Keurig Turns Off When I Press Brew: Problem Solved

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If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of your Keurig turning off as soon as you hit the brew button, you’re not alone.

This unexpected behavior can be both perplexing and inconvenient, especially when you’re in dire need of that morning cup of coffee.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the possible reasons behind this issue and provide you with practical troubleshooting steps to help you resolve it.

Whether you’re a Keurig aficionado or a new user, read on to discover why your Keurig might be shutting off and how you can get it back up and running smoothly.

Possible Causes of Keurig Shutting Off During Brewing

K-Cup Puncture Issues

If your Keurig shuts off unexpectedly when you press the brew button, one of the common causes could be related to the puncturing of the K-Cup.

Surprisingly, it’s not always a problem with the Keurig itself, but rather the K-Cup not being properly punctured at the bottom by the needle in the K-Cup basket. To ensure a smooth brewing process, it’s essential to address this issue.

When inserting a Keurig pod into the basket and closing the lid, most users are aware that the top of the pod gets punctured.

However, it’s worth noting that the bottom of the K-Cup also needs to be punctured. This bottom puncture allows the water injected into the pod to flow out, preventing overflow and enabling the brewing process.

If the bottom of the K-Cup isn’t punctured, it could be due to certain factors. Thicker pods, such as milk-based K-Cups like cappuccinos and lattes, can pose challenges in achieving a complete puncture.

Additionally, a bent needle at the bottom of the brew basket can also hinder the puncturing process.

The next time you encounter your Keurig shutting off while brewing, try the following steps: open the Keurig, remove the K-Cup, and examine the bottom of the pod. If you notice an absence of a hole or only a partially punctured hole, you’ve likely identified the culprit.

To resolve this issue, you have a couple of options. You can manually apply force to the pod by pressing it firmly into the pod basket until it punctures the bottom.

Alternatively, you can utilize pliers to carefully bend the needle in the bottom of the pod basket back into its proper upright position.

Clogged Brew Needle

A clogged brew needle can be another potential reason for your Keurig shutting off during the brewing process.

To ensure a smooth flow of water through the K-Cup, your Keurig is equipped with two needles—one below the pod holder and another beneath the opening part of the brew head.

Regularly cleaning your Keurig helps prevent debris from obstructing these needles.

If old coffee grounds accumulate around either of these needles, they may struggle to puncture the K-Cup properly.

As a result, the pod will have only one hole instead of two. Since the hot water cannot pass through the K-Cup, your Keurig will automatically shut off.

This is a built-in safety mechanism designed to prevent water backup in the pod holder and potential damage to your brewer.

If you own a Keurig 2.0, you may receive a “water under pressure” error message when encountering this issue.

To check if a clogged brew needle is causing the problem, remove a K-Cup the next time your Keurig shuts off during brewing.

If you notice an incomplete puncture at the bottom of the pod, the issue lies with the bottom needle of your brewer. Inspect it closely for any clogs caused by coffee ground buildup.

To clean the needles, you can use the tool provided with your Keurig or follow the paper clip method. Here’s a step-by-step guide for using a paper clip:

  1. Straighten one end of a paper clip.
  2. Turn off and unplug the Keurig and remove the water reservoir.
  3. Grasp the sides of the K-Cup holder and gently pull it away to remove it from the brewer.
  4. Press the buttons on both sides to separate the holder from the housing. Flip the holder over while holding down the lever to expose the exit needle.
  5. Insert the straight end of the paper clip into the needle area and move it around in a circular motion several times. Rinse the pod holder with water and set it aside.
  6. Open the handle and locate the top entrance and exit needles. Insert the paper clip into each needle and move it around to ensure thorough cleaning.

Misaligned Water Reservoir Magnet

The water magnet in your Keurig plays a crucial role in determining whether there is sufficient water in the reservoir to initiate the brewing process.

However, if this magnet becomes misaligned, your Keurig may fail to brew as it cannot accurately detect the water level, resulting in an automatic shutdown.

Ensuring that the magnet is properly aligned is essential for resolving this issue.

To address a misaligned magnet problem, you’ll need to remove the water reservoir. Begin by turning off your Keurig and unplugging it from the wall outlet.

Then, carefully detach the water reservoir and inspect the placement of the water magnet.

It should be floating in the designated slot intended to support it, rather than floating freely.

By realigning the magnet in its proper position, you can restore your brewer to its operational state.

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring can be a major culprit behind your Keurig repeatedly shutting off when you press the brew button.

This problem often arises when regular maintenance checks are neglected. It is crucial to service your Keurig machine periodically, as faulty wiring is a common issue in coffee makers.

Such wiring problems can stem from a short circuit or a loose connection. When faulty wiring occurs, your Keurig may overheat upon initiating the brew cycle, causing it to shut off instead of brewing your desired cup of coffee.

To address the issue of faulty wiring, it is recommended to seek professional assistance or contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further guidance.

Attempting to repair the wiring yourself without proper knowledge and expertise may lead to further complications or potential hazards.

It is essential to prioritize safety and consult experts to ensure the proper functioning of your Keurig and avoid any electrical risks.


Descaling your Keurig is an essential step to eliminate mineral deposits or debris that may have accumulated inside the machine, leading to it shutting off during the brewing process.

