What Coffee Is Made From Poop? The Full Story

Ever wondered about the unusual origins of your favorite morning brew?

In the world of coffee aficionados, there’s a unique and somewhat controversial variety known as kopi luwak, also called civet coffee.

But what sets this brew apart from your typical cup of joe? The answer lies in an unexpected source—poop.

Yes, you read that right!

Let’s explore the curious phenomenon of coffee made from poop and unravel the intriguing story behind civet coffee production.

So What Exactly Is Kopi Luwak?

Kopi Luwak, also known as civet coffee, is a unique type of coffee originating from Indonesia.

This coffee is made from partially digested coffee cherries that have passed through the digestive system of the Asian palm civet, a mammal found in the region.

The roots of kopi luwak are intertwined with the history of coffee production in Indonesia, where Dutch colonialists established plantations and introduced coffee beans from Yemen.

The 19th century witnessed a fascinating turn of events as farmers in central Java began brewing and consuming coffee made from beans collected from civet cat excrement on their plantations.

In Western regions, this coffee is aptly labeled as civet coffee, and it has gained a rather colloquial nickname—cat poop coffee.

Despite its unconventional production process, kopi luwak comes in various types, with Arabica coffee made from excreted Arabica beans being a popular choice.

However, it’s essential to note that the wider coffee industry often views kopi luwak as more of a novelty than a serious coffee choice.

The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) even remarks that there’s a “general consensus within the industry…it just tastes bad.”

Despite its controversial reputation, the diversity in civet coffee types adds an intriguing layer to the world of coffee connoisseurship.

What Makes Kopi Luwak Unique?

What makes Kopi Luwak so unique is its distinctive and costly production process.

This unique coffee is crafted from coffee cherries that have undergone partial digestion in the digestive system of the Asian palm civet.

The digestive enzymes and gastric juices of the civet contribute to altering the amino acid composition and influencing the coffee’s aroma.

Moreover, the civet cats are exclusively provided with the ripest coffee cherries, enhancing the quality of the resulting coffee.

Following this unusual digestive journey, the beans are then collected after being excreted, undergoing a meticulous cleaning and roasting process before reaching a state suitable for consumption by coffee enthusiasts.

What Does Kopi Luwak Coffee Taste Like?

Contrary to its unique production process, civet coffee has a distinct flavor that is far from anything associated with its unconventional origins.

Historically believed to surpass the flavor profiles of regular coffee beans, Kopi Luwak is often described as smooth, lacking bitterness, and possessing a complex aroma.

Its taste is renowned for being nutty, rich, and delicious, with undertones of caramel and chocolate enhancing the overall experience.

The flavor profile is further characterized by earthy, musty, and exotic notes, featuring a syrupy consistency and a delightful sweetness that reveals subtle hints of chocolate.

While some enthusiasts may discern jungle undertones, everyday coffee drinkers may find it challenging to identify these subtleties.

To fully appreciate the luxurious flavor of Kopi Luwak, it is recommended to consume it without the addition of sugar, milk, or cream.

Avid coffee drinkers appreciate the absence of a high-acidity aftertaste, which is common in cheaper coffees.

This unique coffee experience also comes with a potential reduction in caffeine content.

However, it’s crucial to note that opinions on the taste of Kopi Luwak vary, with some in the coffee industry dismissing it as a gimmick or novelty item, claiming it tastes “thin” or simply isn’t up to par.

Despite the diversity in opinions, one consistent trait emerges—Kopi Luwak is an easily enjoyable coffee, even for those sensitive to the high-acid content found in regular coffee beans.

How Is Kopi Luwak Actually Made?

Delving into the details, this unique brew is crafted from coffee beans that undergo a distinctive process involving the Asian palm civet, a small mammal native to Southeast Asia.

The journey commences with civets consuming ripe coffee cherries, initiating a transformative process within their digestive systems.

Digestive enzymes and gastric juices work their magic, altering the composition of the beans and leaving an indelible mark on their aroma and flavor.

