of Caffeine Content in Cortado

A cortado is a Spanish coffee drink made by pouring a small amount of espresso into a glass of steamed milk, creating a 1:1 ratio of coffee to milk.

Since a cortado is a small drink, typically only around 4 ounces, it contains less caffeine than a larger coffee drink. A cortado typically contains about 50-75mg of caffeine.

Explanation of Caffeine Content in Latte

A latte, on the other hand, is made with espresso and steamed milk but has a higher ratio of milk to coffee than a cortado.

A traditional latte is made with 1-2 shots of espresso and 8-12 ounces of steamed milk, resulting in a lower caffeine content per ounce of the drink.

A single shot of espresso contains about 63mg of caffeine, so a typical latte made with one shot of espresso would contain about 63-126mg of caffeine.

Comparison of Caffeine Content in Cortado and Latte

In comparison, a cortado has a stronger coffee flavor and a lower caffeine content per serving, while a latte has a milder coffee flavor and a higher caffeine content per serving.

Cortado vs Latte: Serving Size

Another factor to consider when choosing between cortado and latte is the serving size.

Here’s a comparison of the serving size of cortado and latte.

Explanation of Serving Size in Cortado

Cortado is a small coffee drink that typically contains about 2 ounces of espresso and 1 ounce of steamed milk.

The total serving size is around 3-4 ounces, making it a great option for those who prefer a smaller coffee drink.

Explanation of Serving Size in Latte

In contrast, a latte is a larger coffee drink that typically contains about 1-2 shots of espresso and 8-10 ounces of steamed milk.

The total serving size can range from 10-12 ounces or more, depending on the coffee shop.

Comparison of Serving Size in Cortado and Latte

In comparison, cortado has a much smaller serving size than a latte.

If you prefer a smaller coffee drink, cortado may be the better option for you.

However, if you’re looking for a larger coffee drink to sip on, a latte may be the better choice.

Cortado vs Latte: Price

Price is another important factor to consider when choosing between cortado and latte.

Here’s a comparison of the price of cortado and latte.

Explanation of the Price of Cortado

Cortado is a smaller and more concentrated coffee drink, which means it typically has a higher price per ounce compared to other coffee drinks.

The price of cortado can vary depending on the coffee shop and location, but it is generally more expensive than a regular drip coffee or americano.

Explanation of the Price of Latte

Latte is a larger and more diluted coffee drink, which means it typically has a lower price per ounce compared to cortado.

However, the price of the latte can vary depending on the coffee shop and location, as well as any additional flavorings or add-ins that may be included.

Comparison of the Price of Cortado and Latte

In general, a cortado is more expensive per ounce compared to latte due to its smaller serving size and concentrated flavor.

However, the actual price difference between cortado and latte can vary depending on the coffee shop and location.

If you’re on a budget, a latte may be the more cost-effective option.

Cortado vs Latte: Popularity and Availability

When it comes to popularity and availability, cortado and latte have some key differences.

Here’s a breakdown of both:

Explanation of the Popularity of Cortado

Cortado is a relatively lesser-known coffee drink in some parts of the world, but it has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in specialty coffee shops and cafes.

Its strong and smooth flavor has made it a favorite among coffee enthusiasts who prefer a smaller, more concentrated coffee drink.

Explanation of the Popularity of Latte

Latte, on the other hand, is one of the most popular coffee drinks worldwide.

It’s a staple in most coffee shops and cafes, and it’s often the first coffee drink that comes to mind for many people.

Comparison of the Popularity of Cortado and Latte

While cortado is gaining popularity, it still can’t compare to the widespread popularity of a latte.

Latte has become a staple in the coffee world, and it’s a go-to choice for many coffee drinkers.

Explanation of the Availability of Cortado

Cortado can be harder to find than a latte, especially in smaller or more traditional coffee shops.

However, in specialty coffee shops and cafes that focus on high-quality coffee, a cortado is likely to be available.

Explanation of the Availability of Latte

Latte is one of the most widely available coffee drinks in the world.

It’s offered in most coffee shops and cafes, and it’s often the first coffee drink that people are introduced to.

Comparison of the Availability of Cortado and Latte

Overall, a latte is much more widely available than a cortado.

If you’re looking for a coffee drink that you can find almost anywhere, a latte is a safe bet.

However, if you’re looking for a unique and specialized coffee experience, cortado can be found in select coffee shops and cafes that focus on high-quality coffee.

Cortado vs Latte: Which is Better for Your Health?

Coffee drinks can have both positive and negative effects on your health, depending on the type and amount of coffee consumed.

Here’s how cortado and latte compare in terms of their potential health benefits:

Explanation of the Health Benefits of Cortado

Cortado, like most coffee drinks, contains caffeine, which can boost energy levels and improve mental alertness.

It also contains antioxidants that have been shown to have various health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and decreasing the risk of some chronic diseases.

Explanation of the Health Benefits of Latte

Latte also contains caffeine and antioxidants, but because it has a higher milk-to-coffee ratio, it also provides additional nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and protein.

These nutrients can be beneficial for maintaining strong bones and muscles.

Comparison of the Health Benefits of Cortado and Latte

Overall, both cortado and latte can have health benefits, depending on how they are consumed.

Cortado is a great choice if you’re looking for a smaller coffee drink with a concentrated dose of caffeine and antioxidants.

On the other hand, a latte is a better choice if you want a coffee drink that provides additional nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and protein.

However, it’s worth noting that the addition of milk in a latte also increases the calorie count, so it’s important to consume it in moderation if you’re watching your calorie intake.

Cortado vs Latte: Which is Better for Your Taste Buds?

Taste is a very subjective experience that is influenced by many factors, such as individual taste preferences, the quality and type of coffee beans used, and the skill of the barista.

