Is Salt In Coffee A Good Thing? The Surprising Truth

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For many of us, coffee is an essential part of our morning routine.

Some of us like it black, while others prefer to add milk or sugar.

But have you ever thought about adding salt to your coffee?

It may sound strange, but adding a pinch of salt to your coffee can actually enhance its flavor and cut down on bitterness.

In this blog post, we will dive deeper into the science behind salt in coffee and explore its benefits and drawbacks.

Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or just looking to try something new, this post will give you all the information you need to decide whether or not salted coffee is right for you.

The Art of Adding Salt to Coffee

Adding salt to coffee is not a new concept.

In fact, it has been a common practice in various cultures for a long time.

When done correctly, adding salt can reduce bitterness and enhance desirable flavors in coffee.

Salt is known to bring out the natural sweetness of coffee and maintain pleasant aromas.

Food science expert Alton Brown suggests adding half a teaspoon of salt for every cup of water and two teaspoons of ground coffee to neutralize the bitterness.

By adding salt to coffee, you can also improve water quality and enhance other flavors in the coffee.

However, it is important to use salt sparingly.

Too much salt can mask the distinct characteristics of higher-quality coffees or the delicate complexity of a cup.

The key is to find the right balance and experiment with different amounts until you find the perfect amount that suits your taste.

It is also crucial to keep in mind that adding salt to coffee does not necessarily enhance the flavor but rather acts as a “hack” that can make lower-quality coffee more enjoyable to drink.

So, next time you make a cup of coffee, consider adding a pinch of salt to take it to the next level.

The Benefits of Adding Salt to Coffee

Adding salt to coffee can have several benefits.

Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Reduces bitterness: One of the main benefits of adding salt to coffee is that it can reduce bitterness. Sodium, a major component of salt, neutralizes bitterness by reacting with the taste buds, making them react to salty flavor instead of bitterness.
  • Enhances natural sweetness: Salt can also enhance the natural sweetness of coffee and maintain pleasant aromas. It can be a good alternative to using milk and sugar for people who are sensitive to bitterness, even in specialty coffee.
  • Improves water quality: Salt can improve the water quality and make it denser, giving the coffee a thicker texture.
  • Potential health benefits: In addition to these benefits, adding salt to coffee can have some health benefits. Dr. Anis Khalaf, an Orlando-based acupuncturist, suggests that drinking excess amounts of coffee may cause the body to lose sodium, making the idea of supplemental salt a good idea beyond merely neutralizing the bitter notes. Another TikTok user suggests that adding salt to coffee grounds prior to brewing can help with coffee heartburn.

Overall, adding salt to coffee can enhance the flavor and texture of your coffee, while also providing potential health benefits.

However, it is important to use salt sparingly and experiment with different amounts to find the perfect balance that suits your taste.

The Science of How Salt Reduces Bitterness in Coffee

To understand why adding salt to coffee can reduce bitterness, it is essential to understand the science behind it.

Bitterness in coffee comes from organic compounds, including caffeine, trigonelline, and chlorogenic acid.

When these compounds are extracted during brewing, they can result in a bitter taste.

Salt, on the other hand, contains sodium, which can reduce bitterness by interacting with the taste buds.

The sodium ions in salt can inhibit the perception of bitterness by competing with bitter compounds for receptor binding sites on the taste buds.

This competition reduces the intensity of the bitterness, making the coffee taste less bitter.

Another way salt can reduce bitterness is by enhancing the sweetness of the coffee.

Salt can bring out the natural sweetness of the coffee by reducing the perception of bitterness.

This sweetness can counterbalance the bitterness, resulting in a more balanced and enjoyable cup of coffee.

It is important to note that the effect of salt on bitterness varies depending on the type of coffee and the amount of salt used.

While salt can improve the taste of lower-quality coffees, it may not be necessary or desirable for high-quality specialty coffees, which have unique flavors and aromas that can be masked by excessive salt.

The Influence of Extraction on Bitterness

Bitterness is a complex taste that is influenced by several factors, including the coffee beans’ origin, roast level, and brewing method.

However, one of the most significant factors that affect bitterness is extraction.

Extraction is the process by which water dissolves the coffee solids and extracts the flavor compounds from the coffee grounds.

Over-extraction can result in a bitter taste, while under-extraction can lead to sourness.

The ideal extraction for a well-balanced cup of coffee is between 18-22%.

During brewing, the water temperature and brewing time can influence the extraction.

If the water temperature is too hot, it can over-extract the coffee, resulting in bitterness.

On the other hand, if the water temperature is too low, the coffee may be under-extracted, leading to a sour taste.

Similarly, the brewing time can also affect the extraction. A longer brewing time can result in over-extraction, while a shorter brewing time can lead to under-extraction.

It is important to note that the coffee-to-water ratio can also influence the extraction and, consequently, the bitterness.

A higher coffee-to-water ratio can lead to over-extraction, while a lower ratio can result in under-extraction.

Recommended Amount of Salt to Add to Coffee

When it comes to adding salt to coffee, it is crucial to use the right amount.

Too little salt and the bitterness of the coffee may not be neutralized, while too much salt can overpower the taste of the coffee.

The recommended amount of salt to add to an 8 oz. cup of coffee is a pinch of salt, which is a little less than half a tablespoon.

