Sweetest Coffee Beans In 2024: 6 Naturally Sweet Coffee Beans

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Coffee enthusiasts often chase the perfect brew, searching for flavors tantalizing the taste buds.

While some prefer a robust, bitter note, others lean towards the sweeter side of the coffee spectrum.

But what if the sweetness came naturally, straight from the bean itself?

In this post, we introduce you to 6 coffee bean varieties celebrated for their natural sweetness.

Instead of relying on additives or artificial sweeteners, these beans have natural characteristics that elevate their sweetness when brewed.

The post also offers insights into the flavor profiles of each bean type, where they originate, and tips on how best to brew them to maximize their sweetness.

6 Best Sweetest Coffee Beans: At A Glance

  1. Lifeboost Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Limited Collection: Best Overall
  2. Volcanica Kenya AA Coffee: Runner Up
  3. Illy Classico Medium Roast: Best For Espresso Shots
  4. Illy Guatemala Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee: Most Balanced
  5. Royal Kona 100% Hawaiian Kona Coffee: Best Hawaiin Coffee
  6. Volcanica Costa Rica Geisha Coffee: Best Geisha Coffee

1. Lifeboost Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Limited Collection: Best Overall

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Limited Collection

Looking for the best naturally sweet coffee? Consider Lifeboost’s Ethiopian Yirgacheffe.

This coffee boasts a light and mellow flavor, tinged with fruity notes, hints of raw sugar, black tea, and a touch of vanilla, finishing off with a caramel aftertaste.

It’s a 100% Arabica coffee, specifically from one high-quality crop and farm, ensuring a unique taste profile rather than a blend.

This special coffee stands out for its sweetness, floral scent, and unmatched quality, all while being low in acidity and expertly roasted by artisans.

As many happy customers have noted, it’s full-bodied, sweet, and offers a rich mouthfeel.

You can find it on Lifeboost’s website, and it proudly carries the USDA Organic certification, guaranteeing top-notch standards from farming to packaging.

However, its premium quality comes with a higher price tag, so it might be best reserved for those memorable moments.


  • Natural sweetness with fruity undertones.
  • 100% Arabica, single-origin for a unique flavor.
  • Low acidity and artisan-roasted quality.
  • USDA Organic certified.
  • Rich mouthfeel and full-bodied taste.


  • Higher price point.

2. Volcanica Kenya AA Coffee: Runner Up

Kenya AA Coffee - Kenya Coffee

African coffees often stand out with their unique flavors, and the Kenyan AA Coffee from Volcanica is a prime example.

Sourced from the highlands of East Africa, in areas like Meru, Embu, and Nyeri, this coffee benefits from the region’s volcanic soil and balanced rainfall.

Such conditions create a distinct taste profile, making Kenya AA one of the finest coffees available.

It’s recognized for its rich body, lively acidity, fragrant aroma, and wine-like finish with hints of berries and citrus.

The renowned Nyeri Hill Estate, with its Rainforest Alliance Certification, has been a key producer of top-notch Kenya coffee for generations.

Described as bright, sweet, and floral, this coffee offers a delightful complexity, especially with its fruity undertones.

However, if you typically enjoy your coffee with cream and sugar, be mindful: its pronounced acidity and sweetness might not align with everyone’s preferences.


  • Unique and vibrant flavor profile.
  • High-quality sourced from East African highlands.
  • Fragrant aroma with a wine-like finish.
  • Rainforest Alliance Certified options available.


  • Not ideal for those who prefer cream or sugar due to its inherent sweetness and acidity.

3. Illy Classico Medium Roast: Best For Espresso Shots


Illy’s classic coffee offers a touch of sweetness, especially when served as an espresso shot.

The Illy Classico Medium Roast is part of their signature blend made from 100% Arabica beans.

This blend comes in three roast levels: Classico, Intenso, and Forte, each offering a unique intensity.

Among them, Classico stands out for its gentle profile, harmoniously blending flavors of caramel, orange blossom, and jasmine.

Whether you prefer ground espresso, whole bean, or drip formats, Illy Classico is versatile and consistently delivers its mild, balanced taste with caramel undertones.

However, it’s worth noting that while the coffee is delightful, there have been occasional customer concerns about the packaging, with reports of dented cans or missing lids.