Subsequently, the beans are meticulously collected from the excrement of the civet, subjected to thorough cleaning, and left to air-dry.

Following the removal of the outer skin, the beans are sorted and stored, awaiting the crucial roasting phase.

The taste of Kopi Luwak is attributed to the fermentation and enzymatic processes occurring during digestion, resulting in a remarkably smooth and distinctive flavor profile.

Although some commercial methods attempt to mimic this digestive journey without the involvement of animals, traditional Kopi Luwak is sourced from wild, free-living civets in their natural habitats.

It’s important to note that ethical concerns surround the treatment of civets in captivity for Kopi Luwak production.

Thus, sourcing this unique coffee from producers committed to ethical and sustainable practices, such as those collecting beans from free-range civets in their natural environments, is highly recommended.

Why Did People Start Consuming Cat Poop Coffee?

The origins of kopi luwak date back to the early 1600s when the Dutch, introduced to coffee in Indonesia, faced challenges meeting the growing demand for prized beans.

Wars and resource depletion prompted the Dutch to impose the Cultuurstelsel, dictating the cultivation of products, including coffee, by the Javanese.

During this period, the Javanese, restricted from keeping some products for themselves, began harvesting coffee beans from civet droppings.

The unique quality of these beans caught the attention of the upper classes, leading to the rise of kopi luwak’s popularity.

While the practice started during the Cultuurstelsel, it wasn’t until the 1990s that kopi luwak gained international recognition.

Why Is Kopi Luwak Coffee So Expensive?

The higher cost of Kopi Luwak coffee stems from its unique production method and restricted availability.

This coffee is crafted from cherries eaten and excreted by the Asian palm civet, a process thought to enhance the beans’ flavor.

After collection, meticulous cleaning, and processing follow, resulting in a coffee with a distinctive taste.

The labor-intensive and time-consuming nature of this process, coupled with limited supply and high demand, contributes to its premium price.

The global market for kopi luwak was valued at $6.5 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to reach $10 billion by 2030, underscoring its widespread popularity.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of Kopi Luwak coffee can vary widely, ranging from $5 to $100 per cup and from $50 to over $600 per pound.

The pricing depends on factors such as whether the coffee is farmed or collected in the wild and the specific source of purchase.

Wild-collected beans, known for their higher quality, can reach prices as high as $1,300 per kilogram.

Typically, bags of civet coffee sourced from wild civets are more expensive due to the time-consuming and labor-intensive process of searching for droppings in their natural habitat, as opposed to obtaining them from caged civets.

How To Prepare Kopi Luwak Coffee?

Here’s a guide on how to prepare this rare and sought-after coffee:


  • Freshly roasted Kopi Luwak coffee beans
  • Clean, filtered water



  1. Grinding the Beans: Start by grinding the Kopi Luwak coffee beans just before brewing. Use a burr grinder set to a medium-coarse consistency to preserve the unique flavors.
  2. Measuring Coffee: The recommended coffee-to-water ratio is usually one to two tablespoons of coffee for every six ounces of water. Adjust according to your taste preferences.
  3. Heating the Water: Bring clean, filtered water to just below boiling point, around 200°F (93°C). The quality of the water is crucial, as it can impact the overall taste of your Kopi Luwak brew.
  4. Brewing Methods:
    • French Press: Add the ground coffee to the French press, pour in the hot water, stir, and let it steep for about four minutes. Press the plunger down slowly to separate the grounds from the liquid.
    • Pour-Over: Place a filter in the pour-over cone, add the coffee grounds, and pour hot water in a slow, circular motion. Allow the coffee to drip through gradually.
    • Espresso: Use a finely ground Kopi Luwak coffee, tamp it down in the portafilter, and brew a shot of espresso.
  5. Savoring the Flavor: Kopi Luwak is known for its smooth, rich taste with hints of nuttiness, chocolate, and caramel. Avoid adding sugar or milk initially to appreciate the unique flavor profile.
  6. Experimentation: Feel free to experiment with different brewing methods and ratios to find the perfect balance that suits your palate. Remember, the key is to enhance, not overpower, the inherent qualities of Kopi Luwak coffee.

