French Press vs. Keurig: Which Method Is Better?

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When it comes to making coffee, the French press vs. Keurig debate has been around for years.

In short, Choose a French Press if you enjoy a more hands-on coffee brewing experience, and prefer customizing the strength and flavor of your coffee.

If you value convenience, quick brewing, and a wide variety of pre-packaged coffee flavors without the need for manual control then go for a Keurig

The key distinctions between the French press and Keurig will be covered in this blog post to help you decide the preferred method for brewing coffee.

While both approaches have advantages and disadvantages, you must consider the type of coffee you prefer before deciding which one to go with.

So, if you’re wondering which way is better for making your morning cup of joe, keep reading to find out which one is right for you!

AspectFrench Press Coffee MakerKeurig Coffee Maker
Brewing MethodImmersionDrip
Brew TimeLonger (4-5 minutes)Short (Less than a minute per cup)
Coffee GroundsCoarsePre-packaged pods
Control over StrengthYesLimited (based on pod size)
CapacityTypically 1-4 cupsVaries (single cup to large carafe)
Brewing QuantityManual controlAutomatic control
Customization OptionsUnlimitedLimited (pre-set pod flavors)
Cleaning ComplexityMore involvedEasy (removable parts and self-cleaning)
Eco-FriendlyYesDepends on pod disposal
Cost per CupLower (using ground coffee)Higher (pods are expensive)

French Press Overview


A French press is a simple and popular way to make coffee.

It consists of a cylindrical pot with a plunger and built-in filter screen, which is used to press hot water through ground coffee, producing a rich and flavorful cup of joe.

This manual brewing method allows you to measure your own ingredients and control the strength of the coffee.

All that is required is to add the coffee grounds to the pot, pour in the hot water, leave the mixture to steep for several minutes, and then press down the plunger to separate the grounds from the liquid, leaving a delicious cup of coffee.

It is easy to use and an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy the full flavor of freshly brewed coffee.

When To Use A French Press For Making Coffee?

Using a French press to make coffee instead of a Keurig is an excellent choice for those looking for an economically and environmentally friendly way to enjoy a cup of coffee.

French presses are incredibly easy to use, making them an ideal choice for those who want the ease of a Keurig without the guilt of using single-use pods.

French presses also have the advantage of producing better quality coffee than a Keurig, and they use a reusable metal strainer, meaning virtually no waste. 

They also provide more brew control and the potential to make higher quality coffee than a Keurig.

A kettle or pot is required for a French press to boil water.

This is because the French press uses an ancient method of “immersion brewing” that involves mixing hot or boiling water with coarse coffee grounds and letting it sit, and then straining the grounds out of the finished product.

Therefore, the French press will need an external heat source to make coffee.

However, boilers and kettles are relatively inexpensive, making this a small additional cost for the convenience of making full-flavor coffee from the comfort of your own home.

How To Make An Effective French Press Coffee

Making an effective French press coffee is a simple process that yields a delicious cup of coffee. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Measure out the 1/2 cup coffee beans and grind them to a coarse consistency.
  2. Place the ground coffee into the French press beaker and add boiling water.
  3. Allow the coffee to steep for 3–4 minutes by carefully inserting the plunger into the pot, pausing just above the water, and ground coffee.
  4. Follow a 1:15 ratio of coffee to water when making your French press coffee.
  5. Pour the hot water evenly over the grounds and stir to ensure all the grounds are immersed.
  6. Put the lid onto the French press and allow it to steep for 4 minutes.
  7. Slowly press the plunger until all the coffee grinds are at the bottom of the pot.
  8. Serve and enjoy!


  • Produces a rich, flavorful cup of coffee
  • Easy to use and requires minimal equipment
  • Gives you increased control over the desired outcome
  • Can make a few cups of coffee at one
  • An affordable alternative to having an electric coffee maker
  • Easy to clean with minimal maintenance


  • No inbuilt boiler system, so you’ll need an external source to boil the water
  • It can take some trial and error to get better at brewing due to the manual nature

Keurig Coffee Maker Overview


Keurig is a leading coffee maker brand founded by John Sylvan and Peter Dragone in 1992.

It is renowned for its innovative single-serve brewers that simplify the coffee brewing process.

