Iced Flat White vs Iced Latte: Which Iced Drink Is Better?

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Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and there are many ways to enjoy it. Two popular iced coffee drinks are the iced flat white and the iced latte.

While they may seem similar, there are some key differences between them.

In this article, we will explore the differences between these two drinks to help you decide which one to try.

Coffee has been around for centuries and has been enjoyed in many different ways across various cultures.

The modern coffee shop culture can be traced back to Italy in the 16th century when coffeehouses were a popular meeting place for intellectuals and artists.

Today, coffee shops can be found all around the world, and coffee is enjoyed in countless ways.

The purpose of this article is to provide readers with a clear understanding of the differences between the iced flat white and the iced latte.

By exploring the origins, ingredients, taste, and texture of each drink, readers will be able to make an informed decision about which one they prefer.

Key Takeaways

  • An iced flat white is made with a double shot of espresso and microfoamed milk, while an iced latte is made with a single or double shot of espresso and frothed milk.
  • The texture of the milk in an iced flat white is thicker and creamier than in an iced latte, which has a lighter and airier texture.
  • An iced flat white has a stronger coffee flavor than an iced latte due to the double shot of espresso.
  • An iced latte is typically sweeter than an iced flat white because it has more milk.
  • The caffeine content in an iced flat white is generally higher than in an iced latte due to the double shot of espresso.
  • The price of an iced flat white is typically higher than an iced latte due to the additional shot of espresso.
  • Ultimately, choosing between an iced flat white and an iced latte comes down to personal preference, caffeine intake, and budget.
  • Both drinks can be enjoyed with added flavors or sweeteners and can be a refreshing choice on a hot day.

What is an Iced Flat White?

An iced flat white is a popular coffee drink that originated in Australia in the 1980s.

It is a variation of the traditional flat white, which is made with espresso and steamed milk.

The iced version is served with ice cubes and is a refreshing option for those who enjoy a strong coffee taste.

Ingredients and preparation

The ingredients for an iced flat white include a double shot of espresso, chilled milk, and ice cubes.

The espresso is prepared using a traditional espresso machine, and then it is poured over the ice cubes.

The chilled milk is then poured over the espresso, creating a creamy and smooth drink.

Taste and texture

The iced flat white is known for its strong coffee taste, and it has a smooth and creamy texture due to the chilled milk.

The drink is typically served in a smaller cup than an iced latte, so it has a more concentrated taste.

Overall, the iced flat white is a refreshing and satisfying drink for those who enjoy a strong coffee taste.


  • Strong and concentrated coffee taste
  • Smooth and creamy texture
  • Perfect for those who prefer a bolder coffee flavor
  • Can be customized with different types of milk (e.g. almond milk, oat milk)
  • Can provide a quick energy boost due to its higher caffeine content


  • May be too strong for those who prefer a milder coffee taste
  • Can be more expensive than other iced coffee drinks due to the higher amount of espresso used
  • May not be as widely available in coffee shops as other drinks
  • Higher caffeine content may cause jitters or anxiety for those who are sensitive to caffeine
  • May not be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy.

What is an Iced Latte?

An iced latte is a popular coffee drink that originated in Europe in the 17th century.

It is a variation of the traditional latte, which is made with espresso and steamed milk.

The iced version is served with ice cubes, making it a refreshing option for those who want a cool coffee drink.

Ingredients and preparation

The ingredients for an iced latte include a double shot of espresso, chilled milk, and ice cubes.

The espresso is prepared using a traditional espresso machine, and then it is poured over the ice cubes.

The chilled milk is then poured over the espresso, creating a smooth and creamy drink.

Taste and texture

The iced latte has a more subtle coffee taste than the iced flat white due to the addition of milk.

The drink is typically served in a larger cup, so it has a more diluted taste.

The texture is smooth and creamy due to the chilled milk, making it a popular choice for those who want a milder coffee taste.

Overall, the iced latte is a refreshing and satisfying drink for those who enjoy a smoother coffee taste.


  • Mild and smooth coffee taste
  • Versatile and can be customized with different syrups or flavors
  • Can be made with different types of milk, including non-dairy options
  • Generally less expensive than an iced flat white
  • Lower caffeine content, which may be preferable for those who are sensitive to caffeine


  • May not be strong enough for those who prefer a bolder coffee flavor
  • Texture may be thinner or less creamy than an iced flat white
  • May not provide as quick of an energy boost due to lower caffeine content
  • May not be as widely available in coffee shops as other drinks
  • May not be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy.