Benefits of Kopi Luwak Coffee Beans

Beyond its unique flavor and production process, Kopi Luwak coffee offers several potential health benefits that may enhance your overall well-being.

Here are some key advantages associated with consuming Kopi Luwak:

Improved Digestion and Mental Focus

The caffeine content in Kopi Luwak can contribute to improved digestion and mental focus, offering a natural boost to both your digestive system and cognitive function.

Low Acidity

Kopi Luwak stands out for its remarkably low acidity, making it a gentler option for those who experience stomach issues with other coffee varieties.

The reduced acidity can contribute to a more comfortable coffee-drinking experience.

Rich in Antioxidants

Kopi Luwak contains higher levels of malic acid, citric acid, and inositol compared to other coffee types.

These antioxidants may offer various health benefits, including immune system support and protection against oxidative stress.

Protection for Teeth and Mouth

The caffeine present in Kopi Luwak has the potential to protect teeth and the mouth by inhibiting the growth of bacteria that cause cavities.

This protective quality contributes to better oral health.

Heart Health Benefits

Kopi Luwak may play a role in protecting the heart muscle space from arterial damage, thereby helping prevent heart diseases such as hypertension, blood clots, heart attacks, and heart failure.

Including Kopi Luwak in your coffee choices may contribute to a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Drawbacks of Kopi Luwak Coffee Beans

While Kopi Luwak coffee is celebrated for its unique production process and distinct flavor, there are notable drawbacks associated with its production that raise ethical and industry concerns.

Cruelty to Animals

The production of Kopi Luwak coffee involves caging civet cats, which are naturally solitary and nocturnal creatures.

This captivity can lead to stress, depression, and health problems for the civets due to inadequate nutrition and a lack of exercise.

Moreover, the beans passing through the civet’s digestive system can result in nutritional deficiencies and additional health issues.

Misleading Marketing

A significant concern is the misleading marketing of Kopi Luwak coffee beans.

Some products may be mislabeled as “wild-sourced,” creating a false impression that they come from freely roaming civets.

In reality, many of these beans are produced from captive animals.

This misrepresentation can mislead consumers about the ethical aspects of the coffee they are purchasing.

Negative Impact on the Coffee Industry

The popularity of Kopi Luwak coffee has spawned a range of spin-off products involving other animals, such as coffee beans produced from the feces of elephants, monkeys, and birds.

This trend raises concerns about the mistreatment of animals in the coffee industry, creating a negative impact that extends beyond the production of civet coffee.

Other Types Of Animal Poop Coffee

Apart from Kopi Luwak coffee, which is made from the excrement of the Asian palm civet, there are other types of animal poop coffee in the market:

Black Ivory Coffee

Black Ivory Coffee, also known as elephant dung coffee, is a rare and pricey brew crafted by the Black Ivory Coffee Company in northern Thailand.

Produced from Arabica coffee beans consumed and excreted by Thai elephants in the province of Surin, the beans undergo a natural refinement process influenced by the elephants’ digestive enzymes.

The result is a unique flavor profile with a refined taste. Primarily sold to exclusive five-star hotels, with a small portion available for private consumption, Black Ivory Coffee seeks to provide a luxury product supporting elephant conservation.

The company also contributes a portion of its sales to the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation for funding elephant health care.

Jaku Bird Coffee

Bird Poop Coffee, harvested from the droppings of the Jacu bird native to Brazil, is a unique and expensive coffee variety.

The Jacu bird selectively consumes only the ripest coffee cherries, and after digestion, local villagers collect the undigested coffee beans from its droppings.

The beans are then hand-extracted, washed, and de-husked, resulting in a coffee with a distinctive nutty flavor and sweet aniseed nuances.

Similar to Kopi Luwak, which involves palm civets eating and digesting beans, Jacu bird coffee is among the priciest in the world, selling at around $110 for a mere 4.5 ounces of coffee.

