How To Descale A Nespresso Machine: 7 Easy Solutions

If you’re a Nespresso enthusiast, keeping your machine in top condition is essential for the perfect cup of coffee.

Descaling is a crucial maintenance task, and in this blog post, we’ll explore seven simple solutions to help you descale your Nespresso machine effectively.

Say goodbye to limescale buildup and hello to consistently delicious coffee!

Choose Any Of The Below Methods To Descale A Nespresso Machine

  • Nespresso Descaling Kit (Best Method)
  • Commercial descaling fluid
  • White vinegar
  • Lemon juice
  • Citric acid
  • Baking soda
  • Water Softeners

Why Is Descaling So Important?

Descaling your Nespresso machine is crucial because it gets rid of the mineral buildup that can mess with how well your machine works, affect the taste of your coffee and mess with the coffee temperature.

This buildup is mostly calcium deposits that come from the minerals in your tap water.

Every time you brew with your Nespresso, these deposits start sticking around and create something called limescale.

This limescale can cling to your machine’s heating parts and stop them from heating the water to its optimal temperature.

When that happens, your coffee flavor suffers, and you might run into issues like clogs and uneven water flow.

So, descaling isn’t just about great-tasting coffee; it’s also about making your machine last longer.

How Often Should Descaling Be Done?

Nespresso suggests descaling your machine either every 3 months or after you’ve used about 300 capsules, whichever happens first.

But, here’s the thing – how often you actually need to do it can change based on how hard your tap water is.

Some coffee experts even say it’s a good idea to descale every 2-3 months or after around 250 uses, just to be safe.

So, it’s a bit flexible, and you can adjust it to fit your specific situation.

Nespresso Descaling Kit

Nespresso suggests using their Descaling Kit to descale your machine.

This kit is typically included with Nespresso machines and contains two 100ml (3.38oz) descaling bags made with citric acid.

These bags dissolve scale without harming your machine’s parts.

It’s an all-in-one solution for descaling your Nespresso machine, and it works well with different Nespresso machine models.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to descale your Nespresso machine using a Nespresso Descaling Kit:

  1. Prep Your Machine: Start by taking out any coffee capsules and the capsule holder. You can clean the capsule holder later. Position a container under the spout to catch the descaling solution.
  2. Mix the Descaling Solution: Nespresso recommends their own Descaling Kit. It usually contains two packets of descaling solution. Empty one packet into half a liter of water and dissolve it.
  3. Activate Descaling Mode: How you activate descaling mode depends on your Nespresso machine model. Check your manual if you’re unsure. For models like Citiz, Essenza, Pixie, or Inissia, hold down both buttons for about 3-5 seconds until both lights blink simultaneously. Then, press the Lungo (large cup) button to start the descaling program.
  4. Descaling Process: Let the machine run the descaling solution through its system. This typically takes around 15-20 minutes. You’ll see the descaling solution come out of the nozzle and into your container.
  5. Rinse Your Machine: After the descaling process finishes, rinse the water tank and fill it with fresh water. Run water through the machine to ensure you’ve flushed out all the descaling solution. Keep doing this until the water comes out clean.
  6. Wrap It Up: Once you’ve thoroughly rinsed your machine, turn it off and unplug it. Don’t forget to clean the water tank and capsule container. Your Nespresso machine is now ready to brew your favorite coffee.

Commercial Descaling Fluid

There are various descaling fluids available that work fine for all sorts of coffee makers, including Nespresso machines.

While they might not be as powerful as Nespresso’s own descaling agents, they can still do the trick.

Just remember to steer clear of really strong or harsh descaling fluids, and don’t use them in concentrated amounts, as they can harm your Nespresso machine.

