How Many Watts Does a Coffee Maker Use? Surprising Truth

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Ever wondered about the energy appetite of your trusty coffee maker?

In this brief blog post, we unveil the answer to the burning question: ‘How many watts does a coffee maker use?’

The short answer is that an average coffee maker uses around 550-1500 watts.

A small drip coffee maker (4 or 5 cups) typically uses 550 to 900 watts, while a larger model uses 750 to 1200 watts. An Automatic Espresso machine will typically use up to 1500 watts.

Coffee Maker Wattage: From Small Drips to Single-Serves

As mentioned already, the most common coffee maker wattage falls within a range of 550 to 1500 watts, offering a diverse spectrum to suit various brewing needs.

For small drip coffee makers, you can expect energy consumption between 550 to 900 watts, while larger counterparts typically operate at 750 to 1200 watts.

Single-serve coffee makers are a bit more power-hungry, with an average wattage of 1,282, frequently settling at 1,260 watts.

When it comes to 12-cup coffee makers, they generally consume a minimum of 750 watts of electricity.

Keep in mind that these wattage approximations are not absolute, as they can vary depending on the specific model and brand.

For those using coffee makers on the go or with inverters, it is advisable to select an inverter with a wattage capacity at least 20% higher than the coffee maker’s wattage for seamless operation.

Coffee Maker Wattage Usage By Brand

Here are the energy ranges for common coffee maker brands.

Check the user manual to find the wattage of a specific model.

You can usually find the manual on the company’s website.

Coffee Maker BrandWattage
Keurig1500 Watts
12-cup Mr. Coffee900 Watts
Nespresso – VertuoNext1260 Watts
Nespresso – CitiZ1710 Watts
Capresso Steam PRO 4-Cup Coffee Maker800 Watts
De’Longhi Ddecia Espresso Machine1300 Watts

Maximizing Energy Efficiency for Your Coffee Maker

When it comes to saving energy and minimizing the environmental impact of your coffee maker, a few simple steps can make a significant difference.

Since energy efficiency can differ between coffee maker models, opt for those equipped with energy-saving features like automatic shut-off, programmable settings, and lower wattage options.

These features ensure that your coffee maker consumes less power when not actively brewing, leading to reduced energy consumption over time.

Moreover, adopting mindful habits can further enhance energy conservation.

Make it a habit to turn off the coffee maker when it’s not in use, avoiding unnecessary power consumption.

Even in standby mode, some coffee makers may continue to draw power, so completely powering down the machine can save additional energy.

How Does The Wattage Of A Coffee Maker Affect Brewing Time?

The wattage of a coffee maker plays a pivotal role in determining its brewing time, with higher-wattage models boasting quicker brewing capabilities compared to their lower-wattage counterparts.

The reason behind this lies in their ability to expedite the water-heating process and sustain a higher temperature throughout the brewing journey.

Coffee makers with higher wattage ratings can rapidly heat the water to the ideal brewing temperature, expediting the extraction of flavors and aromatic compounds from the coffee grounds.

Consequently, the brewing process is notably swifter, ensuring that your beloved cup of joe is ready to indulge in without prolonged waits.

In contrast, lower-wattage coffee makers may take a bit longer to heat the water to the optimal temperature, subsequently elongating the brewing time.

While this may suit some coffee enthusiasts who prefer a more leisurely brewing experience, others may prefer the time-saving convenience offered by higher-wattage machines.

Can I Make Coffee Without Electricity?

Yes, it is possible to make coffee without using electricity.

Here are some tried-and-true methods for making coffee without electricity:

1. Fire

Embrace the rustic charm of “cowboy coffee” by boiling water over a fire and adding coffee grounds directly to it.

It’s a simple yet effective way to brew a robust cup in the great outdoors.

2. French Press

Utilize a classic French press by heating water over a fire or on a stove, then adding coffee grounds to the press.

After steeping for a few minutes, press the plunger down to separate the grounds, yielding a rich and full-bodied coffee.

3. Percolator

Revisit traditional brewing with a percolator—a coffee pot that uses gravity to cycle boiling water through coffee grounds.

Heat water over a fire or stove, place coffee grounds in the percolator basket and set it on top of the pot.

As the water boils, it will flow through the grounds and into the pot, producing a flavorsome brew.

4. AeroPress

The compact AeroPress offers a portable solution, ideal for travelers.

Load finely ground coffee into the AeroPress, pour hot water over it, and then press the plunger down to extract a smooth and bold espresso-like coffee.

5. Cold Brew

If you prefer a more refreshing beverage, then a cold brew is a great option for you.

Simply mix coffee grounds and cold water in a jar or pitcher, allow it to steep for 12-24 hours in a cool spot, and then strain to remove the grounds.

Serve the cold brew over ice for a delightful chilled coffee experience.


Understanding the wattage of your coffee maker is essential for optimizing energy consumption and ensuring an efficient brewing experience.

From small drip machines to single-serve wonders, the wattage varies across models, influencing brewing time and electricity usage.

By selecting energy-saving features and mindful habits, you can further enhance your coffee maker’s eco-friendliness.

So, go ahead and brew your favorite blend, knowing that you’re making a delicious cup of coffee with just the right amount of energy!


Will a 1000-watt inverter run a coffee maker?

Yes, a 1000-watt inverter should generally be adequate to power most standard coffee makers.

However, if you own a coffee maker with higher power demands, like an espresso machine, you might require a more robust inverter.

To ensure compatibility, it’s advisable to verify the power requirements of your specific coffee maker, typically available in the owner’s manual or on the machine’s label.

Will a 2000w inverter run a coffee machine?

Yes, a 2000-watt inverter should be sufficient to run almost any coffee machine, including higher-end espresso machines.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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