Can You Put Creatine In Coffee? Here’s The Truth

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Ever wondered if your morning coffee can be a perfect companion to your fitness routine?

Well, the answer is yes – you can put creatine in coffee, and this is actually a common practice among athletes looking to enhance their energy levels.

Studies show that when combined with caffeine, creatine may even enhance peak power production and endurance compared to taking creatine alone.

However, there are other considerations than just a simple short answer.

In this post, we’ll explore the benefits and considerations of combining these two powerhouse ingredients.

If you’re a coffee enthusiast looking to enhance your workout performance or a fitness buff seeking creative ways to supplement, we’ve got you covered.

Creatine and Caffeine: A Dynamic Duo for Performance Enhancement

In the realm of fitness supplements, creatine, and caffeine stand out as formidable allies in the pursuit of peak performance.

These two widely embraced ergogenic aids have earned their stripes for significantly enhancing athletic capabilities in distinct ways.

Creatine’s Role: Fueling Cellular Energy Production

At the heart of creatine’s prowess is its ability to fuel the natural production of cellular ATP energy.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) serves as the body’s energy currency, and when engaged in high-intensity activities, such as weightlifting or sprinting, the demand for ATP skyrockets.

Creatine steps in as the key player, facilitating the regeneration of ATP and providing the energy necessary for those extra reps or that final sprint.

Caffeine’s Impact: Boosting Mental Arousal and Focus

On the other end of the spectrum, caffeine operates as a psychostimulatory drug, elevating mental arousal and focus.

This stimulant is renowned for its ability to banish fatigue and enhance cognitive function, making it a go-to choice for individuals looking to kickstart their day or push through challenging workouts.

The synergistic effects of caffeine extend beyond a mere energy boost, as heightened mental focus can contribute to better workout performance and increased training efficiency.

Why Athletes Are Intrigued?

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are particularly intrigued by the combination of creatine and caffeine due to their multifaceted benefits.

Whether it’s the cellular energy boost from creatine or the mental sharpness induced by caffeine, the pairing of these substances has the potential to create a dynamic duo capable of elevating workout experiences and optimizing the journey toward health and fitness goals.

How Does Creatine Work?

Creatine operates as a naturally occurring compound vital for supplying energy to muscles and supporting cognitive functions.

Its mechanism involves increasing phosphocreatine (PCr) levels in muscles.

Creatine kinase utilizes PCr to regenerate Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the essential molecule cells utilize for energy.

This process facilitates the production of additional ATP energy, fueling muscles during high-intensity exercises, resulting in enhanced exercise performance and accelerated muscle growth.

Moreover, creatine’s influence extends to the myogenic process, where it can impact the secretion of myokines and the expression of myogenic regulatory factors.

This intricate involvement contributes to heightened satellite cell mitotic activities and their subsequent differentiation into myofibers, fostering muscle development and repair.

While creatine supplementation is generally considered safe, caution is advised, especially regarding dosage.

High doses may pose potential risks, such as kidney damage and liver dysfunction.

Therefore, it is prudent to incorporate dietary supplements under the guidance of a knowledgeable healthcare provider to ensure optimal and safe utilization.

Benefits Of Creatine

When used as a supplement, Creatine offers a range of benefits for athletes that require quick bursts of speed or enhanced muscle strength, including sprinters, weightlifters, and team sports enthusiasts.

Scientifically studied for over two centuries, creatine has demonstrated its efficacy in improving high-intensity exercise performance, fostering an increase in muscle mass, and supporting cognitive functions.

These combined benefits make creatine widely regarded as one of the safest and most well-researched supplements available.

How Does Caffeine Work?

Caffeine exerts its influence on the body through its stimulant properties, eliciting various effects.

Upon consumption, the body absorbs caffeine, prompting stimulation of the central nervous system.

This stimulation results in heightened mental alertness, increased physical energy, and an elevated heart rate.

Typically, these effects manifest within 5 to 30 minutes post-consumption and can persist for up to 12 hours.

However, it’s crucial to be mindful of the potential downsides associated with excessive caffeine intake.

Signs of such intake may include heightened body temperature, frequent urination, dehydration, dizziness, headaches, rapid heartbeat, restlessness, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping.

Furthermore, caffeine can impact digestion by stimulating gastric acid secretion and increasing gut motility, potentially leading to loose stools or diarrhea.

Balancing caffeine consumption is key to harnessing its benefits without experiencing adverse effects.

Benefits Of Caffeine

Moderate consumption of caffeine presents a myriad of health benefits.

Caffeine has the potential to enhance mood, reduce the risk of depression, stimulate brain function, and act as a protective factor against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Additionally, it can elevate physical strength, endurance, and alertness, potentially enhancing sports performance, especially in endurance exercises.

Caffeine’s effects also extend to weight management, as it may aid in weight loss or prevent weight gain by suppressing appetite, promoting thermogenesis, and increasing fat-burning.