Here’s a simple guide on descaling your Nespresso machine using descaling fluid:

  1. Mix the Descaling Solution: Begin by carefully following the instructions on the descaling fluid package. It’s essential to get the mixing ratios right. Don’t make the solution too weak or too strong, as this can harm your Nespresso machine.
  2. Prep the Water Tank: Remove any coffee capsules and empty the water tank. Give it a quick wipe with a damp cloth and let it air dry.
  3. Fill with Descaling Solution: Pour the mixed descaling solution into the water tank. Typically, you’ll use around 17oz (500ml) of water with no more than 4oz (118ml) of descaling fluid.
  4. Activate Descaling Mode: Turn on your Nespresso machine and put it into descaling mode. The process can differ depending on your specific machine model, so consult your manual for exact instructions. Usually, you’ll need to press and hold one or more buttons until they start flashing. Then, press another button to kickstart the descaling process. Your machine will pump the descaling liquid through and collect it in a container.
  5. Rinse the Machine: After the descaling cycle wraps up, empty the container and rinse it with clean water. Refill the water tank with fresh water and run the machine in rinse mode to get rid of any lingering descaling solution. Repeat until the water tank is empty.
  6. Clean Up: Wipe down your Nespresso machine with a damp cloth, then let it dry. Dispose of the used descaling solution and container according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

White Vinegar

Keep in mind that white vinegar is a budget-friendly descaling option, but it might not be as potent as commercial descaling solutions.

However, if you still want to use vinegar to descale your Nespresso machine, Here are a few simple steps to follow:

  1. Mix the Descaling Solution: In a container, combine equal parts of white vinegar and water. The quantity you need depends on your Nespresso machine’s water tank size. For example, if it holds 0.5 liters, use 0.25 liters of white vinegar and 0.25 liters of water.
  2. Empty the Water Tank: Take out any coffee capsules and empty the machine’s water tank.
  3. Fill with Descaling Solution: Pour the mixed descaling solution into the water tank.
  4. Activate Descaling Mode: Turn on your Nespresso machine and put it into descaling mode. The exact steps vary by machine model, so check your manual if you’re unsure. Once in descaling mode, the machine will start pumping the descaling liquid through its system. This typically takes about 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse the Machine: After the descaling process finishes, empty the water tank and give it a thorough rinse with clean water. Refill the tank with fresh water and run a few cycles through the machine to get rid of any remaining vinegar taste.
  6. Clean Up: Wipe down the machine’s exterior with a damp cloth to remove any residue.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a safe and effective alternative for descaling your Nespresso machine.

It’s particularly great because it won’t clog your device, unlike baking soda and water softeners.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on using lemon juice:

  1. Mix the Lemon Solution: In a bowl, combine equal parts of water and lemon juice.
  2. Fill the Water Tank: Pour the lemon mixture into your Nespresso machine’s water tank. Be careful not to spill it; using filter paper can help.
  3. Let It Sit: Allow the lemon solution to sit undisturbed in the machine for about 25 minutes. This gives the lemon juice time to work its descaling magic.
  4. Activate Descaling Mode: Turn on your Nespresso machine and put it into descaling mode. Run the descaling process as usual, and collect the fluid that comes out.
  5. Rinse with Clean Water: Repeat the descaling process, but this time, use plain clean water. Keep running cycles until the water runs clear.
  6. Clean Up: Rinse and clean the water tank and drip tray. Fill the water tank with fresh drinking water and reassemble the machine. Give the machine a wipe-down with a damp cloth.
  7. Let It Dry: Leave your Nespresso machine to dry for about 10 minutes before using it again.

Citric Acid

Citric acid, a key ingredient in Nespresso Descaling Kits, is a fantastic alternative to commercial descaling solutions and vinegar.

Its lower pH level makes it a top-notch choice for descaling your Nespresso machine.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use citric acid for descaling:

  1. Mix the Citric Acid Solution: In a bowl, combine one tablespoon of citric acid powder with 20 parts of water. Stir the mixture thoroughly. You can also use 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of citric acid in a quart (1 liter) of warm water.
  2. Fill the Machine: Pour the citric acid solution into your Nespresso machine’s water tank. Be mindful not to overfill it to prevent any spills.
  3. Start Descaling Mode: Set your Nespresso machine to Descaling Mode. The descaling process typically takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.
  4. Discard the Used Solution: After the descaling process finishes, dispose of the fluid collected.
  5. Rinse with Clean Water: Fill the water tank with clean water and rerun the descaling process. Repeat until the tank is entirely clean.
  6. Final Rinse: Once descaling is complete, clean the water tank and refill it with fresh water. Run the machine through a few cycles using just water to thoroughly rinse out any remaining traces of the citric acid solution.