The brand offers a wide range of highly-rated K-Cup coffee makers from Brim and Keurig, as well as its signature single-serve machines. 

The Keurig K-Elite is the best K-cup coffee machine on the market, with its custom user interface, speed, and great flavor.

Its K-Supreme Plus Smart coffee maker is equipped with smart technology called BrewID, which recognizes the K-Cup pod.

It also offers a variety of K-Cup pods and single-serve coffee makers at competitive prices. With Keurig, you can enjoy a cup of delicious coffee without compromising on convenience.

Keurig coffee machines are a popular and convenient way to make a quick cup of coffee.

Every Keurig model features a water reservoir that stores large amounts of water, allowing you to press a button to brew.

To make a cup of coffee, insert a K-Cup pod, which houses the ground coffee for a single serving.

The machine then punctures a hole through the foil and sends hot water down through the K-Cup into the cup.

As the hot water is forced through the K-Cup, it mixes with the ground coffee, creating a delicious cup of freshly brewed coffee in minutes. 

When To Use A Keurig For Making Coffee?

Keurig machines are toned-down versions of the standard drip coffee machine, but they offer much more convenience and practicality than the traditional drip coffee machine.

While Keurig machines won’t create as flavorful a cup of coffee as a French press, they are great for convenience and ease of use.

A Keurig machine is much easier to use than a drip coffee machine, which requires someone to measure the right amount of coffee grounds, heat the water, and wait for the coffee to brew.

Just insert a K-cup containing a single serving of pre-measured coffee grounds, and the machine will do the rest.

Additionally, many Keurig machines can be set to brew on timers, making it even easier to get a quick cup of coffee.

One of the main disadvantages of using a Keurig coffee maker compared to a French press is that it is much less flavorful.

The K-cups used in these machines are pre-filled with grounds, so you don’t have the same control over your taste when using a French press.

Additionally, you can only make one cup of coffee at a time with a Keurig machine, which makes it challenging to serve a crowd.

Finally, Keurigs are much more expensive than French presses and require more maintenance and cleaning.

Keurig coffee makers are known for their convenience and ease of use, but their reliance on plastic K-Cups can be problematic.

These single-use cups contain a single serving of coffee grounds; when they are finished, the disposable plastic containers are discarded.

This means Keurig coffee makers can produce a large amount of waste if not used responsibly.

Many companies are introducing more sustainable K-Cup alternatives, such as biodegradable and compostable cups, but these are yet to be widely available.

All in all, Keurig machines offer a convenient option for quickly making a single cup of coffee.

These machines are designed for convenience with heated water and a single-serve K-cup built-in.

They are also easy to use, and some models can even be set to brew on a timer.

How To Make Delicious Coffee Using A Keurig Machine

Here are a few simple steps to making a delicious cup of coffee with your Keurig machine:

  1. Fill the reservoir of the Keurig machine with cold water and press the power button to start heating it.
  2. Lift the handle, insert a coffee pod into the machine, and lower the handle.
  3. Brew your coffee according to the instructions on the pod.
  4. Take out the pod and discard it.
  5. To enhance the flavor of your coffee, add spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom to the grounds before brewing.
  6. For a stronger cup of coffee, use a finer grind and adjust the brewing temperature to between 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. Keep your Keurig machine clean by regularly running vinegar through a brew cycle to remove any built-up residue.


  • Excellent for making a single cup at a time
  • Expediency and convenience 
  • Keurig Coffee machines are simple to use
  • Can be set to brew on timers
  • Offers a variety of coffee flavors and brands
  • Some models are programmable


  • More expensive than French presses
  • Only able to make one cup at a time
  • No control over the taste of the coffee
  • Doesn’t produce very flavorful coffee
  • K-cups are not recyclable

French Press vs. Keurig: Coffee Taste

Regarding quality and flavor, French press coffee is the clear winner.

French press coffee is made by steeping coffee grounds in hot water for several minutes, resulting in a bold and full-flavored cup of coffee.

The coffee grounds are then strained out, leaving behind a delicious, flavorful cup of coffee.

French press coffee can also be adjusted to suit personal taste preferences, making it an excellent choice for those looking for a customized cup of coffee.

On the other hand, Keurig machines use K-cups that contain pre-ground and pre-measured coffee, which results in a weaker, less flavorful cup of coffee.