  • Sweet and balanced flavor profile.
  • Versatile for various coffee preparations.
  • Available in different formats: ground espresso, whole bean, and drip.


  • Occasional issues with packaging (e.g., dented cans, missing lids).

4. Illy Guatemala Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee: Most Balanced


If you’re on the hunt for some of the sweetest coffee beans, but not overly sweet, consider Illy’s Guatemala Dark Roast.

This medium-bodied delight is crafted from 100% Arabica beans cultivated in Guatemala’s mountainous terrains.

When brewed, it unveils a robust yet sweet taste, accentuated by hints of chocolate, caramel, and honey.

Illy takes pride in sustainable farming practices, ensuring that each bean’s natural aroma and flavor shine through.

They roast these beans to perfection, emphasizing Guatemala’s unique boldness and chocolatey undertones.

Packaged in 8.8 oz cans, it’s tailored for drip coffee lovers.

Part of Illy’s Arabica Selection, this coffee showcases the distinct taste profiles of various regions.

Whether you’re using an espresso machine or a drip brewer, it promises a complex and balanced experience.

Grown in regions with fertile soil and biodiversity, these beans truly capture Guatemala’s essence.

While it offers a balanced flavor profile, those solely seeking an ultra-sweet coffee might find it a tad nuanced for their liking.


  • Medium-bodied with sweet chocolate, caramel, and honey notes.
  • Sustainably grown in Guatemala’s rich, biodiverse regions.
  • Versatile for both espresso and drip brewing methods.
  • Highlights the unique flavors of the Arabica Selection.


  • Might not satisfy those seeking an extremely sweet coffee experience.

5. Royal Kona 100% Hawaiian Kona Coffee: Best Hawaiin Coffee


Hawaiian coffees have carved a niche for themselves in the global market, celebrated for their unmatched quality and distinctive smoothness.

The Royal Kona 100% Hawaiian Kona Coffee is a prime example, sourced exclusively from the renowned Kona Coffee Belt in Hawaii.

This premium brew offers a range of varieties, from the rich Private Reserve Kona and Estate Kona to the unique Peaberry Kona.

Its medium roast boasts a full-bodied flavor complemented by a delightful aroma, setting it apart as a gourmet favorite.

Recognized as “superior” by the American Academy of Taste, Royal Kona stands as the world’s largest roaster of Kona Coffee and is a preferred choice for Hawaii’s hospitality sector.

Whether you prefer whole beans or a versatile all-purpose grind, this coffee, made from 100% Arabica beans, promises a superior taste experience.

However, for those with a sweet tooth, it’s worth noting that its natural sweetness shines best with a slightly lighter brew.


  • Premium quality from Hawaii’s Kona Coffee Belt.
  • Offers various varieties for diverse preferences.
  • Recognized as “superior” by the American Academy of Taste.
  • Largest roaster of Kona Coffee globally.
  • 100% Arabica beans for superior taste.


  • The natural sweetness is best brought out with a lighter brew.

6. Volcanica Costa Rica Geisha Coffee: Best Geisha Coffee

Costa Rica Geisha Coffee, Natural Process

Volcanica’s Costa Rica Geisha Coffee is a prized gem, originally hailing from Ethiopia but now flourishing in Costa Rica.

What sets it apart is its naturally lower caffeine content, yet it retains the delightful flavors of apple, citrus, and floral notes that coffee aficionados adore.

Its name pays homage to its roots in the Ethiopian town of Gesha.

However, due to its low yield per plant, finding commercial sources of this coffee is quite a rarity.

The taste journey with Geisha Coffee is a delicate one, offering nuanced hints of flowering grass, lavender, and a touch of cocoa.

Many liken its aroma to jasmine, enriched with undertones of bergamot, apricot, and peach.

Beyond its flavor profile, the coffee stands out with its bright acidity and smooth texture, ensuring a memorable sip every time.

While a medium roast strikes a perfect balance, preventing it from becoming overly sweet or intense, its natural processing method truly elevates its sweetness and depth.

If you’re keen to explore, you can find this coffee on Volcanica Coffee’s website, available in various sizes and grinds.

While it’s a tad on the pricier side, and perhaps not the best fit for those on a tight budget, its unique taste profile makes it a worthwhile indulgence.

