Can You Drink Coffee With Braces? Here’s The Truth

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Having braces can bring up many questions about daily habits, and one of the most common is: Can You Drink Coffee With Braces?

The short answer is yes, you can drink coffee with braces, but it is essential to take some precautions to maintain good oral hygiene and avoid staining your teeth and braces.

Let’s discuss the details of how you can maintain your braces while still enjoying your coffee routine without any conflicts.

Why Invisalign Is Better For Coffee Drinkers

Invisalign offers advantages for coffee enthusiasts over traditional braces because of its removable design, enabling individuals to partake in coffee without the aligners being stained.

While it’s advisable to avoid coffee consumption with Invisalign, if one chooses to indulge, strategies like selecting cold or iced coffee variants, opting for lighter roasts, and steering clear of sugary additives can mitigate risks.

Using a straw, rinsing with cold water, and upholding rigorous oral hygiene can further deter discoloration.

Crucially, always remove the aligners before consuming hot beverages to maintain their shape and the efficacy of the treatment.

If not properly maintained, the aligners can lose their clarity, compromising their discreet appearance.

What About Traditional Braces?

For those with traditional metal or ceramic braces, enjoying coffee presents more challenges.

Traditional braces can be problematic for coffee drinkers primarily because of the risk of staining.

Coffee’s deep pigmentation can discolor both teeth and braces, especially during orthodontic treatment.

The tannins present in coffee penetrate the enamel’s pores, resulting in persistent stains.

This issue is magnified with metal or ceramic braces, as these materials can readily absorb the coffee’s tannins, making the braces more noticeable.

To counteract the effects of coffee, it’s essential to rinse the mouth with water immediately after consumption and maintain thorough teeth cleaning.

Strategies like reducing coffee consumption, using straws, and adding milk can also help.

Furthermore, adhering to meticulous oral hygiene, including brushing post-meals and employing fluoride rinses, is crucial for mitigating coffee’s potential detrimental impact on dental health.

Tips for Drinking Coffee with Braces

Navigating the world of braces doesn’t mean giving up your beloved cup of coffee entirely.

With some strategic adjustments, you can still enjoy your brew without compromising your orthodontic care.

Here are some detailed tips to guide you through:

Add Milk To Your Coffee

Adding milk to your coffee not only enhances its taste but also acts as a protective layer for your teeth.

The calcium in milk can help neutralize the acidity of coffee, reducing its potential to erode the enamel and stain your braces.

This simple addition can make your coffee experience more tooth-friendly.

Rinse Your Mouth After Drinking Coffee

Post-coffee, a quick rinse with water can work wonders.

By rinsing your mouth immediately after drinking coffee, you minimize the time staining agents have to settle on your teeth and braces.

Additionally, this practice aids in removing residual coffee particles that might lead to plaque formation, safeguarding the aesthetics of your braces.

Use a Straw to Reduce Contact

A straw can be your ally in maintaining a stain-free smile.

When you sip coffee through a straw, it directs the liquid past the front teeth and brackets, significantly reducing their exposure to potential staining.

This method not only protects your braces but also diminishes the risk of plaque accumulation around the brackets.

Limit Your Coffee Intake

While it may be challenging, moderating your coffee consumption can be beneficial for your orthodontic journey.

Since the elastic ligatures of braces are susceptible to staining, reducing coffee intake or opting for alternatives can mitigate the chances of discoloration, preserving the appearance of your braces.

Drink Coffee with Less Caffeine

Choosing coffee with reduced caffeine content is beneficial for those with braces because it diminishes the risk of teeth staining and enamel erosion.

Coffee inherently contains tannins, which contribute to dental discoloration.

Moreover, the acidic nature of coffee can gradually degrade the enamel, exacerbating the likelihood of stains.

Thus, selecting coffee with lower caffeine levels or opting for decaffeinated varieties can mitigate these adverse effects, presenting a more compatible option for individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Wait Before Brushing

Patience is key when it comes to brushing after enjoying coffee.

Given coffee’s acidic nature, it’s advisable to wait approximately an hour before brushing.

This waiting period allows the enamel to remineralize and regain its strength, minimizing the risk of abrasion and ensuring effective cleaning.

Consider Alternative Hot Beverages

If you’re exploring beverage options that are gentler on braces, green tea or white tea can be excellent alternatives.

These teas offer a milder flavor profile and may have less staining potential compared to coffee, providing a comforting hot drink option without compromising your orthodontic care.

Drinks To Avoid When You Have Braces

When you have braces, it’s crucial to be mindful of your beverage choices to prevent potential damage, staining, or discomfort.