Iced Flat White vs Iced Latte Comparison

Differences in ingredients

The main difference between the iced flat white and iced latte is the ratio of espresso to milk.

The iced flat white has a higher ratio of espresso to milk, making it stronger and more concentrated.

The iced latte, on the other hand, has a higher ratio of milk to espresso, resulting in a milder taste.

Differences in taste and texture

The iced flat white has a stronger and more concentrated coffee taste, with a smooth and creamy texture.

The iced latte has a milder coffee taste, with a smoother and creamier texture due to the higher amount of milk used.

Differences in caffeine content

The iced flat white has a higher caffeine content than the iced latte due to the higher ratio of espresso to milk.

However, the actual amount of caffeine can vary depending on the size and strength of the drink.

Differences in price

The price of an iced flat white and an iced latte can vary depending on the coffee shop and location.

Generally, an iced flat white tends to be more expensive than an iced latte due to the higher amount of espresso used.

Iced Flat White vs Iced Latte: Preparation

Here’s a comparison of their preparation:

Iced Flat White:

  1. Start with a double shot of espresso
  2. Steam and texture milk to create microfoam
  3. Pour the microfoam over the espresso shot
  4. Add ice to a glass
  5. Pour the espresso-microfoam mixture over the ice
  6. Optional: add any flavorings or sweetener as desired

Iced Latte:

  1. Start with a single or double shot of espresso
  2. Steam and texture milk to create frothed milk
  3. Add ice to a glass
  4. Pour the frothed milk over the ice
  5. Pour the espresso shot over the frothed milk
  6. Optional: add any flavorings or sweetener as desired

Overall, the main difference in preparation between an iced flat white and an iced latte is the type of milk used and the texture of the milk.

An iced flat white uses microfoamed milk, which has a thicker and creamier texture, while an iced latte uses frothed milk, which has a lighter and airier texture.

Iced Flat White vs Iced Latte: Which one to choose?

Personal preference

When deciding between an iced flat white and an iced latte, personal preference should be the primary consideration.

Those who prefer a stronger coffee taste may enjoy the iced flat white, while those who prefer a milder but sweeter taste may opt for the iced latte.

Consideration of caffeine intake

For those who are sensitive to caffeine or trying to limit their caffeine intake, the iced latte may be a better option due to its lower caffeine content.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the actual amount of caffeine can vary depending on the size and strength of the drink.

Consideration of budget

The price of the drinks can vary depending on the coffee shop and location.

If budget is a concern, the iced latte may be a more affordable option as it tends to be less expensive than the iced flat white.


This article compared the iced flat white and an iced latte, two popular coffee drinks.

We discussed the definition, origin, ingredients, preparation, taste, and texture of each drink, as well as their differences in caffeine content and price.

While both drinks have their unique qualities, the final recommendation ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Those who prefer a stronger coffee taste may enjoy the iced flat white, while those who prefer a milder taste may prefer the iced latte.

Coffee culture has evolved over the years, with many new drinks and variations becoming popular.

The iced flat white and iced latte are just two examples of how coffee can be enjoyed in different ways.

Whether you’re a coffee aficionado or a casual drinker, there’s a coffee out there for everyone.

We hope you enjoyed this Iced Flat White vs Iced Latte comparison and if you have any questions then please do let us know!


Can you compare the sweetness of a flat white and a latte?

The sweetness of a flat white or latte can vary based on factors such as the milk used, coffee roast level, and additional sweeteners.

Generally, a latte is sweeter than a flat white because it has more milk and less espresso.

Is a latte stronger than a flat white?

A latte is not necessarily stronger than a flat white as both drinks have the same amount of espresso.

However, a flat white has less milk, resulting in a more robust and intense coffee taste.

Which is healthier, flat white or latte?

Both flat white and latte can be made healthier by using non-fat or low-fat milk, reducing added sugars or syrups, and avoiding whipped cream.

However, a flat white is generally considered a healthier option than a latte because it has more coffee and less milk, meaning fewer calories and less sugar.

What does an iced flat white taste like?

An iced flat white has a smooth and creamy texture, a strong coffee flavor, and a slightly sweet taste.

The cold temperature can also enhance the coffee’s acidity, making the drink more refreshing.

Is there an iced version of a flat white?

Yes, an iced flat white is a popular variation of the classic flat white.

It is served over ice and topped with cold milk foam, making it a perfect refreshment for warm weather.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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