These represent only a few of the diverse benefits that caffeine brings to the table when used in moderation.

What Are The Benefits Of Mixing Creatine And Coffee?

Blending creatine with coffee yields numerous benefits, particularly in the realm of physical performance.

Both creatine and caffeine are acknowledged as safe and effective performance enhancers.

Research indicates that the amalgamation of creatine and caffeine may amplify power during high-intensity interval training (HIIT), enhance strength, improve endurance, and mitigate fatigue.

Furthermore, this combination has demonstrated its effectiveness in augmenting muscle building, strength, and performance across power-based activities, sprinting, and high-intensity sports.

Notably, caffeine does not compromise creatine’s ability to enhance muscle phosphocreatine storage.

This makes the joint supplementation of creatine and caffeine an appealing prospect for athletes and recreational exercisers seeking a holistic performance boost.

The combination of creatine and coffee has gained popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts, offering advantages such as heightened alertness, enhanced focus, and added convenience.

The synergy of these two performance boosters opens up a realm of potential benefits for those looking to optimize their physical capabilities.

Are There Downsides To Putting Creatine In Coffee?

There are potential drawbacks to incorporating creatine into coffee.

While the combination of caffeine and creatine generally doesn’t adversely affect workouts, it may heighten the likelihood of digestive discomfort and the risk of dehydration.

Furthermore, caffeine and creatine exert opposing influences on muscle relaxation and water retention, which might potentially diminish the efficacy of creatine when consumed alongside caffeine.

It’s essential to note that there is limited evidence suggesting that caffeine negates the benefits of creatine.

In fact, some studies propose that caffeine might enhance peak power production and endurance when compared to using creatine alone.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that caffeine’s diuretic effects could lead to increased urine production, potentially causing more frequent urination.

This, in turn, might interfere with the absorption and utilization of creatine in the body.

Consequently, ensuring proper hydration by consuming additional water throughout the day is advisable if you choose to mix creatine with coffee.

In summary, it’s prudent to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing creatine or caffeine into your dietary routine to address individual considerations and potential interactions.

Can You Put Creatine in Hot Coffee?

Certainly, incorporating creatine into hot coffee is not only acceptable but can be a convenient and effective method.

Creatine dissolves more readily in hot beverages, such as coffee or tea, compared to cold drinks.

Remarkably, the acidity of coffee doesn’t compromise creatine’s stability or efficacy.

It’s worth noting that while creatine and hot coffee can make a great blend, some individuals may encounter digestive discomfort when combining caffeine with creatine intake.

To mitigate any potential issues, it’s advisable to maintain proper hydration throughout the day when opting for this combination.

As a precaution, avoid using boiling or excessively hot temperatures, as prolonged exposure to high heat may have the potential to degrade creatine over time.

Should I Use Creatine With Decaf Coffee?

Using creatine with decaffeinated coffee is a viable option.

Decaffeinated coffee contains only a fraction of the caffeine found in regular coffee, significantly lowering the risk of dehydration or sleep disruption.

However, while decaf coffee has been associated with potential health benefits, it may not impart the same effects on mood, reaction time, memory, mental function, metabolic rate, fat burning, and athletic performance as its caffeinated counterpart.

What Can You Mix Creatine With?

Creatine, a versatile supplement, can be mixed with various liquids and foods to amplify muscle growth and athletic performance.

Here are some options for combining creatine:

  1. Water: The most straightforward method, mixing creatine with water is convenient and recommended for optimal absorption.
  2. Juice: Adding creatine to fresh, unsweetened juice provides a flavorful and nutritious alternative.
  3. Milk: Creatine blends well with milk, offering an additional protein boost and a pleasant taste.
  4. Smoothies: Conceal the taste of creatine by incorporating it into a smoothie with fruits and other ingredients.
  5. Oatmeal: Mask the chalky taste of creatine by mixing it with oatmeal, creating a pre-workout meal to fuel your training session.
  6. Protein Shakes: Enhance your protein shake with creatine, whether mixed with water or milk, for added protein and flavor.
  7. Pre-workout Supplements: Combine creatine with pre-workout supplements, such as BCAAs, to maximize muscle-building potential.
  8. Caffeine: Despite mixed research on their interaction, combining creatine with caffeine is considered safe by some experts and may even improve performance.

What Should Creatine Not Be Mixed With?

While creatine is typically safe and well-tolerated, there are specific combinations that are advisable to avoid.

It’s recommended not to mix creatine with alcohol or energy drinks, as this pairing may lead to undesirable side effects, primarily centered around dehydration.

Both creatine and alcohol act as diuretics, potentially intensifying the risk of dehydration and compromising creatine’s efficacy in enhancing muscle strength.

Therefore, steering clear of combining creatine with alcohol or energy drinks is prudent to ensure optimal results and minimize potential drawbacks.