It’s worth noting that Nespresso advises using lactic descaling solution to maintain your warranty.

However, citric acid works exceptionally well as a substitute for commercial descaling liquids and vinegar.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a fantastic DIY descaling option, and it’s both cost-effective and odorless, leaving no lingering scents behind.

It’s also suitable for descaling a wide range of Nespresso machines.

Here’s a simple guide on how to use baking soda for descaling:

  1. Mix Baking Soda Solution: In a cup, blend one tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of warm water.
  2. Fill the Water Tank: Pour this baking soda mixture into your Nespresso machine’s water tank.
  3. Start a Brewing Cycle: Turn on the machine and run a brewing cycle without inserting a coffee capsule.
  4. Let It Sit: Allow the baking soda solution to sit in the machine for approximately 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse with Water: Run another brewing cycle, this time with just water. This will help rinse out the machine.
  6. Repeat Rinsing: Continue the rinsing process until there’s no more baking soda solution left in the machine.

Water Softeners

Using a water softener can be an effective way to tackle mineral buildup in your Nespresso machine.

Morton Potassium Chloride Water Softener Pellets are a great choice for this purpose.

However, not all water softeners are suitable for Nespresso machines, so it’s best to opt for ones rated for home appliances.

Keep in mind that descaling with water softeners can be a bit tricky due to the variety of chemicals involved.

Nespresso machines can be sensitive to certain water softeners because they might clog the small openings in the machine, causing water flow issues.

Therefore, using a water softener should be your last resort.

If you do decide to go this route, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the product package carefully to descale your Nespresso machine effectively.

How To Activate Descaling Mode For A Nespresso Machine

Activating the descaling mode on a Nespresso machine isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal; it varies depending on the model.

Here’s how you can do it for a few different models:

  • Vertuo: Hold down the button for at least 7 seconds until the button starts blinking rapidly. You’ve got 45 seconds to confirm.
  • Inissia, Pixie, Citiz, and Essenza Mini: Press both of the top buttons at the same time for three seconds to exit the descaling mode.
  • VertuoPlus: Just press and release the lever once to enter descaling mode.
  • Nestle Nespresso Lattissima Espresso Machine: When you turn on the hot water tap, the descaling light comes on. Push the espresso button to kickstart the descaling process.
  • Nespresso Creatista Espresso Machine by Breville: Use the dial on the Nespresso machine to select “Maintenance,” then choose “descaling” from the drop-down menu. Follow the subsequent instructions to begin the descaling process.

How Do I Know When My Nespresso Machine Needs Descaling?

Knowing when your Nespresso machine needs descaling is crucial to maintaining its performance and prolonging its lifespan.

Here are some common signs to look out for:

  • Slow Coffee Flow: If your Nespresso machine starts producing coffee at a slower rate than usual, it could be due to mineral buildup in the internal components.
  • Reduced Coffee Temperature: Descaling helps maintain the optimal water temperature for brewing. If your coffee is coming out cooler than before, it may be time to descale.
  • Unusual Noises: If you notice unusual noises like hissing or sputtering during the coffee brewing process, it could be a sign of limescale buildup affecting the machine’s operation.
  • Inconsistent Coffee Flavor: Descaling ensures that your coffee tastes as intended. If you detect a change in the flavor or notice it’s not as rich as before, it might be due to mineral deposits in the machine.
  • Lights or Indicators: Most Nespresso machines have lights or indicators that signal when descaling is needed. Refer to your machine’s manual for specific details.

What Is The Difference Between Cleaning And Descaling A Nespresso Machine?

Cleaning is the routine maintenance to keep your machine clean and free of coffee residues, while descaling is a less frequent but essential process to remove mineral buildup within the machine.

Both are necessary for the proper maintenance of your Nespresso machine and the quality of your coffee.


Descaling your Nespresso machine is a simple yet essential task to maintain its performance and ensure your coffee always tastes its best.

Whether you opt for Nespresso’s Descaling Kit or one of the DIY solutions mentioned here, regular descaling will keep your machine running smoothly and extend its lifespan.

Choose the method that suits you best, follow the recommended intervals, and say goodbye to limescale troubles.

Enjoy your perfect cup of Nespresso coffee every time!

Photo of author

Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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