Many enthusiasts also wish they could sample it as a light roast to uncover even more intriguing flavors.


  • Unique lower caffeine content.
  • Delicate flavors of apple, citrus, and floral notes.
  • Smooth texture with bright acidity.
  • Natural processing enhances sweetness.
  • Available in various sizes and grinds on Volcanica’s website.


  • Higher price point.
  • Not available as a light roast for potential flavor exploration.

Buyer’s Guide: Finding the Sweetest Coffee Beans

When embarking on a quest to find the sweetest coffee beans, several factors come into play.

Understanding these elements will not only enhance your coffee experience but also ensure that your chosen brew aligns with your taste preferences.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this aromatic journey.

Origin of the Beans

The region where coffee beans are grown significantly influences their flavor profile.

Some regions are known for producing beans with naturally sweet and fruity notes, while others might lean towards more robust or bitter profiles.

For instance, certain Ethiopian coffee beans are celebrated for their fruity undertones, making them naturally sweeter.

Bean Variety

There are primarily two types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica beans are generally known for their sweeter, softer taste with higher acidity, while Robusta beans tend to have a more bitter and stronger flavor.

If sweetness is your primary goal, leaning towards Arabica beans or specific Arabica varieties known for their sweetness, like Bourbon or Geisha, would be a wise choice.

Roast Level

The roast level significantly impacts the sweetness of coffee beans.

Lighter roasts tend to preserve the bean’s natural sweetness and delicate flavors.

As you move towards darker roasts, the sugars in the beans caramelize more, introducing richer, more intense flavors but potentially diminishing the innate sweetness.

Hence, for a sweeter profile, it’s often recommended to opt for light to medium roasts.

Processing Method

The processing method refers to how the coffee beans are treated after harvesting.

Two common methods are the washed (or wet) process and the natural (or dry) process.

Beans processed using the natural method are dried with the fruit flesh intact, allowing the sugars to permeate the beans, resulting in a sweeter flavor profile.

On the other hand, washed beans often have a cleaner taste but may not be as inherently sweet.

Freshness and Storage

Freshly roasted coffee beans offer the best flavor.

Over time, coffee beans can lose their aromatic compounds and natural sweetness.

It’s essential to purchase beans that have been recently roasted and store them properly to retain their flavor.

Opt for airtight containers stored in a cool, dark place, and aim to consume your beans within a few weeks of purchase for optimal sweetness.

Reviews and Recommendations

Sometimes, the best insights come from fellow coffee enthusiasts.

Reading reviews or seeking recommendations, especially from those who prioritize sweetness in their coffee, can guide you toward specific bean varieties or brands that consistently deliver on the sweet front.

Online coffee communities, forums, or trusted baristas can be valuable resources in this regard.

The Brewing Process and its Impact

Beyond the intrinsic qualities of the beans themselves, the brewing process plays a pivotal role in unlocking and enhancing the sweetness of your coffee.

The grind size, water temperature, brewing time, and even the brewing method can influence the final flavor profile.

Grind Size

The grind size determines the surface area of the coffee exposed to water.

Purchasing a premium burr grinder along with top-notch brewing gear like a pour-over system or an Aeropress can notably enhance the sweetness and overall taste of your coffee.

Water Temperature

Brewing at the right temperature is crucial.

Water that’s too hot can extract undesirable bitter compounds, while water that’s too cold might not extract enough flavor.

For most methods, a temperature between 195°F to 205°F (90°C to 96°C) is ideal.

In addition, using soft water with minimal mineral content can amplify the inherent sweetness of your coffee.

Brewing Time

The duration for which coffee grounds are in contact with water affects the extraction.

While some brewing methods, like espresso, require short contact times, others, such as cold brew, involve longer steeping periods.

Adjusting brewing time can help in extracting the desired sweetness.

Brewing Method

Different brewing methods, be it pour-over, French press, espresso, or cold brew, offer varied extraction dynamics.

Each method emphasizes different flavor components.

For instance, pour-over methods with paper filters can produce a cleaner cup, highlighting the coffee’s natural sweetness, while methods like the French press, which allows more oils into the cup, can offer a richer mouthfeel and nuanced sweetness.