Regardless of whether you use tap or bottled water in your Keurig, the mineral buildup is inevitable over time. If left unaddressed, this buildup can eventually impair the machine’s functionality.

Fortunately, descaling is a relatively simple solution, although it may require some time. However, regular descaling is crucial for maintaining the long-term performance of your Keurig, even when it appears to be working fine.

To descale your machine, you will need a Keurig descaling solution. While specific details may vary depending on the model, the general steps remain the same.

Follow these steps to descale your Keurig effectively:

  1. Empty the water tank and add the descaling solution.
  2. Refill the tank with water.
  3. Place a large mug beneath the coffee spout.
  4. Ensure there is no K-Cup in the machine and select the largest cup size option to run a rinsing brew. Repeat this step until the “add water” sign is illuminated.
  5. Allow the machine to rest for approximately 30 minutes.
  6. Rinse the machine and refill the tank up to the maximum line.
  7. Run 12 rinsing brews using the largest cup size option.

By diligently following these descaling steps, you can effectively remove mineral deposits and debris, restoring your Keurig’s functionality and ensuring it continues to serve you for years to come.

Remember, while descaling may take a bit more time, it revitalizes your Keurig, allowing it to work like new and ensuring a consistently enjoyable brewing experience.

Brewing Process Disrupted

Another potential reason for your Keurig shutting off during the brewing process is a disruption in the brewing sequence. This can occur due to power outages, kinked water lines, or internal machine issues.

Although not very common, some Keurig users may encounter this problem in specific situations. For instance, let’s imagine you fill the water tank and turn on the machine. However, you allow it to automatically turn off before brewing your coffee.

When you return to initiate the brewing process, the machine may start up normally. However, a few seconds into the brewing cycle, it abruptly shuts off, interrupting the brewing process.

If you experience this unusual machine behavior, the simplest solution is to allow it to rest for a while. In many cases, after an hour or two, the machine will resume normal operation.

Auto Off Timer

Another possible reason for your Keurig shutting off during the brewing process is the presence of an auto-off timer or disable timer feature.

This feature is designed to automatically turn off the Keurig after a certain period of inactivity.

If you find that your Keurig frequently shuts off while brewing, it could be due to the auto-off timer triggering during the brewing cycle. This can be frustrating and interrupt your coffee preparation.

To address this issue, a quick fix is to disable or adjust the auto-off timer settings on your Keurig.

By doing so, you prevent the timer from running out while you’re in the midst of brewing, ensuring uninterrupted operation.

To disable or adjust the auto-off timer, refer to your Keurig’s user manual or follow these general steps:

  1. Locate the settings or options menu on your Keurig machine.
  2. Look for the auto-off timer or disable timer feature.
  3. Disable the timer altogether or adjust it to a longer duration that aligns with your brewing needs.

Resetting the Keurig

If you find that your Keurig continues to shut off while brewing, it might be due to an internal glitch in the machine’s technology.

In such cases, performing a reset can often resolve the issue by resetting the machine’s internal computer.

Follow these steps to reset your Keurig:

  1. Turn off your Keurig and unplug it from the electrical outlet. Allow it to rest for a couple of minutes.
  2. Remove the water tank from the Keurig.
  3. Plug the Keurig back into the electrical outlet and turn it on.
  4. Reinsert the water tank into its designated position.
  5. Open the K-Cup chamber and then close it back down.

By performing these reset steps, you are effectively rebooting the Keurig’s internal computer, which can help clear any temporary glitches that may be causing the machine to shut off during the brewing process.

After completing the reset, test your Keurig by attempting to brew a cup of coffee. With any luck, the reset will have resolved the issue, and your Keurig will now function properly without unexpected shut-offs.

Remember, the specific reset procedure may vary slightly depending on your Keurig model. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to consult your machine’s user manual for accurate instructions on performing a reset.

It Might Be Time For Customer Service

If you have exhausted all troubleshooting options mentioned above and your Keurig continues to shut off while brewing, it may be time to seek assistance from Keurig’s Customer Service team.

To reach Keurig Customer Service, you can call them at 1-866-901-BREW (2739). When contacting them, explain the problem you’re facing and the steps you have already taken to troubleshoot the issue. It is important to mention if your Keurig is still under warranty.

Keurig’s customer service representatives may suggest some of the solutions discussed earlier in this blog post.

However, if you inform them that you have already attempted those solutions without success and your Keurig is still within the warranty period, they may go the extra mile and offer you a brand-new Keurig as a replacement.

Contacting Keurig’s customer service is a valuable option, as they have the expertise to diagnose and address complex issues that may be causing your Keurig to shut off during the brewing process.

Remember to have your Keurig model information, warranty details, and any relevant purchase information handy when contacting customer service. This will facilitate the process and enable them to assist you more efficiently.


If your Keurig turns off when you press brew, there are several potential causes and solutions.

We have explored issues such as K-Cup puncturing, clogged brew needles, misaligned water reservoir magnets, faulty wiring, descaling needs, brewing process disruptions, and internal glitches.

By following the provided instructions and troubleshooting steps, you can often resolve the problem.

If the issue persists, contact Keurig’s Customer Service for assistance. Remember to maintain and clean your Keurig regularly to prevent future problems.

Enjoy your coffee!

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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