Therefore, it’s difficult to determine which coffee drink is objectively better than the other.

However, here’s how cortado and latte compare based on personal taste preferences:

Explanation of the Factors that Affect Taste Preferences

Taste preferences can vary widely from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as genetics, culture, past experiences, and personal preferences.

Some people may prefer the bold, strong taste of cortado, while others may prefer the creaminess and sweetness of latte.

Comparison of the Taste of Cortado and Latte Based on Personal Taste Preferences

Cortado has a stronger, more intense coffee flavor due to its higher coffee-to-milk ratio, making it a great choice for those who enjoy the taste of coffee.

It has a smooth texture and a hint of sweetness, which can be enhanced with the addition of a small amount of sugar or honey.

On the other hand, the latte has a milder coffee flavor due to its higher milk-to-coffee ratio, making it a better choice for those who prefer a creamier, sweeter taste.

It has a smooth, velvety texture that can be enhanced with the addition of flavor syrups or spices like cinnamon or nutmeg.

If you like the bold, strong taste of coffee, cortado might be the better choice for you.

If you prefer a milder, creamier taste, a latte might be more up your alley.

It’s always worth trying both to see which one you prefer.

Cortado vs Latte: Which Should You Choose?

If you’re still undecided between cortado and latte, here’s a summary of the key differences and some factors to consider before making a decision.

Summary of Differences

  • Cortado: A Spanish-origin drink with a 1:1 espresso-to-milk ratio, served in a small glass.
  • Latte: An Italian-origin drink with a 1:3 espresso-to-milk ratio, served in a larger cup.
  • Milk texture and consistency: Cortado has less milk and a thicker foam layer than the latte, which has more milk and a creamier texture.
  • Caffeine content: Cortado has less caffeine than a latte due to its smaller size and higher proportion of milk. This also depends on the number of espresso shots used as a latte can have more caffeine.
  • Taste and flavor: Cortado is stronger and less sweet than a latte, with a more intense coffee flavor and less milkiness.
  • Price and availability: Cortado is generally more expensive and less common than a latte, which is widely available in coffee shops.

Factors to Consider

When choosing between cortado and latte, you may want to consider:

  • Your taste preferences: Do you prefer a stronger or milder coffee taste? Do you like your coffee to be sweeter or less sweet? Do you prefer a thicker or creamier texture?
  • Your caffeine sensitivity: Do you need a smaller or larger caffeine dose? Do you prefer a slower or faster caffeine release?
  • Your budget and location: Do you mind paying more or having to search for a specialty coffee shop to find cortado? Is a latte a more convenient and affordable option for you?

Tips for Making a Decision

To help you decide between cortado and latte, you could:

  • Try both drinks: If possible, taste a cortado and a latte side by side to compare their taste, texture, and caffeine effect.
  • Experiment with variations: Ask the barista to customize your drink by adjusting the milk or coffee ratio, using a different milk type, or adding flavored syrup to find your ideal drink.
  • Consider the occasion: Depending on the time of day, your mood, and your social context, you may prefer a cortado for a quick and intense caffeine fix or a latte for a more relaxed and comforting drink.


Q: Is a cortado stronger than a cappuccino?

A: Yes, a cortado is generally considered to be stronger than a cappuccino.

A cortado is made with equal parts espresso and steamed milk, while a cappuccino is made with one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third foam.

The smaller ratio of milk in a cortado allows the full flavor and intensity of the espresso to come through, resulting in a stronger drink.

Q: Does a cortado have more espresso than a latte?

A: Yes, a cortado typically has more espresso than a latte.

A cortado is made with a double shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk, while a latte is made with a single shot of espresso and a larger amount of steamed milk.

Q: What is cortado vs latte vs flat white?

A: A cortado is a small drink made with a double shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk, typically served in a small glass.

A latte is a larger drink made with a single shot of espresso and a larger amount of steamed milk, typically served in a ceramic cup.

A flat white is a drink similar to a latte, but with a higher proportion of espresso to milk, resulting in a stronger and smoother drink.

Q: Is cortado healthier than a latte?

A: Both cortado and latte can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet.

However, if you are looking to reduce your calorie intake, a cortado may be a better choice as it typically contains less milk than a latte.

Q: Is a cortado just a small latte?

A: No, a cortado is not just a small latte.

While both drinks contain espresso and steamed milk, a cortado is made with a double shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk, while a latte is made with a single shot of espresso and a larger amount of steamed milk.

Q: Why is cortado so popular?

A: Cortado is popular among coffee drinkers because it offers a balanced and flavorful espresso-based drink with a small amount of milk.

It is also a visually appealing drink, often served in a small glass that showcases the layered colors of the espresso and milk.

Q: Why is a cortado so small?

A: A cortado is traditionally served in a small glass because it is meant to be a concentrated and strong drink, with a small amount of milk to balance out the bitterness of the espresso.

Q: Is cortado a single or double shot?

A: A cortado is typically made with a double shot of espresso, which is then combined with a small amount of steamed milk.

Q: Is a cortado same as cafe con leche?

A: No, a cortado is not the same as a cafe con leche.

Cafe con leche is a Spanish coffee drink made with equal parts espresso and steamed milk, similar to a latte.

A cortado, on the other hand, is made with a double shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk.

Q: Is cortado coffee the same as macchiato?

A: No, cortado and macchiato are different coffee drinks.

A cortado is made with a double shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk, while a macchiato is made with a single shot of espresso “stained” with a small amount of steamed milk or foam.

Q: Is a cortado flat white milk?

A: No, a cortado is not flat white milk.

A flat white is a coffee drink made with a double shot of espresso and steamed milk that has been textured to create a velvety microform.

A cortado, on the other hand, has a small amount of steamed milk, without the textured foam found in a flat white.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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