Here are some main drinks to avoid:

Soda and Carbonated Drinks

These beverages are high in sugar and can cause plaque buildup around braces.

The carbonation can also erode the enamel and discolor teeth.

Sports Drinks

While they might seem like a healthier option, many sports drinks are acidic and sugary, posing risks to both enamel health and potential staining.

Coffee and Dark Teas

These beverages are known for their staining properties due to compounds like tannins.

Additionally, the acidity in coffee can weaken the enamel over time.

Citrus Juices

Orange juice, lemonade, and other citrus-based drinks are highly acidic and can erode the enamel, making teeth more susceptible to staining and decay.

Alcoholic Beverages

Drinks like wine, especially red wine, can stain the brackets and teeth.

The acidity in some alcoholic beverages can also compromise enamel integrity.

Iced Drinks with Added Color

Iced teas, coffees, or other beverages with added colorants can stain the brackets and elastics of braces.

What Can I Drink With Braces?

When you have braces, it’s important to choose beverages that are safe for your teeth and braces.

Here are some drinks you can have with braces:

  1. Water: The optimal choice for hydration and promoting oral health.
  2. Milk: Beneficial for fortifying teeth and supporting bone health.
  3. Unsweetened Tea: Typically a safe option with braces.
  4. 100% Fruit Juice: Best consumed during meals to minimize sugar exposure.
  5. Low-Sugar Beverages: Opt for drinks with minimal sugar content to preserve dental health.

7 Tips To Avoid Braces Discomfort

Here are some tips to help minimize discomfort associated with braces:

  1. Orthodontic Wax: Use orthodontic wax to cover any brackets or wires that are causing irritation or poking. This can provide a smooth surface and reduce friction against the inside of your cheeks or lips.
  2. Soft Diet: Initially, after getting braces tightened or adjusted, stick to soft foods that require minimal chewing. This can help alleviate immediate discomfort.
  3. Over-the-counter Pain Relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort. Always consult with your orthodontist or physician before taking any medication.
  4. Cold Compress: Applying a cold compress or ice pack to the outside of your mouth can help numb the area and reduce swelling.
  5. Orthodontic Relief Gel: Some individuals find relief by applying a specially formulated orthodontic relief gel to the affected areas of their mouth.
  6. Follow the Orthodontist’s Recommendations: Ensure you’re following your orthodontist’s guidelines regarding braces care, adjustments, and any provided remedies or tools for discomfort.
  7. Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods: Foods that are sticky or require excessive chewing can exacerbate discomfort by placing additional pressure on the braces. Stick to softer options to minimize irritation.

Can You Drink Tea With Braces?

Yes, you can drink tea with braces, but it’s best to do so in a way that minimizes the risk of staining and damaging your braces.

Here are some tips:

  • Opt for unsweetened tea or use sugar-free alternatives if you crave sweetness.
  • Select green or herbal teas over black tea, as they are generally less staining and may contain polyphenols that combat bacteria on teeth.
  • Prioritize impeccable oral hygiene, ensuring you brush your teeth diligently, especially after tea consumption, to safeguard against staining and protect your braces.


While enjoying coffee with braces is feasible, it’s essential to employ protective measures to mitigate potential staining and damage.

By adopting mindful drinking habits and maintaining diligent oral hygiene, coffee lovers can savor their brew while safeguarding their orthodontic investment.


Can you have hot drinks with braces?
While you can consume hot drinks with braces, it’s advisable to be cautious.

Extreme temperatures can potentially warp or damage the orthodontic components.

If you choose to have hot drinks, allow them to cool slightly before consumption and ensure they aren’t too hot to avoid any harm to your braces.

Is iced coffee OK with braces?
Iced coffee is generally a safer option for those with braces.

However, be mindful of the sugar content and always use a straw to minimize contact with the braces.

Remember, even iced coffee can stain, so it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene.

Can I drink milk coffee with braces?
Milk coffee, especially when unsweetened, can be a more tooth-friendly choice.

The calcium in milk may even offer some protective benefits for your teeth.

However, always rinse your mouth or brush your teeth afterward to prevent any residual milk from lingering and causing potential issues.

What should I do if my braces stain from coffee?
If you notice staining on your braces from coffee, consult with your orthodontist.

They may provide cleaning solutions or recommend adjustments.

Regular dental cleanings and following the provided care instructions can help prevent and address staining.

How often can you drink coffee with braces?
It’s best to limit your coffee intake when wearing braces to reduce the risk of staining and potential damage.

Typically, we recommend around only once per day.

If you can’t resist your caffeine fix, consider incorporating the protective measures outlined earlier and strive for moderation to maintain the health and appearance of your braces.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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