Bat Coffee

Bat coffee, also known as bat spit coffee, is a unique type of coffee made from Arabica coffee cherries licked and partially digested by bats.

The bats, attracted to the sweet content, use their small, sharp teeth to chew on the cherries while leaving their digestive acid on the beans.

This exposure to open air allows the beans to naturally dry and undergo fermentation until harvest.

The harvested cherries are meticulously cleaned and dried to produce a specialty coffee with a sweetened and distinctive flavor.

Despite its high price, bat spit coffee is considered a delicacy, appreciated for the interaction between the bats’ digestive juices and air-dried cherries, enhancing the coffee’s taste.

It’s crucial to differentiate bat spit coffee from bat poop coffee, which is a distinct type made from coffee beans collected from bat droppings.

Monkey Coffee

Monkey coffee, also known as monkey poop coffee or monkey spit coffee, is a distinctive type originating from India and Taiwan.

Instead of using feces, monkeys, including rhesus monkeys and Formosan rock macaques, chew on coffee berries and then spit them out.

The saliva breaks down enzymes in the beans, resulting in a sweet, complex taste with notes of chocolate, citrus, and nuts, and a reduced bitterness level.

Known for its heavy body, pleasant acidity, and limited bitterness, monkey coffee is a rare find due to its labor-intensive production process.

Priced steeply, up to $300 per pound, and brewed like other specialty coffees, it emerged in the early 2000s and is produced in select regions like the Chikmagalur area of India.

The unique production process and limited availability contribute to its rarity and high cost.


In exploring the unconventional realm of coffee made from animal excreta, we’ve ventured beyond the ordinary to discover a diverse array of brews with distinctive flavors and production processes.

From Kopi Luwak to bird poop coffee and beyond, each cup tells a tale of nature’s influence on the coffee beans.

While these exotic coffees have captivated the curiosity and taste buds of enthusiasts, it’s crucial to recognize the ethical considerations and industry practices associated with their production.

As we savor the uniqueness of these brews, let’s also appreciate the need for responsible sourcing and consumption.

The world of coffee is vast and varied, offering an adventure for every palate, and the journey is as enriching as the final sip.


Is Kopi Luwak Clean?

Yes, Kopi Luwak coffee undergoes a thorough cleaning process after the beans are collected from the feces of the Asian palm civet.

The beans are cleaned, washed, and meticulously processed to ensure the final product meets hygiene standards.

What Animal Makes Kopi Luwak?

Kopi Luwak is made from coffee cherries that have been eaten and excreted by the Asian palm civet.

The digestive enzymes of the civet play a role in shaping the unique flavor profile of this coffee.

Is Kopi Luwak Coffee Safe to Drink?

Generally, Kopi Luwak coffee is considered safe to drink.

The beans undergo a cleaning and processing phase, and the final product is prepared through standard brewing methods.

However, it’s important to source Kopi Luwak from reputable producers who prioritize ethical and sustainable practices.

Can Muslims Drink Kopi Luwak?

Muslims can drink Kopi Luwak, as it has been declared halal by the Indonesian Ulema Council.

The ruling is based on the process of washing the coffee beans extracted from the faeces of the civet cat (luwak).

The beans are washed and cleaned before being sold, and any impurity that has become attached to them is washed off, making them pure and permissible to use to make coffee. 

Therefore, according to Islamic law, Kopi Luwak is considered halal for consumption.

Can Vegans Drink Kopi Luwak?

Yes, they can but they probably wouldn’t want to.

This is a controversial topic in the vegan community due to concerns about animal cruelty and exploitation.

The production process involves collecting coffee beans from the excretions of the Asian palm civet, a weasel-like animal.

While some argue that collecting waste products found in the wild can be considered in line with veganism, the majority of Kopi Luwak comes from caged wild civets, leading to concerns about animal welfare and exploitation.

The commercial farming process has also been criticized for creating an inferior product compared to wild-sourced Kopi Luwak.

Therefore, due to the animal welfare and exploitation concerns associated with its production, Kopi Luwak is generally not considered suitable for a vegan diet.

Photo of author

Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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