This makes Keurig machines better suited for those looking for convenience and speed rather than quality and flavor.

French Press vs. Keurig: Volume

The French press can make three or four cups of coffee at once, making it ideal for small gatherings or entertaining guests.

Some are even larger and can make up to eight. In contrast, the Keurig machine is limited to making one cup at a time and cannot be used to make multiple cups quickly.

However, the convenience of a Keurig machine for a single cup of coffee still makes it a popular choice due to its ease of use and minimal cleanup. 

The French press requires more time for brewing than a Keurig machine.

With the French press, you must first boil water, add the coffee grounds to the water, and then let it sit for a few minutes before pressing the plunger down to get your coffee.

The entire process usually takes around five minutes.

On the other hand, Keurig machines take only a few minutes to make coffee as they are designed to heat up quickly and feed coffee grounds into hot water.

Therefore, Keurig machines are great for those with limited time and who need their coffee quickly.

So really, they have their pros and cons here, as the French Press allows you to make 3 to 8 cups of coffee at a time but with a longer wait time.

At the same time, A Keurig only allows you one cup at a time, but much quicker than the French press.

We can’t pick a winner in this section. This comes down to your preference. 

French Press vs. Keurig: Convenience

When it comes to convenience, Keurig takes the cake.

These machines are practical and convenient, as serving size and heated water are built-in for you.

You place the K-cup into the machine, press a button, and you’re done. The coffee is made in seconds, and there’s no need to measure out the coffee grounds or clean up afterward.

You can also set up a timer to brew your coffee automatically.

On the other hand, a French press requires you to boil water externally and pay attention while brewing.

The process can be messy and time-consuming.

While it can make several cups at once, it can’t do it nearly as quickly as the Keurig.

In terms of convenience, Keurig is the winner. 

French Press vs. Keurig: Brewing Method

The French press is a hand-operated method in which hot water is poured over coarsely ground coffee before being pressed through a filter.

This method produces a strong and flavorful cup of coffee with a thick texture due to the oils from the beans that remain in the cup.

On the other hand, Keurig works by inserting a K-cup capsule filled with pre-ground coffee into the machine.

The K-cup is then pierced, and the hot water passes through the grounds and flows into a cup.

This method produces a milder cup of coffee with a flavor more akin to what you would get from a traditional drip machine.

Both ways can make delicious cups of coffee, depending on the individual’s taste preferences.

However, the brewing method on the Keurig is far easier and less involved than the French Press, which requires a degree of supervision to ensure that the coffee doesn’t become too bitter.

However, The french press allows you greater control over the brewing process, so keep that in mind.

French Press vs. Keurig: Reliability

The French press is a manual process requiring more time and attention, but it can produce a full-bodied cup of coffee with more flavor and complexity than the Keurig.

The Keurig is a more automated process that is far easier and quicker to use, but it tends to make a weaker cup of coffee that lacks the complexity of the French press. 

The French press and Keurig machines are both reliable methods of brewing coffee.

The French press is a manual device that requires no electricity and has no moving parts, making it a very dependable coffee maker that is easy to use and maintain.

The Keurig machine is a higher-tech device with more features and settings, offering reduced control over the brewing process.

It is powered by electricity, so it may require more maintenance than a French press, but overall it is a reliable machine that produces consistent coffee.

So this is a question of quality vs. quantity. Do you prefer quick and reliable or slower and tastier?

French Press vs. Keurig: Value For Money

For those wanting the convenience of a Keurig, these machines come with various K-cup options that can be used for multiple hot drinks.

It can save time and money in the long run because you can buy in bulk and make different drinks with the same machine.

For those who prefer a richer, fuller-flavored coffee, a French press allows you to extract the most flavor out of your coffee grounds.

You can purchase pre-ground coffee or grind your beans, and decide how strong or weak you want your coffee.

The French press is generally seen as the more economical option when compared to the Keurig, as it requires no additional filters or K-Cups.

All that is needed is good quality coffee beans, which will produce a much tastier and higher quality coffee than the Keurig.

Therefore, the French press is the clear winner if you’re looking for value for money.

French Press vs. Keurig: Sustainability

Regarding sustainability and eco-friendliness, the French press has a clear advantage over Keurig.

French presses require no additional energy, and all parts are made from natural, compostable materials.