If the coffee is exceptionally bitter, slightly more than half a tablespoon of salt can be added.

However, it is important not to overdo it, as too much salt can mask the distinct characteristics of higher-quality coffees or the delicate complexity of a cup.

One of the best ways to prepare salty coffee is to put salt in coffee grounds before brewing.

The exact coffee-to-salt ratio depends on how much bitterness you want to neutralize and how bitter the coffee is.

For the average coffee and taste palate, a quarter teaspoon of salt usually does the trick.

However, it is essential to start with a small amount and adjust according to your taste preferences.

Can Salt Be Used As A Substitute For Sugar In Coffee?

Salt can indeed be used as a substitute for sugar in coffee.

While sugar is often used to add sweetness to coffee, it can also mask the flavor and complexity of the coffee.

On the other hand, salt can reduce bitterness while enhancing the overall flavor of the coffee.

In fact, a study published in the journal Nature found that sodium ions in salt can suppress bitterness in coffee and enhance its flavor.

By using salt instead of sugar, you can avoid the extra calories and potential health risks associated with consuming too much sugar.

Additionally, for those who are lactose intolerant or avoiding dairy, using salt instead of milk or cream can be a good alternative for adding flavor to the coffee.

When using salt as a substitute for sugar, it is important to start with a small amount and adjust to taste.

When Should You Avoid Adding Salt To Coffee?

While adding salt to coffee can have several benefits, there are some situations where it may be best to avoid doing so.

One of the main reasons to avoid adding salt to coffee is if you have high blood pressure or other medical conditions that require a low-sodium diet.

In such cases, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet.

Another reason to avoid adding salt to coffee is if you are using high-quality, specialty coffee.

The unique flavors and complexity of such coffee can be masked by the addition of salt, and it is best to appreciate them without any alterations.

Additionally, if you prefer the natural bitterness of coffee or if you are drinking coffee for its health benefits, you may want to avoid adding salt to your coffee.

In these cases, it is best to appreciate the natural flavors and aromas of coffee without any additives.

Ultimately, whether or not to add salt to coffee is a matter of personal preference and should be based on individual taste and dietary considerations.

How to Make Salted Coffee

If you want to try adding salt to your coffee, here’s how to make it:

  1. Use fresh coffee beans

Start with freshly roasted and ground coffee beans. For an 8 oz. cup of coffee, use about 2 teaspoons of ground coffee.

  1. Add a pinch of salt to the coffee grounds

Add a pinch of salt to the coffee grounds. This is approximately half a tablespoon or a ¼ teaspoon of salt. The exact amount of salt depends on your preference and how bitter the coffee is.

  1. Put the salted coffee grounds in your coffee filter or brewing device

Put the salted coffee grounds in your coffee filter or brewing device. You can use any brewing method, such as a drip coffee maker, French press, or pour-over.

  1. Brew the coffee

Brew the coffee using your preferred method. The salt will dissolve into the coffee during the brewing process.

  1. Taste and adjust the salt level if needed

Taste the coffee and adjust the salt level if needed. Remember that you can always add more salt after brewing, but you cannot remove it.

Start with a small amount and adjust according to your taste preferences.

Note that the exact coffee-to-salt ratio depends on your taste preferences and the bitterness of your coffee.

Experiment with different amounts of salt to find the perfect balance for your taste buds.


Adding salt to coffee can be a good thing for some people.

Salt can reduce bitterness, enhance sweetness, and maintain pleasant aromas in coffee, making it more palatable.

However, it is important to use salt in moderation and experiment with different amounts to find the perfect balance.

Salt can also be a good alternative to sugar and milk for those who are sensitive to bitterness.

Ultimately, whether or not to add salt to coffee comes down to personal taste preferences. So go ahead and try it out, you may be surprised at the results!


What does putting salt in your coffee do?

Putting salt in your coffee can reduce bitterness, enhance the natural sweetness, and maintain pleasant aromas.

Additionally, salt can be a good alternative to using milk and sugar for those sensitive to bitterness.

How much salt should you put in a cup of coffee?

The recommended amount of salt to add to an 8 oz. cup of coffee is a pinch of salt, which is a little less than half a tablespoon.

However, if the coffee is too bitter, slightly more than half a tablespoon of salt can be added.

The exact amount of salt to add ultimately depends on personal taste preferences and the level of bitterness in the coffee.

Does adding salt to coffee reduce acidity?

Adding salt to coffee does not directly reduce acidity, but it can reduce bitterness and enhance the flavor of coffee, making it taste less acidic to some people.

Why does adding salt to coffee make it taste better?

Adding salt to coffee can make it taste better because salt can suppress bitterness and enhance the overall flavor of the coffee.

The sodium ions in salt can counteract the bitterness in coffee and enhance its natural sweetness, resulting in a more balanced and pleasant taste.

Additionally, salt can also help to maintain the aroma of the coffee, further improving its overall flavor profile.

What kind of salt is good for coffee?

According to TV chef Alton Brown, kosher salt is the recommended option for enhancing the taste of coffee.

Although some people prefer pink Himalayan sea salt for its perceived health benefits, any type of salt can be used to improve the flavor of coffee.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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