How To Make Sweet Espresso Shots

For a sweet espresso shot, a few key things matter.

First up, the extraction time should be just right, ideally between 20 to 30 seconds.

If you slow it down a bit, you might notice even more sweetness.

Then, there’s the grind size.

Going for a finer grind can give your espresso a fuller body and a sweeter touch.

Remember, adjust your water temperature based on how dark or light your coffee roast is – darker roasts prefer cooler temps, while lighter ones like it hotter.

The type of beans plays a role too; some, like Bourbon and Typica, are naturally sweeter.

And speaking of water, using filtered water can make a difference.

Lastly, trust your taste buds. Give your espresso a try and tweak as you see fit!

Influence of Taste Buds on Coffee Sweetness

Our taste buds play a pivotal role in how we perceive sweetness, and this perception can vary from person to person.

Taste buds are sensitive to five primary tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami.

The sweetness of coffee can be influenced by several factors related to our taste buds:


Some people are genetically predisposed to be more sensitive to sweetness, while others might require more pronounced sweetness to perceive the same level of flavor.

Acidity Balance

The acidity in coffee can either enhance or mask its sweetness.

A well-balanced coffee, where acidity isn’t overpowering, allows the natural sweetness to shine through and be more perceptible to our taste buds.

Bitterness Perception

Bitter notes in coffee can sometimes overshadow its sweetness.

Individuals with a heightened sensitivity to bitterness might perceive coffee as less sweet than those less sensitive.

Taste Adaptation

Our taste buds can adapt and change over time.

Regular coffee drinkers might find that they develop a preference for less sweet coffee as their taste buds adjust to the beverage’s flavors.

What Makes Coffee Taste Sweet?

Coffee taste can be attributed to various factors, including the presence of sugars, carbohydrates, and other chemical compounds.

Some of the key factors that contribute to coffee sweetness are:


Coffee beans naturally contain sugars like sucrose, arabinose, glucose, and galactose.

The concentration and type of sugars can vary based on the coffee bean’s species, variety, and growing environment.

Carbohydrates and Polysaccharides

Compounds such as arabinogalactans, mannans, and cellulose play roles in retaining volatile aromas and contributing to the beverage’s texture.

Notably, smaller carbohydrate molecules like glucose and fructose enhance the coffee’s perceived sweetness.


The degree and technique of roasting transform proteins and carbohydrates in the coffee bean into caramelized sugars and amino acid complexes.

This transformation during roasting significantly impacts the coffee’s overall sweetness.

Processing Methods

How coffee cherries and beans are processed can also influence sweetness.

For example, honey and natural processing methods often result in a sweeter profile compared to the washed process.

Chemical Interactions

Coffee’s flavor profile is intricate, resulting from the interactions of numerous chemical compounds.

While some compounds, like chlorogenic acids, can introduce bitterness or astringency, others contribute to its sweetness and overall taste.

The Verdict: What Is The Best Sweetest Coffee Beans?

Lifeboost’s Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Limited Collection stands out as the top pick for its unparalleled sweetness and rich flavor profile.

Its unique origin and meticulous processing ensure a coffee experience that’s both distinctive and delightful.

Meanwhile, Volcanica’s Kenya AA Coffee earns its runner-up status, celebrated for its bright acidity and pronounced fruity notes, making it a close contender for those seeking a sweeter brew with a touch of zest.


Which type of coffee bean is sweeter?

Generally, Arabica beans are known for their sweeter and softer taste profile compared to Robusta beans.

Among Arabica varieties, beans like Bourbon and Geisha are particularly renowned for their natural sweetness.

Which coffee roast is sweetest?

Lighter roasts tend to preserve the bean’s natural sugars and flavors, offering a brighter and sweeter taste profile.

However, sweetness can also be influenced by other factors like bean origin and processing method.

How to make coffee sweeter?

To enhance the sweetness of coffee, consider using natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit.

Adjusting brewing variables such as grind size, water temperature, and extraction time can also amplify the coffee’s inherent sweetness.

Additionally, using high-quality beans known for their sweetness and ensuring proper storage and freshness can further enhance the coffee’s sweet notes.

What are the 4 types of coffee?

The four primary types of coffee are Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa.

Among these, Arabica and Robusta are the most widely recognized and commonly consumed varieties.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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