The only thing needed for a French Press is good coffee beans.

Along with this, it’s a simple non-complicated device that usually lasts longer than a Keurig coffee maker.

In contrast, Keurig machines require electricity to work, and its K-Cup pods are made from plastic, which is not biodegradable or compostable.

Moreover, K-Cups contain several non-biodegradable components, such as aluminum foil and plastic lids.

Thus, the French press is a more sustainable and eco-friendly option compared to Keurig.

Coffee makers also tend to have a shorter lifespan since they are made from electrical components that typically get worn and can become faulty over time. 

So in terms of sustainability, French Press is the clear winner. 

French Press vs. Keurig: The Verdict


The French Press and Keurig are both great options for making coffee.

The Keurig is the clear winner if you’re looking for a quick cup of coffee. It’s convenient, fast, and produces consistent results. 


The French press, on the other hand, is ideal for those who want to take their time crafting the perfect cup.

The ritual of pouring water into the pot and watching as the grounds steep can be incredibly satisfying.

Which strategy suits you and your lifestyle the best is ultimately up to you.


When choosing between a French press and Keurig, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

The French press offers a unique flavor and a more hands-on brewing experience, while the Keurig is straightforward to use and convenient for those on the go.

Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference.

A French press may be better if you want a full-bodied cup of coffee with an intense flavor.

A Keurig could be the better option if you are considering convenience.

Whatever method you choose, the most important thing is that you enjoy your favorite cup of coffee.


How Long Should You Steep Coffee In A French Press?

Brewing a cup of coffee in a French press is relatively simple.

To make a good cup, it is recommended to add the coffee grounds to the bottom of the pot, pour in hot water, and let it steep for 3-4 minutes.

To optimize your flavor results, leave the coffee to steep for 4 minutes.

This will produce a robust and full-flavored brew.

If you want to make adjustments as you learn, you can use a coarser grind size and a longer steep time of up to five minutes.

Once the steep time is up, press the plunger down and enjoy your freshly brewed coffee.

Does A French Press Make Better Coffee Than A Keurig?

The French Press technique produces a higher-quality flavor than the Keurig method.

This is because it extracts more of the strongest flavor compounds from the coffee grounds, giving a richer, fuller flavor.

It is economically and environmentally friendly, with no need for pre-packaged, single-use capsules.

Additionally, French-press coffee has one-fifth the acidity of drip-brewed coffee and one-ninth the acidity of French-press-brewed coffee, making it easier on the stomach.

However, a Keurig machine offers a consistent brew with no waiting, no steeping, and easy cleanup for those looking for convenience.

How Long Does The Typical Keurig Coffee Maker Last?

With proper maintenance and care, your Keurig coffee maker can last many more years than the average coffee maker.

With everyday use, a Keurig coffee maker should last between three and five years on average.

This is similar to other brands, such as Mr. Coffee and Ninja Coffee Makers.

To ensure that your Keurig will last as long as possible, it is crucial to maintain and clean it regularly.

Additionally, some Keurig models only work with certain capsules or K-cups, so be aware of your type. 

Why Do People Prefer French Press For Making Coffee?

People prefer French press coffee for a variety of reasons:

  1. It is a cultural experience. Europeans enjoy coffee in cafes, taking time to sit and savor it with a pastry.
  2. No paper filter is used in the French press, allowing more of the oils from the coffee bean to make it into the brew and giving it a richer flavor.
  3. The French press maintains the correct temperature throughout the process, ensuring that the coffee is brewed properly.
  4. Users control all possible variables, allowing them to create a cup of coffee according to their tastes.

Is French Press Coffee Healthier Than Using A Keurig Machine?

French press coffee is generally considered healthier than a Keurig machine because it does not use a paper filter.

This means that more of the oils from the coffee bean make their way into the brew, resulting in a richer, more flavorful cup of coffee.

Additionally, French press coffee takes longer to brew and therefore has a higher caffeine content than drip coffee, as it extracts more caffeine from the beans.

Finally, there is no BPA in Keurig coffee pods, so there are no known risks associated.

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Jacob Harris

Jacob is a coffee enthusiast who turned his passion into a career. As the owner and editor of Karma Coffee Cafe, he shares his extensive knowledge and recommendations, captivating fellow coffee lovers.

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