However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or supplement regimen.

When Is The Best Time To Creatine And Caffeine?

The most advantageous time is in proximity to your workout—either shortly before or after exercising.

Around 30 to 60 minutes beforehand can elevate your exercise performance.

This timing is believed to maximize its effectiveness in boosting strength and muscle mass.

Even on days without exercise, incorporating creatine is recommended to uphold optimal recovery and sustained results.

Another point to note with regard to caffeine is that the sweet spot for consumption is mid-to-late morning to optimize daytime performance.

However, it’s crucial to steer clear of consuming caffeine immediately upon waking and right before bedtime to ensure a balanced and restful sleep schedule.

How Much Creatine Should You Mix With Caffeine?

The daily recommended intake of caffeine is 400 milligrams (mg), which is equivalent to about four cups of coffee, each containing an average of 95 mg.

The recommended amount of creatine to add to caffeine varies, but a common practice is to include around 3 to 5 grams of creatine per day.

This can be easily mixed into your coffee or other caffeinated beverages.

It’s important to note that individual responses to creatine can differ, so starting with a lower dose and gradually adjusting based on personal tolerance and goals is advisable.

Additionally, ensuring proper hydration by drinking adequate water throughout the day is essential when combining creatine with caffeine.


Putting creatine in coffee is a viable option that many athletes and fitness enthusiasts embrace for its potential benefits.

While the combination has some considerations, such as potential digestive discomfort and dehydration risks, the overall consensus suggests that creatine and caffeine can complement each other effectively.

The choice to mix them should be approached mindfully, and consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable to ensure a tailored and balanced approach to performance enhancement.

Ultimately, the combination of creatine and coffee is a popular choice for those seeking a convenient and potentially synergistic boost in their fitness journey.


Does creatine affect sleep?

Creatine is renowned for enhancing physical performance but also exhibits effects on sleep.

Studies suggest that creatine supplementation could potentially mitigate the consequences of sleep deprivation, contributing to a reduction in cognitive decline and an improvement in mood state.

Some research indicates that creatine may influence sleep patterns, potentially reducing the required amount of sleep to feel rested.

However, it’s important to note that the impact of creatine on sleep can vary, influenced by factors such as dosage and individual response.

Can you mix creatine with Coke?

While technically possible, it’s not recommended.

Carbonated drinks like Coke may cause discomfort, and the acidic nature of soda might not be optimal for creatine absorption.

Can I take creatine on an empty stomach?

Certainly, you can take creatine on an empty stomach.

Although some individuals opt to take creatine with food to minimize potential side effects like gastrointestinal distress and cramping, taking it on an empty stomach is generally safe and often recommended by healthcare professionals due to faster absorption.

However, for those with sensitive stomachs, taking creatine without food may result in discomfort or nausea.

In such cases, it’s advisable to consume a small amount of food, like a slice of toast, rather than a full meal.

Is creatine better pre or post-workout?

Both pre and post-workout are effective.

The key is consistency in daily intake.

Some prefer pre-workout for immediate energy, while others choose post-workout for recovery.

Does creatine have side effects?

Generally safe, but high doses may lead to potential side effects like kidney damage and liver dysfunction.

Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Did Arnold Schwarzenegger use caffeine?

Indeed, Arnold Schwarzenegger used to incorporate caffeine into his regimen.

He considers caffeine a potent method to enhance workout performance and has articulated the advantages of its consumption in diverse forms, such as black coffee and pre-workout supplements.

Schwarzenegger recommends a caffeine intake ranging from 100 to 300 mg, equivalent to 1-3 cups of coffee.

Additionally, he suggests consuming caffeine approximately 30 to 60 minutes before a workout to alleviate fatigue and enhance focus and mood.

How much water should I drink with creatine?

When incorporating creatine into your routine, it’s advisable to increase water intake to guarantee proper hydration and optimize the benefits of the supplement.

A general recommendation is to consume a minimum of 8 ounces of water with each 3- to 5-gram dose of creatine.

Aim for a daily water intake of 3 to 4 liters (approximately 13 to 17 cups) while supplementing with creatine.

This extra water is crucial as creatine facilitates water movement into muscle tissue, and maintaining adequate hydration is vital to support this process and ensure sufficient water availability for other bodily functions.

Does creatine give you energy?

Yes, creatine provides an energy boost.

Functioning as a natural energy source, creatine plays a crucial role in enabling skeletal muscles to generate a consistent supply of energy, particularly during physical activity.

Its mechanism involves elevating the backup supply of creatine within muscles, facilitating the production of more adenosine triphosphate (ATP) over an extended duration.

This, in turn, delivers an enhanced energy surge and contributes to improved athletic performance.

Scientifically, creatine supplements have demonstrated their efficacy in augmenting muscle energy stores, enhancing high-intensity exercise performance, and mitigating fatigue and tiredness.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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